Elite: Game talk

31 Jan 2017, 9:51pm
SekiouIsaiah Evanson,

Many thanks fella, it worked.

254.35Ly jump! Jackson's Lighthouse to Dugnates. Now to try and video capture the jump...

o7. Congrats.
31 Jan 2017, 11:50pm
Sekiou mind sharing your build? Id love to see how you're getting there. Amazing work.
01 Feb 2017, 10:23am
so until today, I never put together that when they announce the three letters before you dock, that it's actually the first three letters of your callsign. I'm a dummy, but that's pretty cool none the less.
01 Feb 2017, 11:56am
Yes finally made Elite in Trading today, just Exploring to go now. Go me :-)
01 Feb 2017, 3:31pm
Ok, noob here, and I may be asking a silly question, but how in the heck do you get combat vouchers? I've visited conflict zones and killed a bunch of dudes, but only had an empty gun and no reward. Is it connected to PvP? I only do PvE... Or is it part of being in a navy? As a second question, how do you start down that path?
01 Feb 2017, 3:47pm
Sausage66Ok, noob here, and I may be asking a silly question, but how in the heck do you get combat vouchers? I've visited conflict zones and killed a bunch of dudes, but only had an empty gun and no reward. Is it connected to PvP? I only do PvE... Or is it part of being in a navy? As a second question, how do you start down that path?

If you didn't choose a faction to side with when you entered the combat zone, you won't get any combat bond credit.
This is poorly explained in the game (if at all), but if you go over to your right-hand panel and switch to the pane where you can control the various ship functions (lights on/off, landing gear, turret mode, repair/reboot, etc.), you'll see a 'Choose Faction' option at the top while in a combat zone. Once you do that you'll be put on the team of your choice and can collect bonds by destroying the enemy ships.

As for joining the Navy... you can't. Technically you're in the Auxiliary, which seems to pretty much mean that you're a privateer with an honorary rank. You can gain these ranks simply by doing regular missions for superpower-aligned factions (look for the Federation/Empire logos next to the faction in the mission window). Eventually you'll see a mission containing the word 'Navy' which is code for "the mission that will promote you to the next rank" after you've reached 100% in the current rank.

Hope this helps!
01 Feb 2017, 3:58pm
Tisiphone Moreau
Sausage66Ok, noob here, and I may be asking a silly question, but how in the heck do you get combat vouchers? I've visited conflict zones and killed a bunch of dudes, but only had an empty gun and no reward. Is it connected to PvP? I only do PvE... Or is it part of being in a navy? As a second question, how do you start down that path?

If you didn't choose a faction to side with when you entered the combat zone, you won't get any combat bond credit.
This is poorly explained in the game (if at all), but if you go over to your right-hand panel and switch to the pane where you can control the various ship functions (lights on/off, landing gear, turret mode, repair/reboot, etc.), you'll see a 'Choose Faction' option at the top while in a combat zone. Once you do that you'll be put on the team of your choice and can collect bonds by destroying the enemy ships.

As for joining the Navy... you can't. Technically you're in the Auxiliary, which seems to pretty much mean that you're a privateer with an honorary rank. You can gain these ranks simply by doing regular missions for superpower-aligned factions (look for the Federation/Empire logos next to the faction in the mission window). Eventually you'll see a mission containing the word 'Navy' which is code for "the mission that will promote you to the next rank" after you've reached 100% in the current rank.

Hope this helps!

Thanks a bunch! Always wondered what the faction thing was as I had never tried to access it in a CZ and it wouldn't ever go off 'none'. The navy thing makes sense, but a little slow and frustrating IMO. Was hoping for a special system/contact that I could do 'navy specific' missions like going after rival powers' ships and supply runs to fleets/ forward bases and the like.
01 Feb 2017, 4:10pm
I think it would be interesting on what approach they take with Black Holes. There are so many theories on what actually happens when you cross the event horizon. Maybe they will even have different types of black holes where each one will have a different effect on your ship. Below is a post I saw on Reddit where someone attempted to explain whats happens when you enter black holes:

"You don't "enter" a black hole, as it's a singularity. You can cross the event horizon (the black sphere surrounding the singularity), at which point you'll eventually die because you can't escape (for a Schwarzschild black hole). For a stellar mass (1M) black whole you'll cross from the cusp of the horizon to the centre in something like 0.0014 seconds, though you'd probably be dead before that.
For a Kerr black hole, it's theoretically possible to enter the ergosphere (the "outer" event horizon) and possibly escape, depending on the size and rotation speed of the black hole, but again, you can't escape the event horizon.
Assuming the radiation didn't kill you a sufficiently large black hole (like the one in Interstellar) would have low enough tidal forces within the outer parts of the event horizon that it wouldn't rip you apart (this is what was meant in the movie about it being a "gentle" black hole). But you still couldn't escape, and would eventually be killed by the tidal gravity as you were pulled closer to the singularity.
As for what actually happens to matter that crosses the event horizon, well, it's all theoretical, and the laws of relativity break down and require we use the laws of quantum gravity. Which are incomplete. Which was the whole premise of Interstellar."

The famous saying is that not even light can escape a black hole. Some theorize that time actually stops when you get to a certain point near a black hole, since we think that time and space are linked. Some even theorize, but never observed, that on the other end of black holes is a white hole, where everything black holes consume is ejected there. We truly have no clue the potential of space.

Even trying to think about how in the game we are travelling light years of distances. The FSD is actually based on the Alcubierre Drive, where it actually compresses the space in front of the spacecraft and expands the space behind it, essentially creating a "bubble" that the craft passes through between the 2 destination. Current science theories suggest that any object with a mass is incapable of achieving the speed of light, citing the law of inertia and such. You can probably look all this up if your interested.

Would be very interesting indeed to see what they decide to do, if anything at all with Black Holes
03 Feb 2017, 2:36pm
Hi, huge apologies if I'm being incredibly dense, or if its been asked before.....buuut, how do I know how far I am from where I started?
03 Feb 2017, 3:04pm
99.9% of players started at Trevithick Dock in LHS 3447, but one sure fire way to confirm that for certain is buy a sidewidner, get killed, rather than pay the rebuy take the alternative option for a free sidewinder at starting location, where ever you end up in your worthless (everything is loaned so you cannot sell it for credits) sidewinder is where you started the game at.

Given that 99.9% start at Trevithick Dock, you can go to gal map and put a search in for LHS 3447. Or alternatively you can go to your right panel, first tab, scroll to statistics, scroll down to exploration and maximum distance from starting position (or words to that effect) is a value in there. I'm presuming you want to know to access Professor Pailin, assuming you've got Marco Qwent upto R3 +50% once max distance is >5000LY you'll recieve a message from Pailin inviting you to his base. Currently the best place I know of to get the 25 unknown fragments that Pailin wants, if you need them, is the third alien shipwreck, though you'll have to look up its location on the forums in the alien mystery mega thread.

Last edit: 03 Feb 2017, 3:10pm
03 Feb 2017, 3:07pm
Jayridium99.9% of players started at Trevithick Dock in LHS 3447, but one sure fire way to confirm that for certain is buy a sidewidner, get killed, rather than pay the rebuy take the alternative option for a free sidewinder at starting location, where ever you end up in your worthless (everything is loaned so you cannot sell it for credits) sidewinder is where you started the game at.

Thanks Fella
03 Feb 2017, 3:12pm
Nae bother, it was just after I posted that I realised I had missed the context of your question, I've edited my original post with more info.... :-)

Given that 99.9% start at Trevithick Dock, you can go to gal map and put a search in for LHS 3447. Or alternatively you can go to your right panel, first tab, scroll to statistics, scroll down to exploration and maximum distance from starting position (or words to that effect) is a value in there. I'm presuming you want to know to access Professor Pailin, assuming you've got Marco Qwent upto R3 +50% once max distance is >5000LY you'll recieve a message from Pailin inviting you to his base. Currently the best place I know of to get the 25 unknown fragments that Pailin wants, if you need them, is the third alien shipwreck, though you'll have to look up its location on the forums in the alien mystery mega thread.
03 Feb 2017, 3:42pm
LottieM14Hi, huge apologies if I'm being incredibly dense, or if its been asked before.....buuut, how do I know how far I am from where I started?

Look at the engineer prof palin and it will tell you how far you have travelled from the start (U need to be 5000ly to qualify for him)
03 Feb 2017, 4:33pm
LottieM14Hi, huge apologies if I'm being incredibly dense, or if its been asked before.....buuut, how do I know how far I am from where I started?

Look at the engineer prof palin and it will tell you how far you have travelled from the start (U need to be 5000ly to qualify for him)

Or get a sidey, undock and shoot inside the station.
You will see where you started pretty clearly

Actually you can even teleport there from this menu!
Fly Dangerously!
03 Feb 2017, 5:21pm
Evgeny Zi
LottieM14Hi, huge apologies if I'm being incredibly dense, or if its been asked before.....buuut, how do I know how far I am from where I started?

Look at the engineer prof palin and it will tell you how far you have travelled from the start (U need to be 5000ly to qualify for him)

Or get a sidey, undock and shoot inside the station.
You will see where you started pretty clearly

Actually you can even teleport there from this menu!
Fly Dangerously!


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