Elite: Game talk

11 Jan 2017, 10:33pm
Rebecca Hail

Cap ships are property of the navy. They're not issued to minor factions, they just fight with the Navy for them when needed.

It doesn't happen often that entire military divisions go rogue, especially not in stable nations + it'd be foolish to assume that there are no security mechanisms in place to prevent that.

One of the lore beacons talks about Gutamaya selling unarmed Majestic cruisers to Sirius Corporation. Gotta make those deals in style, you know?
11 Jan 2017, 10:54pm
M. Lehman
Rebecca Hail

Cap ships are property of the navy. They're not issued to minor factions, they just fight with the Navy for them when needed.

It doesn't happen often that entire military divisions go rogue, especially not in stable nations + it'd be foolish to assume that there are no security mechanisms in place to prevent that.

One of the lore beacons talks about Gutamaya selling unarmed Majestic cruisers to Sirius Corporation. Gotta make those deals in style, you know?

Well, looking at their damage output they're probably more useful without weapons xD
11 Jan 2017, 10:59pm
Rebecca HailWell, looking at their damage output they're probably more useful without weapons xD

*plays sad slow trombone*
11 Jan 2017, 11:52pm
Amar Epsilon
Rebecca HailWell, looking at their damage output they're probably more useful without weapons xD

*plays sad slow trombone*

Hit it Sans! XP
12 Jan 2017, 4:43am
K. GungooseI'm currently 17,000LY away from the bubble (Near SAG A*) and was attacked by an unknown vessel.
I targeted it and it literally said unknown, didn't recognize the shape either (Wasn't thargoids)
Couldn't snap a pic cause it took everything to get the hell out of there! got away with Hull integrity at 12%
It's shape was similar to a tai fighter,- sort of like this= >o<
Anyone have anything similar like this happen to them?

I'm intrigued. Say more, please. What are you flying? How large was it in relative size? Any chance it was a ship-launched fighter? Paint scheme? What sort of weapons? Any other details you recall?

Sorry for your damage. Colonia and Polo Harbour are probably the closest locations to you offering repair services. Good luck.

12 Jan 2017, 2:53pm
They really need to fix the 'transaction servers' since the update, i'm getting constant D/C's
Opened MULTIPLE tickets and keep getting the same automated responce.
Does anyone here know a way around it or am I doomed to end up failing this 45mil credit job due to time constraints?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2017, 2:57pm
12 Jan 2017, 2:59pm
I was having a similar issue right before Horizons came out, and that didn't get fixed until 2.0 hit. The transaction error bug is a harsh mistress.
12 Jan 2017, 4:09pm
This game has become so janky since update :/

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2017, 5:46pm
12 Jan 2017, 5:35pm
K. GungooseThis game has become so janky since update :/

For me, it's the "micro-stuttering" that kills it. It's been there since 2.2 or 2.2.01. Basically, I maintain 40-45fps but when approaching stars, planets and or starports, I experience those short bursts (1 second or less) of dropped framerate to 15-25fps. That makes the game very jerky.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 12 Jan 2017, 5:47pm
12 Jan 2017, 8:19pm
Kantos Kan
K. GungooseThis game has become so janky since update :/

For me, it's the "micro-stuttering" that kills it. It's been there since 2.2 or 2.2.01. Basically, I maintain 40-45fps but when approaching stars, planets and or starports, I experience those short bursts (1 second or less) of dropped framerate to 15-25fps. That makes the game very jerky.

its like that on xbox as well???? sometimes takes a couple of minutes for the galaxy map to come up as well?
13 Jan 2017, 5:52am
Anyone know any good empire rep grinds
13 Jan 2017, 5:19pm
According to F-dev, I've killed 1106 cmdrs, not including assists and combat loggers.
13 Jan 2017, 5:24pm
And one of these days I will repay that kindness, Difcan.
13 Jan 2017, 5:39pm
K. GungooseThis game has become so janky since update :/

My biggest issue was the fact that every time I loaded the game, my controller scheme would be wiped and my graphical settings as well. Now that I've got that all fixed, I don't particularly mind the update.
13 Jan 2017, 9:13pm
There was an update at the end of May 2016 that increased the PvE difficulty. Has the PvE difficulty changed since then?

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