Elite: Game talk

18 Feb 2017, 10:59pm
Marra Morgan
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

  • Get spaceship
  • Do stuff

Perfect description is perfect.
18 Feb 2017, 11:07pm
Simon Datura
Marra Morgan
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

  • Get spaceship
  • Do stuff

Perfect description is perfect.

Actually, it is missing two points:
  • ?????
  • Profit
18 Feb 2017, 11:35pm
  • Something something something Credits-per-hour
19 Feb 2017, 2:47am
Simon. Get out.
19 Feb 2017, 3:37am
Or what? You'll lower my credits per hour?

It's not like my cr/hr is very high anyway.

Or that I even care about it.

As long as there's fuel in the tank, a tab in the bar and I'm still flying, I'm happy (just in case anyone thought I actually cared about cr/hr).
19 Feb 2017, 5:34am
As the great Captian Malcom Reynolds says, "Well... We're still flying."
19 Feb 2017, 9:32am
"That's not much..."

"It's enough."
19 Feb 2017, 7:52pm
Simon Datura
Marra Morgan
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

  • Get spaceship
  • Do stuff

Perfect description is perfect.

Actually, it is missing two points:
  • ?????
  • Profit

- Fall in love with game

- Write fan fiction about said game

- Have private existential crisis that you grew up to write fan fiction

- Accept yourself, write moar fan fic.

Last edit: 19 Feb 2017, 8:03pm
19 Feb 2017, 9:38pm
What's the best way to make money
19 Feb 2017, 9:46pm
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

Cyber for Palladium!
19 Feb 2017, 9:59pm
Marra Morgan
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

Cyber for Palladium!

20 Feb 2017, 2:00am
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

In my country they use rag paper, high quality inks and speedy machine presses.
20 Feb 2017, 2:57am
In elite dangerous
20 Feb 2017, 3:35am
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

Kurama my friend there are several ways. There are quick ways and there are more rewarding ways that allow you to grasp the depth of the game, it really is up to your play style and time avail.

Feel free to PM me if you'd like some suggestions. Id recommend not getting caught up in the whole 'gotta get said ship now' conundrum. It took me 2 years to get my first anaconda, but after I got it money actually felt like it was too easy to acquire- and the process sort of loses its 'feel', if that makes sense.

Enjoy the game, environments, the several arcs available to expand upon (jobs, try some of them and see what you like best, then find the 'money' in it). Pretty much every occupation has a reasonable profit path once you get your bearings.

And the reason to diversify is for your sanity, none of them are insanely fast by any means. I've read people getting Condas and better within a week, I'm glad I didn't do it that way and took my time. It's a very expansive universe with plenty to do, regardless of what the instant gratification crowd might tell you.

Good luck sir! Like I said, for specific routes feel free to pm.
20 Feb 2017, 4:22am
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

M. Lehman

- Fall in love with game

- Write fan fiction about said game

- Have private existential crisis that you grew up to write fan fiction

- Accept yourself, write moar fan fic.

^ This.

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