Elite: Game talk

11 Feb 2017, 10:58pm
PatMonHello all, quick question for neophyte trader and explorer with the advance discovery scanner and detailed surface modules:

Under the Universal Cartographics area when exploring, I have a hard time understanding when I visit a new system that has no data available (LOCAL CARTOGRAPHIC DATA) why my scanners don’t activate. When I check the systems area, data exists for those moon surfaces already. So, what does NO DATA AVAILABLE actually mean? I hope you understand the question.

Second and last question: Is why when I Jump into a new system my DISCOVER SCANNER activates and discovers unexplored bodies (which I accept that the module is doing its job) but when I press the charge discovery scanner button (secondary) it sometimes discovers more objects and sometimes not. Is there some sort of logic I’m just not getting?

Thanks so much in advance!
Patmon out…

There are several different types of discovery scanners. Your ship already has a base one that will discover Items if you are extremely close. The other ones that you buy for your ship all have different ranges. Below are the ranges, taken from the wiki.

  • Basic Discovery Scanner - Has a 500 LS range and costs 1,000 CR
  • Intermediate Discovery Scanner - Has a 1,000 LS range and costs 505,000 CR
  • Advanced Discovery Scanner - Has a system-wide range and costs 1,545,000 CR

Once you find the body, your ship knows that the object is there, however, your ships computers do not have detailed data. This is found by scanning the planet. Which involves targeting said object, then flying towards it. Depending on the size, your ship will pick up and start scanning it normally for a "detailed" scan. To get the most money for each scan you need to also equip a detailed surface scanner, which will reveal all the data.
11 Feb 2017, 11:37pm
PatMonHello all, quick question for neophyte trader and explorer with the advance discovery scanner and detailed surface modules:

Under the Universal Cartographics area when exploring, I have a hard time understanding when I visit a new system that has no data available (LOCAL CARTOGRAPHIC DATA) why my scanners don’t activate. When I check the systems area, data exists for those moon surfaces already. So, what does NO DATA AVAILABLE actually mean? I hope you understand the question. [...]

Once you've scanned the system (active or passive is here not relevant) somehow your ship does already know what exactly the planets look like, it is a bit weird, but nominal.

Amar EpsilonThere are several different types of discovery scanners. Your ship already has a base one that will discover Items if you are extremely close. The other ones that you buy for your ship all have different ranges. Below are the ranges, taken from the wiki.

  • Basic Discovery Scanner - Has a 500 LS range and costs 1,000 CR
  • Intermediate Discovery Scanner - Has a 1,000 LS range and costs 505,000 CR
  • Advanced Discovery Scanner - Has a system-wide range and costs 1,545,000 CR

No, the "base range" you're referring to is actually the passive range of those scanners, which go as follows:
  • Basic DS - 500LS active, 0.33LS passive range
  • Intermediate DS - 1000LS active, 3.34LS passive range
  • Advanced DS - infinite (=system-wide) active, 33.36LS passive range
So if you want to get all the data, you have to charge your discovery scanner and then scan each celestial body.

Hope this helps
12 Feb 2017, 5:03pm
PatMonHello all, quick question for neophyte trader and explorer with the advance discovery scanner and detailed surface modules:

Under the Universal Cartographics area when exploring, I have a hard time understanding when I visit a new system that has no data available (LOCAL CARTOGRAPHIC DATA) why my scanners don’t activate. When I check the systems area, data exists for those moon surfaces already. So, what does NO DATA AVAILABLE actually mean? I hope you understand the question. [...]

Once you've scanned the system (active or passive is here not relevant) somehow your ship does already know what exactly the planets look like, it is a bit weird, but nominal.

Amar EpsilonThere are several different types of discovery scanners. Your ship already has a base one that will discover Items if you are extremely close. The other ones that you buy for your ship all have different ranges. Below are the ranges, taken from the wiki.

  • Basic Discovery Scanner - Has a 500 LS range and costs 1,000 CR
  • Intermediate Discovery Scanner - Has a 1,000 LS range and costs 505,000 CR
  • Advanced Discovery Scanner - Has a system-wide range and costs 1,545,000 CR

No, the "base range" you're referring to is actually the passive range of those scanners, which go as follows:
  • Basic DS - 500LS active, 0.33LS passive range
  • Intermediate DS - 1000LS active, 3.34LS passive range
  • Advanced DS - infinite (=system-wide) active, 33.36LS passive range
So if you want to get all the data, you have to charge your discovery scanner and then scan each celestial body.

Hope this helps

The passive range, that's for signal sources and the like, yes?
12 Feb 2017, 5:30pm
James Hussar

The passive range, that's for signal sources and the like, yes?

No, the passive range is what will be detected while you're just flying around.   For example, you'll typically 'discover' the main star and any nearby bodies when you first jump into a system, before the discovery scanner has a chance to charge up and honk.

The distance at which USS pop up is dependent on how fast you're going so that you'll always have time to locate it and slow down to investigate.
12 Feb 2017, 5:40pm
James HussarThe passive range, that's for signal sources and the like, yes?

Nope. Passive means that you don't have to charge your scanner, while active means charging it.

The signal sources are a completely different pair of shoes, they show up no matter which discovery scanner or if you have a discovery scanner installed.
At what distances they pop up depends, as Tisiphone said, on your current speed.
12 Feb 2017, 7:04pm
Where are all the passenger modules/
13 Feb 2017, 11:22pm
NsiteSekiou mind sharing your build? Id love to see how you're getting there. Amazing work.

Just back from a long trek with passengers and finally made Elite Explorer! YAY!

As you asked Nsite, here's my build:
This is my standard long run rig, i don't take an srv, slows you down.
1d power distro, lvl3 high charge cap
2d power plant, lvl1 over charge
5d thrusters, no mod
5d life support, lvl3 light weight, now i'm elite i can improve this
no shields
no srv
no nothing that has weight
optimal fuel, ie; one jump's worth and some fumes
and most important
6a fsd, lvl5 long range mod with maximum standard result + totally off the scale secondary bonuses. i got very lucky.

5d thruster seems the smallest engine that you can have in an anconda, as they are so weak and my distro provides no boost, why bother moding?
1d distro is the lightest weight available and with no weapons or shields or any need to boost when exploring there is no need for one, i've had it turned off the last week or more that i've been away.
2d power plant with high charge gives me just enough power for basics, when i need to run my afm after a few neutron jumps to rep my fsd i have to shut down the thrusters.

good luck to anyone trying to get a lucky roll of the dice when moding their fsd. i have a spare unit sat at farseer inc that i visit from time to time to run mods on in the hope of an improvement on what i already have, no luck in months.
15 Feb 2017, 5:59am
Congrats on Elite Explorer Sekiou!

SO, now that the Commander Creator livestream has happened (Check it out!) what does everyone think about it?

A quick summing up:
-You can access it anywhere at any time, except in a fighter or SRV
-LOTS of options
-Currently around 50 presets, may be more in the final version
-Facial hair
-Different coloured eyeballs + CYBERNETIC EYES!
-New cameras
-Some suits will be sold on the Frontier store

I think it looks great and can't wait to get my hands on it!

Last edit: 15 Feb 2017, 6:32am
15 Feb 2017, 6:09am
It's looking amazing. Not much else to say.

Well, there is. But I won't do so here or now.
15 Feb 2017, 6:26am
Those Cybernetic eyes tho.....
Hopefully the dolphin will be an alright small passenger ship. Can't wait for thursday's stream!!
15 Feb 2017, 2:50pm
JohnthecomieThose Cybernetic eyes tho.....
Hopefully the dolphin will be an alright small passenger ship. Can't wait for thursday's stream!!

Which part of the stream is the cybernetic eyes? I'm currently a bit to preoccupied to watch the whole stream but I'd like to know.
15 Feb 2017, 2:55pm
SonofMacPhistoGalpedia sidebar is super great.

15 Feb 2017, 3:40pm
Cartlidge1000Which part of the stream is the cybernetic eyes? I'm currently a bit to preoccupied to watch the whole stream but I'd like to know.

15 Feb 2017, 3:50pm
Thanks! I am officially excited for the update now.
15 Feb 2017, 4:40pm
I haven't been this exited for anything since...

Well, it's been a while.

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