Elite: Game talk

04 Feb 2017, 1:10am
Hi, Commanders.
I'm playing for a minor faction, and even reading a lot, I didn't get something:

• why do we send data to another faction?

Everytime we have data for some reason, and everytime we deliver it to another faction. I don't remember anytime we send it to a station owned by our faction or at least for the faction itself. So, why?
04 Feb 2017, 1:38am
Eduardo VingraskHi, Commanders.
I'm playing for a minor faction, and even reading a lot, I didn't get something:

• why do we send data to another faction?

Everytime we have data for some reason, and everytime we deliver it to another faction. I don't remember anytime we send it to a station owned by our faction or at least for the faction itself. So, why?

What I believe you are referring to is data transfer missions. These basically turn you into a courier. Your faction already has said data, but you need to give it to other factions for them to react to it. For example a mission that says transport election data: This is like when we have election predictions on TV or the internet, basically you are transporting the election predictions/results/tally to another faction so they can react to it. Essentially, it is sensitive information from one faction to another. Most minor factions do not have more than one system they are located in as well. Only big factions that control one system, then expand might send data back and forth from their hubs. Regardless, it is just one of those things that we may never 100% know. You could justify it as sending private messages between faction leaders.

Hope that helps.

And yes it has to do with the BGS, which I do not completely understand.
04 Feb 2017, 10:17pm
What are the cones of light shooting off White Dwarves and Neutron Stars called again?? I forget lol
04 Feb 2017, 10:32pm
Luke3107What are the cones of light shooting off White Dwarves and Neutron Stars called again?? I forget lol

Relativistic Jets
04 Feb 2017, 10:37pm
Luke3107What are the cones of light shooting off White Dwarves and Neutron Stars called again?? I forget lol

Relativistic Jets

Excellent, thank you
04 Feb 2017, 11:56pm
Been searching and haven't been able to find it yet, but is there a transparent, high quality PA logo I can grab somewhere? I went through all the pages in the Gallery and didn't see one. I wanted to add it to my stream overlay. Thanks!
05 Feb 2017, 7:58am
xAwakenxDeathx8 eagles vs a anaconda,who do you think will win??

The Eagles will peck the Anaconda to death, unless it wakes out.
05 Feb 2017, 3:59pm
I love the Galpedia sidebar! 5 minutes ago I was reading this:

and I find out that Cerulli died in the place I lived for 25 years. Awesome!
05 Feb 2017, 4:37pm
Galpedia sidebar is super great.
05 Feb 2017, 8:02pm
Anyone know where to sign up in game and connect.. Into the group - In need of some training.
05 Feb 2017, 8:03pm
Is there no comms to use, like a group commas section to talk?
05 Feb 2017, 8:28pm
There is the discord chat right handside of this very page
06 Feb 2017, 8:52pm
I'm about to start unlocking Selene Jean. Can I just bring her 500 tons of metals or minerals, or do I have to actually mine it. Do I have to mine in space or does collecting materials with the SRV count?
06 Feb 2017, 9:00pm
Sable MoonI'm about to start unlocking Selene Jean. Can I just bring her 500 tons of metals or minerals, or do I have to actually mine it. Do I have to mine in space or does collecting materials with the SRV count?

It must be mined, by you, in space, using a mining laser. The requirement would have been better written as 'Refine 500 tons of ore'. Theoretically someone else could use the mining laser and you could just have your collector limpets pick up their chunks, but the important part is that a refinery on your ship converts those chunks into cargo.

Other than the 10 painite she requires, you can sell what you mine at any station with a commodity market.
06 Feb 2017, 9:09pm
Tisiphone is dead on, I'd just like to add if you don't care about the cash and just dump what you don't want I believe hit  "ABANDON" so your collectors don't go back after it.

Also, grab like 11-12 tons of Painite before you go.  I magically lost one on the way to Selene Jean.  You can imagine the... joy.

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