Elite: Game talk

19 Oct 2016, 10:47pm
Two more Jumps
19 Oct 2016, 10:48pm
Sweet. I'm parked in front of the mailslot at Clair.
19 Oct 2016, 10:58pm
> inb4 instancing issues
19 Oct 2016, 11:06pm
@ M-Lehman
That worked well.
Good to have make the hookup.
That's the way the game should work all the time.
Happy trails.....
19 Oct 2016, 11:30pm
Huge public thanks to Whiplash 1983 for the successful meetup!!!!

This is me right now, except cross out coffee and write in Modular Terminals:

Thanks again!!

21 Oct 2016, 6:53am
Well. that is happy. Glad I could help you and put all that collected mission reward surplus to good use rather than dumping it. I just grind BBM's for my faction and MR's just pile up. Always seems such a waste to sell them off for almost nothing.
21 Oct 2016, 11:39am
Last night I docked on Amundsen Terminal, the new outpost into Lagoon Nebula.
Refuel, Restock, Market and Cartographics services are currently online.
23 Oct 2016, 4:42pm
I have looked and can not seem to find where I can keep track of my engineering materials on Inara. Is this possible?
23 Oct 2016, 5:54pm
ElprezI have looked and can not seem to find where I can keep track of my engineering materials on Inara. Is this possible?

Here you go
24 Oct 2016, 5:05am
To the leaders of Iridium Wing I would like to say a MASSIVE thank you, this morning I was successfully escorted in after 3 months in the deep by 4 of your members. I was late to the RZ but they stayed around until I arrived, and the internet gremlins had lots of fun with instancing and disconnections etc, but they were super professional and we always re-gouped and progressed cautiously. I even had a 20 minute disconnection 55km from the destination, and they all hung around until I could log back in and dock though it was 2am for some and VERY early morning for others. NPC's and griefers were swiftly removed from the path, and I felt always safe though we were in Open and the destination was a popular engineers base. An absolutely awesome experience and a great example of the positive ED community. To any explorers out there dreading coming back to the bubble with your HARD won exploration data, I can't recommend these guys highly enough, and to think they kindly do it all for free!!! Once i cure my deep space addiction (laughs maniacally), I will be signing up with them for sure to pay it forward. Thx again. Cheers. o7
24 Oct 2016, 9:36am
morning comms

Can anyone explain in plain english how to get permits for systems like sol and things please??

thanks in advance

24 Oct 2016, 10:10am
Deanobadmanmorning comms

Can anyone explain in plain english how to get permits for systems like sol and things please??

thanks in advance



You need to keep checking the Mission Boards in starports for Navy promotion jobs. Most of these are straightforward delivery jobs, so you can combine them with other trading missions.

You'll need to rank up several times before you receive your permits. I got mine when I reached Warrant Officer, though I think it's supposed to be given at Midshipman.

The missions will appear depending on your reputation with the superpower (Federation or Empire) and apart less frequently the higher up the promotion ladder you go.
24 Oct 2016, 2:26pm
Jemine Caesar
Deanobadmanmorning comms

Can anyone explain in plain english how to get permits for systems like sol and things please??

thanks in advance



You need to keep checking the Mission Boards in starports for Navy promotion jobs. Most of these are straightforward delivery jobs, so you can combine them with other trading missions.

You'll need to rank up several times before you receive your permits. I got mine when I reached Warrant Officer, though I think it's supposed to be given at Midshipman.

The missions will appear depending on your reputation with the superpower (Federation or Empire) and apart less frequently the higher up the promotion ladder you go.

Keep checking the panel on the right pf your cockpit. You'll see your standing with each Superpower. Once the RANK for each one reaches 100% you will need to keep an eye out for Navy Promotion Opportunities.

In order to increase your rank you MUST do missions from factions with the chosen Superpowers logo.
24 Oct 2016, 10:49pm
HEY CMDR's If anyone else who is new is interested in creating an in-game minor faction give me a shout. Im currently scouting out a home. The minior faction will be apart of the empire and we will be responsible for its growth. Once i find the home system im going to come up with the lore for the faction. LOOKING FOR XBOX ONE PLAYERS
25 Oct 2016, 11:54am
ищю с кем политать поболтать

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