Elite: Game talk

21 Mar 2017, 6:53pm
Hi everyone

Anyone know when the update will be coming to console?
21 Mar 2017, 8:19pm
Jace Benin
Isaiah Evanson
Jace BeninSo does anyone know why some of the station services would be locked out? I landed last night and the outfitting, market and crew lounge were all locked out.

Sounds like the controlling faction is in lockdown.

Thanks Isaiah, that's probably what it is, been playing Elite since it launched and still learning new stuff everyday Thank you all.

Unless SOMEBODY has UA bombed the place....not that something dastardly like that would ever happen around here....
23 Mar 2017, 6:30pm
Hi, Iam new here and i need some czech friends :-) who could navigate me to the base of these company and spent some time with me, Iam flying vulture, mostly cargo moving missions, in combat iam learning so far but i am not so bad...

so let me know in game or here, ouch and do you have discord in this company? Or other voice?


Raven. T
24 Mar 2017, 1:21am
Hey there new to the Wing, how do I input my stats from the game like my Clipper, credits, and ranks and such? I'm on Xbox one. Thanks
24 Mar 2017, 11:08am
PrimeHey there new to the Wing, how do I input my stats from the game like my Clipper, credits, and ranks and such? I'm on Xbox one. Thanks

Hello Prime,

There's no data dump for that on Inara. You need to add it manually.
25 Mar 2017, 7:29am
Hey all, trying to survive the tedious grind from Earl to Duke, I tried the Aditis route and it still feels like pulling teeth.

Any suggestions? I can taste the cutter I'm so close (65% into Earl, but now standing pretty damn still).

Thanks in advance.
25 Mar 2017, 7:40am
And Artie, if you're reading this, just wanted to send you a big shout out and thank you for all your hard work on the site. Even though I've been away (or at least keeping my mouth shut) I've hit Elite super hard the past few weeks preparing for 2.3. official, and your guides and resources for Engineers has been super valuable. I had no idea what how much fantastic information was tucked away here, it's made a lot of what people seem to consider very painful grinds into really manageable endeavors.

Kudos sir.
25 Mar 2017, 11:10am
Hi all,
does anybody know if there will be some kind of "Super-Highway" to colonia in future ?
25 Mar 2017, 2:19pm
Hi All,
Has anyone playing on PC changed their CMDR name after clocking up a considerable amount of credits and if so how quickly did it take to get back to the level they were at before the save game wipe?

I am thinking of changing my name but at 3,000,000 and a 19,000,000 ship I'm hesitant to do so.


25 Mar 2017, 2:53pm
Dark HorsieHi All,
Has anyone playing on PC changed their CMDR name after clocking up a considerable amount of credits and if so how quickly did it take to get back to the level they were at before the save game wipe?

I am thinking of changing my name but at 3,000,000 and a 19,000,000 ship I'm hesitant to do so.



Though I've not done it myself, I do know several commanders who have changed their name by sending a ticket to FDev, losing nothing in the process.
25 Mar 2017, 3:16pm
Thanks Jemine,

I'll check it out.
Doesn't hurt to ask.


25 Mar 2017, 5:35pm
on the xbox version of the frontier store you can get a black Friday type 9
25 Mar 2017, 9:21pm
Rolando64Hi all, does anybody know if there will be some kind of "Super-Highway" to colonia in future ?
I know there was an exploration expedition to seek out Neutron Stars and/or White Dwarves to speed up the process, however I've not heard or read about how successful it was.

tobion the xbox version of the frontier store you can get a black Friday type 9

Is this a question or statement?

I presume the former, in which case the answer is yes. But it only becomes available during (you guessed it), the Black Friday "Holiday" Period.
25 Mar 2017, 10:43pm
Rolando64Hi all, does anybody know if there will be some kind of "Super-Highway" to colonia in future ?

I know there was an exploration expedition to seek out Neutron Stars and/or White Dwarves to speed up the process, however I've not heard or read about how successful it was.

tobion the xbox version of the frontier store you can get a black Friday type 9

Is this a question or statement?

I presume the former, in which case the answer is yes. But it only becomes available during (you guessed it), the Black Friday "Holiday" Period.

no it is available only on the xbox version
27 Mar 2017, 8:50am
Hello, everyone!

I wish to farm money to buy the Imperial Cutter. Any tips on effective credit farming?

Right now I'm doing trading and community goals with my Anaconda.


CMDR Zepsor

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