Elite: Game talk

07 Jan 2017, 8:18am
Tell that to Tesco      


"Safe choc treats for dogs"

Anyhoo, less about doggie chocolate, more about 15 year old single malts, or aliens at least!
07 Jan 2017, 9:02am
Do Thargoids like hot chocolate?
07 Jan 2017, 9:18am
I bet they do Isaiah
07 Jan 2017, 9:19am
Maybe that's what they're looking for. I mean, if you lived on an ammonia world and it was freezing cold, you'd want something warm and sweet to sip on while you raze planets, right?
07 Jan 2017, 9:21am
I bet that's exactly what he was scanning for... In 'Thargoid' that sound means "Yoohoooooooo?"
07 Jan 2017, 9:26am
Well, If you had an Ammonia based biology, wouldn't drinking hot chocolate be extremely painful, if not kill you?

Ammonia boils at -33.34 C, so consuming hot chocolate, which is generally served between 71 C and 85 C, it would suck.

Unless we're speaking in relative terms, where it's extremely cold to us and hot to them.

Maybe that's the secret to winning the war.
Weaponized hot chocolate.
07 Jan 2017, 9:32am
He's found the answer folks. But make sure your Marshmallow Canon's are gimbals.
07 Jan 2017, 9:32am
I imagine they'd serve it at a temperature that they could tolerate. The important thing is the chocolate.
07 Jan 2017, 10:00am
I sense another application for the despised heat meta Griefing and purging Xenos xD
07 Jan 2017, 1:06pm
Hey guys, quick question here. I'm sure this has been discussed but I'm too lazy to scroll through it all. Does anyone know if these critters have shown themselves to the same cmdr more than once....particularly if the cmdr was, say, less than cordial on the first encounter? Let's just say the cmdr wanted to try again, only this time with...I guess, hot chocolate so to speak.
07 Jan 2017, 2:13pm
Fixed marshmallow cannons 4 lyfe!
08 Jan 2017, 4:10am
All of a sudden it hit me...

08 Jan 2017, 5:09am
OMG THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. In stars and in our plants!

08 Jan 2017, 5:50am
Oh NOW you've done it... Challenge... Accepted!

08 Jan 2017, 6:50am
Tisiphone MoreauOMG THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. In stars and in our plants!


Dun dun dun duuuuun

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