Elite: Game talk

29 Jan 2017, 2:00pm
I used a wake scanner and got everything i needed from data mined to irregular and aberrant to decoded emission which you need 50 of each for the engineers

I'll give it a shot. Thanks lad!

Wake scanning does not yield irregular em.
Ship scanning doesn't either.
Chances on private data beacons are super slim.
Turns out. Cubeo.
FD fixed something and broke IR em....

Last edit: 29 Jan 2017, 3:48pm
30 Jan 2017, 5:43am
Looking for a place I can buy an Imperial Courier sans rank. Anybody know?
30 Jan 2017, 5:49am
TakasiLooking for a place I can buy an Imperial Courier sans rank. Anybody know?

Unfortunately, that's not possible. It is locked behind Imperial rank requirements and no starport offers it without that requirement.

The Imperial Eagle, on the other hand, isn't rank-locked as I understand it.
30 Jan 2017, 11:55am
what load out do you recommend for exploring with the asp explorer
30 Jan 2017, 3:40pm
I have been doing long range hauling missions from Ceos and Sothis. Does anybody know if there are any stations with transport missions TO Ceos or Sothis? I'm seeking a way to make money both ways. I guess I can always find commodities that they need, but I would prefer missions since they would pay more.
30 Jan 2017, 4:31pm
tobiwhat load out do you recommend for exploring with the asp explorer

Entirely depends on what you're using it for. Vastly different for cargo trading (heavy hull, medium shields, lots of cargo) than for smuggling (fast, light and cold, big fuel tank and small scoop) than for exploring (light, massive fuel scoop, AFMU, SRV) . IMO, AspX is not really recommended for bounty hunting, piracy, CZ or powerplay, but will hold it's own in a defensive posture while looking for an exit.
30 Jan 2017, 8:08pm
tobiwhat load out do you recommend for exploring with the asp explorer

Depends what type of exploring you hope to do. For example, if you're exploring the Galactic Core, you barely need a 20Ly Jump Range while you are there, although getting there will be a long process. Whereas if you intend on exploring the Formidine Rift or the Galactic Rim, you will need as much of a jump range as you can get. So there are three lists here, Must Haves, Recommended and Optionals. Fairly self explanatory really.

Must Haves:
Largest A-Rated FSD you can get. (No reason not to)
Advanced Discovery Scanner
Detailed Surface Scanner
Fuel Scoop1
'D' Rated all other Core Internals (For maximum Lightness)
1Fitting a large one requires you to fit a larger Power Plant. Both combined add to the weight of the ship, reducing your overall jump range. However, if you opt to fit a small one, you could be waiting up to 5 minutes to refuel a 32T Fuel Tank from empty. The main factor in your decision for this really is how patient you are.

The smallest powerplant you can fit that allows enough MW to power Thrusters, FSD, Life Support, Fuel Scoop, ADS and DSS simultaneously. (Decrease Weight, Increase Jump Range)
Smallest Power Distributor it allows you. (Only thing it allows is boost, which you won't need, so put 4 pips to SYS and 2 pips to ENG then switch it off)
4G Planetary Vehicle Bay.2 (2 buggies, will help break up the boredom if it begins to settle in)
Automatic Field Maintenance Units in all spare Internal slots. (They add no weight and can get you out of trouble if you take too much module damage. Just keep them powered down until you need them)
2G is lighter but requires more power. However you needn't switch it on until you have landed and intend to use an SRV, thus negating the extra power usage.

Shield Generator (To negate some hull damage from overly hard planetary landings. The less confident you are, the bigger the generator I recommend)
Chaff Launcher (In case of Interdictions on return to bubble)
Electronic Counter Measures (See Chaff)
Mining Lasers (To gather materials for Jumponium from Ringed Planets)

I don't believe you need a refinery to collect Materials but if so, fit the one that provides only enough bins to carry the materials required.
While flying in Supercruise and scanning planets, you can have everything switched off besides these modules: FSD, Thrusters, Life Support and Scanners. But I advise leaving the Fuel Scoop on at all times as it is easy to forget.
If you plan on landing on a planet, and have a shield on board, power on your generator while in SC as it charges up faster that way.[/sup]
31 Jan 2017, 2:37pm
Just a quick question:

What was the name of the vessel Charles Darwin set out on to the Galapagos? The HMS Beagle, right? I'm trying to come up with some good names for a scientific vessel I'm planning to build.
31 Jan 2017, 5:25pm
Breklan ValspurI have been doing long range hauling missions from Ceos and Sothis. Does anybody know if there are any stations with transport missions TO Ceos or Sothis? I'm seeking a way to make money both ways. I guess I can always find commodities that they need, but I would prefer missions since they would pay more.

I would suggest going to EDDB and just using the single route option to transport goods to Sothis from the bubble. There are no missions to Sothis that I know of. Since it is a mining economy, I am going to go on a limb and say a safe bet would be food and technology.

Miner's get hungry too...
31 Jan 2017, 7:22pm
Amar Epsilon
Breklan ValspurI have been doing long range hauling missions from Ceos and Sothis. Does anybody know if there are any stations with transport missions TO Ceos or Sothis? I'm seeking a way to make money both ways. I guess I can always find commodities that they need, but I would prefer missions since they would pay more.

I would suggest going to EDDB and just using the single route option to transport goods to Sothis from the bubble. There are no missions to Sothis that I know of. Since it is a mining economy, I am going to go on a limb and say a safe bet would be food and technology.

Miner's get hungry too...

Or find a station near the edge that sells Rare Commodities and haul them with you
31 Jan 2017, 7:58pm
I'm trying to beat the longest FSD jump that I know of, that of ThatTinyDude featured at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J89Uj1vILE&t=77s

ThatTinyDude managed 252.74 Ly from Jackson's Lighthouse so out of fairness I'm jumping from there too.

I've supercharged my drive and although not quite at the optimal fuel level my Function UI panel shows a jump range of 254.77Ly current and 255.59Ly optimal. The galaxy map backs up the current jump range.

Does anyone have any clue why I keep getting 'plot failed' for any target over 245Ly?
31 Jan 2017, 8:28pm
SekiouI'm trying to beat the longest FSD jump that I know of, that of ThatTinyDude featured at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J89Uj1vILE&t=77s

ThatTinyDude managed 252.74 Ly from Jackson's Lighthouse so out of fairness I'm jumping from there too.

I've supercharged my drive and although not quite at the optimal fuel level my Function UI panel shows a jump range of 254.77Ly current and 255.59Ly optimal. The galaxy map backs up the current jump range.

Does anyone have any clue why I keep getting 'plot failed' for any target over 245Ly?

Because you have to direct-select the system you're planning to jump to. Course plotting starts to fail beyond the maximum "normal" range. You need to click on the system and have the little marker over it. Once you go back to the cockpit, it should have the system targeted.
31 Jan 2017, 8:50pm
Amar Epsilon
Breklan ValspurI have been doing long range hauling missions from Ceos and Sothis. Does anybody know if there are any stations with transport missions TO Ceos or Sothis? I'm seeking a way to make money both ways. I guess I can always find commodities that they need, but I would prefer missions since they would pay more.

I would suggest going to EDDB and just using the single route option to transport goods to Sothis from the bubble. There are no missions to Sothis that I know of. Since it is a mining economy, I am going to go on a limb and say a safe bet would be food and technology.

Miner's get hungry too...

Haha! I can turn my ship into the space taco truck! I like it
31 Jan 2017, 8:52pm
Amar Epsilon
Breklan ValspurI have been doing long range hauling missions from Ceos and Sothis. Does anybody know if there are any stations with transport missions TO Ceos or Sothis? I'm seeking a way to make money both ways. I guess I can always find commodities that they need, but I would prefer missions since they would pay more.

I would suggest going to EDDB and just using the single route option to transport goods to Sothis from the bubble. There are no missions to Sothis that I know of. Since it is a mining economy, I am going to go on a limb and say a safe bet would be food and technology.

Miner's get hungry too...

Or find a station near the edge that sells Rare Commodities and haul them with you

Now why the hell did I forget about rares... that is a great idea. Thanks! o7
31 Jan 2017, 9:46pm
Isaiah Evanson,

Many thanks fella, it worked.

254.35Ly jump! Jackson's Lighthouse to Dugnates. Now to try and video capture the jump...

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