Elite: Game talk

24 Jan 2017, 7:20pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
OriginalEL1TECan anyone tell me where I could find vanadium? Note I do not have horizons yet so sadly.

I think I've been offered Vanadium as a mission reward once or twice, but it's not been common.

You can obtain vanadium by mining asteriod ringed gas giants
24 Jan 2017, 7:23pm
ShimEnki LinogeIm really only on chapter 1 re data gathering.  

I tried the settlement thing for mefs...YUK--no thx, done and done ..thats an entire game in itself!

So im hunting for specialized leg firmware---got 8 on one public data terminal

(Update) 1 for 1 anyways on a med security based planet for a public (no bounty) data point offering SLF

24 Jan 2017, 9:15pm
GreygunnerI need to find some Aberrant shield pattern analysis data but Inara says I have to scan Combat Ships could someone please define Combat ship for me please.]

Combat ships are those that are not good for trading or exploration, and are generally not what you'd call "general purpose" . So, Vulture, Fer-de-lance, Fed Assault, Drop and Gunships, Corvette, maybe Eagle, etc.
24 Jan 2017, 9:28pm
Somebody may want to take note of the current state of Military Militia. It will be known as the empire that used to be impressive, but then suddenly was swallowed up by the void.
24 Jan 2017, 10:40pm
James Hussar
GreygunnerI need to find some Aberrant shield pattern analysis data but Inara says I have to scan Combat Ships could someone please define Combat ship for me please.]

Combat ships are those that are not good for trading or exploration, and are generally not what you'd call "general purpose" . So, Vulture, Fer-de-lance, Fed Assault, Drop and Gunships, Corvette, maybe Eagle, etc.

I think, combat ships can be all ship which you can see with wanted status. I've never seen transporters with wanted status
24 Jan 2017, 10:54pm
James Hussar
GreygunnerI need to find some Aberrant shield pattern analysis data but Inara says I have to scan Combat Ships could someone please define Combat ship for me please.]

Combat ships are those that are not good for trading or exploration, and are generally not what you'd call "general purpose" . So, Vulture, Fer-de-lance, Fed Assault, Drop and Gunships, Corvette, maybe Eagle, etc.

I think, combat ships can be all ship which you can see with wanted status. I've never seen transporters with wanted status

Wanted transports are a thing. They're also delicious and packed with vitamins and minerals for growing bounty hunters, and should be part of a balanced breakfast.
24 Jan 2017, 11:05pm
Unwanted transports are things, as you said Isaiah, packed full of nutritiousness and good things for blossoming pirates.

Last edit: 24 Jan 2017, 11:57pm
25 Jan 2017, 3:15pm
James Hussar
GreygunnerI need to find some Aberrant shield pattern analysis data but Inara says I have to scan Combat Ships could someone please define Combat ship for me please.]

Combat ships are those that are not good for trading or exploration, and are generally not what you'd call "general purpose" . So, Vulture, Fer-de-lance, Fed Assault, Drop and Gunships, Corvette, maybe Eagle, etc.

I think, combat ships can be all ship which you can see with wanted status. I've never seen transporters with wanted status

There are definitely wanted transports. What I tend to find is Haulers and T6s at Nav Beacons, sometimes in SC.
25 Jan 2017, 4:12pm
James Hussar
James Hussar
GreygunnerI need to find some Aberrant shield pattern analysis data but Inara says I have to scan Combat Ships could someone please define Combat ship for me please.]

Thanks for all your suggestions i'll give those a go and see what happens

Combat ships are those that are not good for trading or exploration, and are generally not what you'd call "general purpose" . So, Vulture, Fer-de-lance, Fed Assault, Drop and Gunships, Corvette, maybe Eagle, etc.

I think, combat ships can be all ship which you can see with wanted status. I've never seen transporters with wanted status

There are definitely wanted transports. What I tend to find is Haulers and T6s at Nav Beacons, sometimes in SC.
25 Jan 2017, 5:50pm
Hello All, I missed the community goal at the alien ruins but I do have the mission from Ram Tah.
Last night I managed to get 5 different scans using two different items each time, does any one know if single items or two duplicate items also get results?
Do you know if I have to be in solo, party group or online to get the best results?
Has anyone completed this mission?

Thanks Commanders
25 Jan 2017, 6:16pm
GlynfordHello All, I missed the community goal at the alien ruins but I do have the mission from Ram Tah.
Last night I managed to get 5 different scans using two different items each time, does any one know if single items or two duplicate items also get results?
Do you know if I have to be in solo, party group or online to get the best results?
Has anyone completed this mission?

There's not really a way to 'complete' this mission. The 100 million payout is best thought of as a maximum amount you can receive - and as far as anyone knows it could be a theoretical limit that's not actually attainable.

Each time you get a correct scan and receive a data file, you earn a 1 million bonus. On the one currently known site at Syneufe, there appear to be a total of 15 active obelisks (in Solo) and likely 15 possible data files. Which files you get and what combinations are needed to get them are different for every player.

With the locations of the other sites now available it's just a matter of time before they're discovered and most likely will each also have 15 possible obelisk data files. With 5 total sites at 15 data files each, that would only equal 75 million if you found them all.

No one knows for sure, though.
25 Jan 2017, 6:39pm
Thank you for the information Tisiphone, I will keep playing around a little while and see what I can get.

You say they have found more ruins locations?
25 Jan 2017, 6:47pm
I just seen this within the news for other possible locations: Synuefe ZL-J d10-119, Synuefe XO-P c22-17, IC 2391 Sector ZE-A d101 and IC 2391 Sector GW-V b2-4.

I might have a look at weekend at these areas
26 Jan 2017, 10:02am

This is the build I made for long range Passenger missions in a Beluga Liner. However, taking it for a test run 1,500Ly outside the bubble, I'm already regretting the build.

The fuel scooping is far too slow, I was unaware that each cabin was only good for one set of passengers each (rather than being able to fill a 12 capacity cabin with 3 seperate missions each containing 4 passengers, that same 12 capacity cabin turns out to only be good for one mission regardless of the number of passengers...), and while I reckon 18.35Ly is a fairly respectable Jump Range given the nature of the vessel, anywhere I can add to that would definitely be a bonus.

Can anyone, or rather, IS anyone willing to show me a more efficiently built Beluga as the journey time to travel a mere 1,500Ly is already far too much. And I Buckyballed to Sag A* in 14 hours....


fooling around a lil not too in depth but slightly cheaper and more efficient
26 Jan 2017, 10:17am

This is the build I made for long range Passenger missions in a Beluga Liner. However, taking it for a test run 1,500Ly outside the bubble, I'm already regretting the build.

The fuel scooping is far too slow, I was unaware that each cabin was only good for one set of passengers each (rather than being able to fill a 12 capacity cabin with 3 seperate missions each containing 4 passengers, that same 12 capacity cabin turns out to only be good for one mission regardless of the number of passengers...), and while I reckon 18.35Ly is a fairly respectable Jump Range given the nature of the vessel, anywhere I can add to that would definitely be a bonus.

Can anyone, or rather, IS anyone willing to show me a more efficiently built Beluga as the journey time to travel a mere 1,500Ly is already far too much. And I Buckyballed to Sag A* in 14 hours....


fooling around a lil not too in depth but slightly cheaper and more efficient

shield cell bank but no shield generator

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