Elite: Game talk

18 Mar 2017, 10:05am
yes it is ollobrains and 100 friends at it again.... the neighbourhood is now emergent and not easy anymore
18 Mar 2017, 12:27pm
It's never been easy from the get go. That's enough of a challenge already.
18 Mar 2017, 2:52pm
Ollobrainsyes it is ollobrains and 100 friends at it again.... the neighbourhood is now emergent and not easy anymore

Found another group, eh? I remember back when there was Reddit drama about you getting kicked out of your last group.
20 Mar 2017, 3:45am
Vindicator Jones hit this one out of the park...

20 Mar 2017, 6:59am
20 Mar 2017, 12:09pm
James HussarVindicator Jones hit this one out of the park...

Fantastic! Well worth a donation.
20 Mar 2017, 2:57pm
Does anyone know why the Combat C.G in the AMDHRIMI system ended early? Thanks to any and all CMDR's that can help me on this.
20 Mar 2017, 4:03pm
James HussarVindicator Jones hit this one out of the park...

I never knew this was possible with elite...
20 Mar 2017, 4:23pm
James HussarVindicator Jones hit this one out of the park...

I never knew this was possible with elite...

Also check out Josh Hawkins' channel on youtube (especially his earlier Elite stuff). And DravenDarken. Some great storytelling there.
21 Mar 2017, 12:33pm
Drifty1938Does anyone know why the Combat C.G in the AMDHRIMI system ended early? Thanks to any and all CMDR's that can help me on this.

There were two competing CG's there. The Combat CG was Federation centered and the Trade CG was Imperial Centered. Both CG's were scheduled to end when either one finished. I guess this was a WIN for the Imperials as that CG finished first.
21 Mar 2017, 1:18pm
So does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.
21 Mar 2017, 1:20pm
Jace BeninSo does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.

Sounds like the controlling faction is in lockdown.
21 Mar 2017, 1:22pm
Jace BeninSo does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.

Not all facilities are available at all stations, Jace. Smaller outposts frequently don't have any outfitting docks, and a lot of planetary bases have no commodity markets.
21 Mar 2017, 1:23pm
Isaiah Evanson[quote=Jace Benin]So does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.

Sounds like the controlling faction is in lockdown.


If u need a crew member from the lounge go to another station and u can get them there or transfer modules.
21 Mar 2017, 2:50pm
Isaiah Evanson
Jace BeninSo does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.

Sounds like the controlling faction is in lockdown.

Thanks Isaiah, that's probably what it is, been playing Elite since it launched and still learning new stuff everyday Thank you all.

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