Elite: Game talk

06 Feb 2017, 9:50pm
Hey, what type of station is Citi Gateway? Is it one of the round spherish ones, or the long tube with a ring on the far end??
06 Feb 2017, 10:08pm
I think what you're asking is if it's a Coriolis (Hexagonal type one), Orbis (Long Tube with large ring circling it or Ocellus (Like Orbis but with bulbous docking area). Visit here for pics. As for your question... I haven't the foggiest. I just wanted to show off
06 Feb 2017, 11:18pm
Well blah on you then : P

But thanks for the names haha
07 Feb 2017, 8:24am
Markus OmniHey, what type of station is Citi Gateway? Is it one of the round spherish ones, or the long tube with a ring on the far end??

Citi Gateway is a Coriolis type.
07 Feb 2017, 9:02am
07 Feb 2017, 6:32pm
So, with the 2.3 update looming over the horizon, I was curious. Have they said anything involving how the character creator will work? Specifically I would like to know whether it will be a one time thing, or if we can change our characters on a whim.

I kind of hope for the latter because I'm one of those guys who finishes making a character, clicks "finish," then looks at the character for a solid five minutes before realizing I had made a mistake or didn't like how it turned out.
07 Feb 2017, 7:53pm
Cartlidge1000So, with the 2.3 update looming over the horizon, I was curious. Have they said anything involving how the character creator will work? Specifically I would like to know whether it will be a one time thing, or if we can change our characters on a whim.

I kind of hope for the latter because I'm one of those guys who finishes making a character, clicks "finish," then looks at the character for a solid five minutes before realizing I had made a mistake or didn't like how it turned out.

I can't find any sources that say this, but I doubt they'll confine you to one particular appearance. This isn't EVE where you have to pay for a character "re-sculpt."
09 Feb 2017, 1:04am
Cartlidge1000So, with the 2.3 update looming over the horizon, I was curious. Have they said anything involving how the character creator will work? Specifically I would like to know whether it will be a one time thing, or if we can change our characters on a whim.

I kind of hope for the latter because I'm one of those guys who finishes making a character, clicks "finish," then looks at the character for a solid five minutes before realizing I had made a mistake or didn't like how it turned out.

I sincerely hope that FDev wouldn't be so cruel as to lock you into a permanent commitment to your avatar.
09 Feb 2017, 5:21am
I'd be legitimately annoyed if it ended up being that way. I need to be able to make multiple faces like I do with Eve for my Things.

Edit: Hell, if they made the commander creator standalone, I'd probably ask Braben to marry me.

Last edit: 09 Feb 2017, 11:45am
09 Feb 2017, 3:18pm
We'll probably get AN avatar for free, and additional avatars or changes for a fee, like ship kits and paint jobs.
09 Feb 2017, 3:33pm
I suspect we'll have to pay to make avatar changes. FDev loves their microtransactions, and plastic surgery could easily fall into that bin.
09 Feb 2017, 3:43pm
*flashbacks of Xbox gamer-tag fees*
09 Feb 2017, 3:57pm
Hello Guyz and Galz!

I've made a little something for the imperial in here...

I'm trying to get my first 10k view!

Tell me what you think!

Jason Heik- L.Y.S Corp
09 Feb 2017, 5:05pm
09 Feb 2017, 7:35pm
Hello first time to this thread.

I have a quick question and a thousand pardons if it has been discussed here before. Being a novice trader in the elite universe, I am trying to understand the dynamics of price variations.

Okay, here is the question: If a station trades commodities, do the prices listed here on INARA reflect only that last transaction? Like for instance a station that hasn’t been updated for 59 days, does that mean nobody has visited that station for the database to be updated? Thanks in advance

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