Elite: Game talk

16 Jan 2017, 10:20am
Marra Morgan[quote=Gods no.

We pay actual money for the wingy bits. If they had any benefit to a ship's performance, ED would be on the dark road to Pay-to-Win.

They are best kept as shiny cosmetic bling.

Being an OAP on a limited income, I'm in complete agreement with this.

Howev-vuhh.......the adverts for the paint jobs and weapon colours all specifically state:

'It does NOT alter the performance parameters of your ship in any way. It is purely a cosmetic item.'

None (and admittedly I'm extrapolating here as I may be an OAP but I'm not sad enough to check each one) of the ship kits have that disclaimer in them.

Seems a bit of a strange omission, considering that someone, somewhere, just by the Law of Sod, will buy a kit then complain that, 'It didn't make my ship go faster'.

Just sayin'.

Actually, I really like the look of the Asp with a rear-spoiler thing. Makes it look a bit Thunderbird 2-ish.
16 Jan 2017, 1:47pm
Logan Darklighter

But that's just a theory. A GAME theory!

I see what you did there!

But as others have pointed out, any ship that can keep itself hovering in 6G on an airless world can hover in 6G on an atmosphere world.    What I'm more interested in seeing is how much colder the ships get in an atmosphere.   They seem like they're all "air cooled", which is disgustingly inefficient in outer space for obvious reasons.
16 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
Simon Datura[...] I'm genuinely interested in what the atmospheric flight model will be like though.

Is that actually a thing FDev are planning to implement?
16 Jan 2017, 5:05pm
Braben said in a Reddit AMA that atmospheric flight will happen at some point in the future.
16 Jan 2017, 5:35pm
If you thought landing was hard, wait for atmospheric entry. Don't fly without rebuy!
16 Jan 2017, 5:44pm
Hello everyone, just a curiosity, do any of you know how to make a character picture for Inara? I've seen some peoples profiles have faces that have either been drawn or used a 3D software, or something, any recommendations would nice
16 Jan 2017, 5:52pm
BorggyHello everyone, just a curiosity, do any of you know how to make a character picture for Inara? I've seen some peoples profiles have faces that have either been drawn or used a 3D software, or something, any recommendations would nice

Eve Online Character Creator is the common choice. It's free but requires access to a PC or Laptop
16 Jan 2017, 6:05pm
BorggyHello everyone, just a curiosity, do any of you know how to make a character picture for Inara? I've seen some peoples profiles have faces that have either been drawn or used a 3D software, or something, any recommendations would nice

Eve Online Character Creator is the common choice. It's free but requires access to a PC or Laptop

Guess you just have to download the game then?
16 Jan 2017, 6:16pm
Simon Datura

Edit: Yes, looks are important, and I am shallow.

You and me both buddy. And sounds make a huge difference. Tis why I love the FDS. Just the ambient sounds of the thrusters sold it for me.
16 Jan 2017, 6:26pm
BorggyHello everyone, just a curiosity, do any of you know how to make a character picture for Inara? I've seen some peoples profiles have faces that have either been drawn or used a 3D software, or something, any recommendations would nice

Eve Online Character Creator is the common choice. It's free but requires access to a PC or Laptop
Guess you just have to download the game then?

I believe so. You'll probably have to sign up to it too but it is free. I'm unsure of the specifics, someone else made the image I use in a Logbook Bio so beyond this I'm not much help I'm afraid
16 Jan 2017, 7:01pm
BorggyHello everyone, just a curiosity, do any of you know how to make a character picture for Inara? I've seen some peoples profiles have faces that have either been drawn or used a 3D software, or something, any recommendations would nice

Eve Online Character Creator is the common choice. It's free but requires access to a PC or Laptop

Guess you just have to download the game then?

I believe so. You'll probably have to sign up to it too but it is free. I'm unsure of the specifics, someone else made the image I use in a Logbook Bio so beyond this I'm not much help I'm afraid

Well I downloaded it, and tried, it works just really really slow so their's no point XD I need a new la[top/computer. Thank you anyway
16 Jan 2017, 9:52pm
Reverend TZW[quote=Marra Morgan][quote=
Actually, I really like the look of the Asp with a rear-spoiler thing. Makes it look a bit Thunderbird 2-ish.

There's a type of space station where the landing pads have palm trees lining the sides in this game. I had a Cobra with a "roll bar" spoiler at the time and seeing that wished I'd painted her green instead of blue - at least for that one screenshot. Heh.

I've thought ever since that I wished those palm trees were hinged to flop away to the sides when you take off.
16 Jan 2017, 11:30pm
Here's a fun game to play.

What purpose is thisPython built for?

Was finally inputting all my information after joining the site back in September. Transferred all my ships to Galileo Station in Sol so I could view the outfitting and this is how my Python was built. I have literally zero clue why it's built in that fashion. But hopefully someone here will have an idea that will spark something lol
17 Jan 2017, 2:13am
Looks like a pirate ship to me.
17 Jan 2017, 3:35am
Yeah, kinda. But I've never indulged in that particular activity.

Also, the KWS seems out of place on a Pirate ship and there's no Cargo Scanner :-/

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