Elite: Game talk

21 Feb 2017, 5:07am
Damn you chemical manipulators.. Damn you.
21 Feb 2017, 5:29am
I know what that feels like lol
21 Feb 2017, 12:32pm
SonofMacPhistoYou gotta learn to fly before to jump in the big stuff too. Never mind "Novice Anaconda" is basically an invitation to get attacked in Open... and usually blown the hell up.

I know a wing of people that specifically looks for people flying warships above their rank, blowing them up faster than they could react. Oh, and they also have put their reasons for doing so in some fan-lore.
21 Feb 2017, 1:36pm
NsiteDamn you chemical manipulators.. Damn you.

Pray to the goddess of Type-9. She will provide.
22 Feb 2017, 3:51am
Alright everyone some questions for you pros:

I've engineered my one of my condas (PvE- Main role: combat, Sub Role: exploration/missions) to a degree 'I' think is pretty solid, but then again I'm not all that versed.

Pretty much everything is engineered, but I'd love some feedback on the main ones.

Basic strategy: Enough power/distrib to be able to house aggressive load out, jump range of at least 30ly, two fighter bays, one srv, ability to pretty much battle through any PvE element of the game.


1H MCG (OverCharged-5)
2L MCG (OC-5)
1L PLG (Long Range-4)
2M PLT (Long Range-4)
2S Beam (Efficient-3)

Armor (Light Weight-3)
4xA Shield Boosters (heavy duty? Grade 1)

A rated Power Dist (charge enhanced - 5)
A FSD (MaxFSD range - 5)
7A shields (Reinforced - 3)
6ASCB (swapped with 5A if space needed) (Specialized 1)
7A Thrusters (Dirty Drives 3)

Still only getting about 25ly jump,

Have srv and 5a scoop, single srv, and some storage space.

Any suggestions? Am I thinking the right way for mods?

Last edit: 22 Feb 2017, 4:34am
22 Feb 2017, 4:28am

Any suggestions? Am I thinking the right way for mods?

I feel like you might be trying to do too much with it all at once, if that makes sense.

How is your power plant? Do you have enough power output to spare that you can step down to one size smaller? That alone would save you half the weight of the current power plant, or 20 tons if you've got an 8A fitted.
Although I don't practice what I'm about to preach here, you don't need to have every module powered at all times. Even a class 2 SRV hangar (assuming you're using the G-type for weight savings) draws a significant amount of power, but you don't need it until you're about to deploy the SRV - leave it powered off the rest of the time and you might get by with an undersized power plant.

What about sensors? That module on an Anaconda is a crippling 160 tons when A-rated, but accepting the shorter scan range of a D-rated module will get you back nearly 100 tons.

You don't need a shield cell booster for PvE, at least not as your default equipment. Keep one in storage if you need it for conflict zones, and spare yourself another 40 tons.

Do you really need two fighters? The versatility of having two models to choose from is nice I guess, but what about shaving off another 20 tons to improve jump range?

One of the better known secrets is that, rather than putting Military Bulkheads on and making them lightweight, you keep the default lightweight armor and make it Heavy Duty. Since the default armor has 0 weight, the mass multiplier of that modification has no effect. It's not quite as effective as the other way around, but you can't have both heavy hull integrity and good jump range.
22 Feb 2017, 4:40am
Dang Tisiphone...

Thank you.

I have the most expensive Power Plant, I do understand power management (priority) as I had to use it all the time with my Vulture. So this all makes a lot of sense.

Currently I have grade d sensors, never thought of removing scb, going back to stock bulkheads for sure.

Reason for two fighters: not variety but survivability. I do a lot of combat in HazRez and High Conflict, having 2 fighters when not winged up has kept me alive so many times I feel like I can't let it go. Especially in CZ.

2 fighters means no downtime when launching as there's always one on deck. They do a great job of drawing fire, and sometimes that's all they're good for but keeps me with pips in weapons long enough to take out whatever is coming at me before having to flip over to shields or what not. I'd probably lose the srv before I'd lose the fighters to be honest but good point on power plant. I think I'm at 88% without having to power anything down.

Gonna try many of these. Thank you!!!
22 Feb 2017, 5:01am
Tisiphone would you recommend less powerful SBs and engineer them? I know the As are dragging me down too I'm sure.
22 Feb 2017, 5:11am
And you brought up another interesting point.

Even though I have the power for it now, do you happen to know whether or not having a mod on that you don't need has any adverse affects besides how much power is avail?

For instance does my heat sig go down at all (just an example) if I flip off non combat related mods while in combat instead of just setting them to a lower priority which doesn't do much until the system forces them off?

22 Feb 2017, 6:20am
Turning off modules will lower their passive fuel consumption, as well as lower your overall heat signature. Lower priority doesn't actually do anything until you reach your power capacity.

Last edit: 22 Feb 2017, 6:27am
22 Feb 2017, 7:24am
I believe I have just discovered the largest (certainly the most dramatic) lava vents in the galaxy.  There must be at least a couple hundred vents, many spiting fire, sparks and smoke.  They are all fairly close together, half over the flattish bottom of a valley, the other half running up its steep walls.  The valley is so steep that the dark side is pitch black, but all aglow with the fiery vents.

If you want to see this natural wonder, it is some 800 ly outside the bubble near the Witch Head Nebula.  Coordinates are:

HIP 23759 6 E A


22 Feb 2017, 10:14am
Thanks Xek.
22 Feb 2017, 10:52am
MILITARY GRADE ALLOYS materials location tip is incorrect.
They're found in High Grade Emissions in CIVIL WAR systems, not regular WAR systems.
22 Feb 2017, 12:49pm
Nsite - Any effects on those weapons?
22 Feb 2017, 12:57pm
Whether or not you do, here's an alternative loadout that came to me:

1H MCG (Rapid Fire w/ Autoloader)
2L MCG (Efficient with Incendiary)
1L MCG (High Capacity with Corrosive)
2M Seeker Missiles or Packhounds (High Capacity w/ Overload Munitions)
2S Turreted Pulse or Burst (Scramble Spectrum)

Get the shields down, take out the drives with missiles, scramble spectrum to mess them up once shields are down.  You could also try two small rail guns or a medium rail gun with Reverb Cascade to inhibit shield cell banking.  I like rapid fire auto loader with the huge multi because it helps it keep pace with the rest of your guns, so you're not reloading at base with tons of ammo still left in the gun.

EDIT: Also there's an Engineering room on the Inara Discord if you (or anyone) is looking for more input.

Last edit: 22 Feb 2017, 1:18pm

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