Elite: Game talk

10 Jan 2017, 9:20pm
You see the same sort of dialogue from similar wreck sites in the bubble.

It could be aliens, because that seems to be the implication, but who knows. 
11 Jan 2017, 8:58am
Has anyone else encountered this? I went into a Distress Call signal source, and wound up taking on a Capital Class ship that was marked as pirate controlled. While it was fighting another Federal Battle Cruiser. The Pirate Battle Cruiser was the Formidable, the Federal Battle Cruiser was the FNS Formidable. I survived the encounter, even managing to route the pirate Formidable, but... yeah... pirate controlled capital class ships?
11 Jan 2017, 9:08am
got jumped by 5 conda's at my first (and only... for evvva) Distress Call
11 Jan 2017, 9:11am
The Cynical ChefHas anyone else encountered this? I went into a Distress Call signal source, and wound up taking on a Capital Class ship that was marked as pirate controlled. While it was fighting another Federal Battle Cruiser. The Pirate Battle Cruiser was the Formidable, the Federal Battle Cruiser was the FNS Formidable. I survived the encounter, even managing to route the pirate Formidable, but... yeah... pirate controlled capital class ships?

The Thargoids mannnnnnnnn
11 Jan 2017, 9:33am
The Cynical ChefHas anyone else encountered this? I went into a Distress Call signal source, and wound up taking on a Capital Class ship that was marked as pirate controlled. While it was fighting another Federal Battle Cruiser. The Pirate Battle Cruiser was the Formidable, the Federal Battle Cruiser was the FNS Formidable. I survived the encounter, even managing to route the pirate Formidable, but... yeah... pirate controlled capital class ships?

Yep, we had a confirmed sighting of our faction (who some allege are pirates) with a capital
11 Jan 2017, 9:58am
Marra MorganYep, we had a confirmed sighting of our faction (who some allege are pirates) with a capital

Guess i don't need to bump into Thargoids to keep things interesting. I'll hang on to the screenshots and wait and see if rogue capital ships become more of a thing.
11 Jan 2017, 10:16am
I still suspect that this is happening because of a bug which isn't on FDevs priority list.

It''s hardly possible that an independent faction can pile up enough funds to maintain, let alone to build one.
It's also hardly possible that a band of pirates is able to capture a Farragut or Majestic.
11 Jan 2017, 10:17am
I think it's a bit more sinister than a bug. I think it might be that Core Dynamics has been double-dealing. 
11 Jan 2017, 10:24am
Behold Black Omega's Flagship, BOSS Warrior!

11 Jan 2017, 12:02pm
Isaiah EvansonI think it's a bit more sinister than a bug. I think it might be that Core Dynamics has been double-dealing. 

I doubt that. Of course corruption is pretty common in the Federation, but it never took military matters on the light shoulder. Capital ships are essentially weapons capable of mass destruction.

Another thing is the whole chain and operation of logistics, training the crew (a crew of up to 7000 has without doubt very specialized roles) or the infrastructure necessary to maintain these ships. Capital docks rival spacestations in their size.
11 Jan 2017, 12:04pm
Not to mention that there are Imperial 'rogue' capitals as well

I guess the Empire is as corrupt as the Federation, they're just better at hiding it

*cough cough* Patreus and Durius *cough cough*
11 Jan 2017, 12:29pm
And thats why I freelance... and fly with hudson tags... Bounty Hunting
11 Jan 2017, 1:14pm
Rebecca HailNot to mention that there are Imperial 'rogue' capitals as well

I guess the Empire is as corrupt as the Federation, they're just better at hiding it

*cough cough* Patreus and Durius *cough cough*

Been curious about whether or not similar signal source encounters occur with Interdictors. I don't put too much stock in the conflict zones but if there are signal source encounters where Interdictors are fighting each other, I'd love to see screenshots or video of it.

I do think it's possible to run a cap ship with a skeleton crew. It's already based in lore that a single pilot *can* operate ships like the Anaconda (see Elite: Legacy with Hammer and his ship) but probably not to their full potential. Stands to reason that cap ships could be managed on a similar level.
11 Jan 2017, 2:09pm
Isaiah Evanson
Been curious about whether or not similar signal source encounters occur with Interdictors. I don't put too much stock in the conflict zones but if there are signal source encounters where Interdictors are fighting each other, I'd love to see screenshots or video of it.

I do think it's possible to run a cap ship with a skeleton crew. It's already based in lore that a single pilot *can* operate ships like the Anaconda (see Elite: Legacy with Hammer and his ship) but probably not to their full potential. Stands to reason that cap ships could be managed on a similar level.

Well, for the rogue Majestic just look at Marras post above my last. They're definitely there, can't say anything about the frequency they appear at though.

It's probably possible to operate a cap ship with a skeleton crew yes. If that makes military or economic sense is a whole other question. Not operating it at full potential in war would be madness. And that's without paying attention if you can find the key personnel needed even with a skeleton crew to operate a capital class or not. I doubt that the more specialized trainings for a cap ship are taught in independent systems. Federation might be corrupt and greedy, but its military is certainly not dumb enough to not know the value of human ressources. Same for the Empire. On the opposite, I'd make more sense if both superpowers would go to great lengths to keep that knowledge and personnel out of the independent system after their service.

Look at it from another perspective, a capital ship doesn't only put enormous strain on the militaries finances and logistics, it also binds an enormous part of the forces a smaller independent military can muster. Such a ship needs to be escorted at all times as losing it would obviously be a disaster.

The Federation and the Empire who are without doubt the largest and the second largest military force have (according to the Elite Wiki, this might be outdated) a total of 53 capital ships. 30 Farraguts for the Federation and 23 Majestics for the Empire.

The Federation controls over 6300 systems and the Empire over 5300 and together both control two thirds of the known human population (who knows what the Missing are up to ). In light of that it seems hardly possible that even a large faction like Black Omega with ... ten systems or so, I'm not really up to date, sorry Marra ... can scramble enough ressources to maintain, buy or build a capital.
11 Jan 2017, 2:15pm
Is anyone else getting constant "Could not connect to transaction server" connection errors?
Can't play for more than 5 mins before getting booted to title.
This has only been happening to me since the update and was just wondering if anyone else is having this issue?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 Jan 2017, 2:33pm

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