Elite: Game talk

17 Jan 2017, 3:47am
Hey all - Obsidian Ant has come through again with a very VERY useful link to a tool that will help you find ANYTHING on a planet's surface as long as you have the latitude and longitude coordinates beforehand.

Also - included on the tool page are the lat and long coordinates for all known alien ruin and crash sites already discovered, so you can now visit them at your leisure.

Here's the link to the Planet Navigation tool:

17 Jan 2017, 5:24am
Hey artie,

Can you send a pic of the wing rank structure for me please.

17 Jan 2017, 7:48am
That Python looks like a material collector to me.
17 Jan 2017, 10:18am
NumaThat Python looks like a material collector to me.

And we have a winner. I remember now, was building it specifically to collect Engineering materials before the update
17 Jan 2017, 12:38pm
Do materials regularly have warrants on them?
17 Jan 2017, 12:40pm
SonofMacPhistoDo materials regularly have warrants on them?

I believe that was to add to the bounty vouchers to unlock an Engineer
17 Jan 2017, 12:45pm
Oh snap! That's right.
17 Jan 2017, 12:55pm
Hi everyone! I need your help once again, anybody know how to put information under the "Additional Info" tag on your ship statistics? Thank you
17 Jan 2017, 6:12pm
Anyone remember watching this "forever" ago?


Lots of talk of walking around, but I am still doing alot of sitting. I am not asking for full worlds or stations, just start with our ships. Or even just the cockpit. I really want to hop back into a cobra and set out across the stars, landing on a planet, getting up from my pilot chair look over at my co-pilot and we chat for a bit over some synth food/drink and then walk to the back and each get into our own little cabin before going to bed and logging off. When I log back in, he is in the back of the ship repairing/tweaking something and I call to him to get ready to go. As I plot a route in the galaxy map he gets up to the cockpit and takes off and begins heading toward our first destination. Seamless switching of ship command through multi-crew, and being able to at least get about my own ship.
17 Jan 2017, 6:14pm
CMDR Mech FettAnyone remember watching this "forever" ago?


Lots of talk of walking around, but I am still doing alot of sitting. I am not asking for full worlds or stations, just start with our ships. Or even just the cockpit. I really want to hop back into a cobra and set out across the stars, landing on a planet, getting up from my pilot chair look over at my co-pilot and we chat for a bit over some synth food/drink and then walk to the back and each get into our own little cabin before going to bed and logging off. When I log back in, he is in the back of the ship repairing/tweaking something and I call to him to get ready to go. As I plot a route in the galaxy map he gets up to the cockpit and takes off and begins heading toward our first destination. Seamless switching of ship command through multi-crew, and being able to at least get about my own ship.

Patience. Everything in due time.
17 Jan 2017, 6:57pm
As Isaiah said, patience.

You can have it now, broken, buggy, and thrown in just as a gimmick
Wait. Let them get it right, allow it to add to the experience instead of just being tassles on a bike handle.
17 Jan 2017, 7:13pm
Luke3107As Isaiah said, patience.

You can have it now, broken, buggy, and thrown in just as a gimmick
Wait. Let them get it right, allow it to add to the experience instead of just being tassles on a bike handle.

After two years of never being able to sleep in my own ship's bunk I am getting kinda tired. And to be honest since launch I have been expecting multi-crew before engineers.
17 Jan 2017, 7:19pm
Not to worry. Mutlicrew is in the next big update.

They'll get around to walking eventually. They take an iterative approach to the game, which is working well. Engineers is starting to find a sweet spot, I think, between looking for mats and being able to use them. It's very nice to go to an engineer now and see that all of the stuff I need doesn't require me to throw cargo racks on my combat ship.

It'll happen. Just not right now. In due time though.
17 Jan 2017, 7:22pm
It's probably much easier for me as I only began playing in late 2015 lol
17 Jan 2017, 7:27pm
Can I get a little emblem for my Fer De Lance? "I did finished my engineering with commodities and all I got was this stupid decal."

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