Elite: Game talk

15 Feb 2017, 4:45pm
As a rare user of turreted hardpoints, I'm quite curious as to how they will be handled. From what I have gathered so far it sounds like they're going to get buffed when a gunner is on board
15 Feb 2017, 6:36pm
Ohhh... the commander creator looks amazing.

<breath taken>
15 Feb 2017, 7:10pm
One day I hope to find an elderly Ed Lewis roaming the vast black.
15 Feb 2017, 10:43pm
Are smuggling missions broken right now?

Whenever I see a smuggling mission, it always seems to require more cargo space and pay less than normal transport missions... especially in stations on the edge of the bubble like Ceos.

Aren't they usually supposed to require less cargo space and pay more due to the extra risk? They seem pretty pointless at the moment.

Side note: it would be nice to have some sort of "underworld" rank which would relate to things like pirating and smuggling. That way you when you rank up you could get higher paying jobs for illegal missions.
15 Feb 2017, 10:55pm
Breklan ValspurAre smuggling missions broken right now?

Whenever I see a smuggling mission, it always seems to require more cargo space and pay less than normal transport missions... especially in stations on the edge of the bubble like Ceos.

Aren't they usually supposed to require less cargo space and pay more due to the extra risk? They seem pretty pointless at the moment.

Side note: it would be nice to have some sort of "underworld" rank which would relate to things like pirating and smuggling. That way you when you rank up you could get higher paying jobs for illegal missions.

Might want to send this over to Frontiers official forum. This site is not officially affiliated with them. See below in the disclaimer.
15 Feb 2017, 10:56pm
Stryker Aune
Breklan ValspurAre smuggling missions broken right now?

Whenever I see a smuggling mission, it always seems to require more cargo space and pay less than normal transport missions... especially in stations on the edge of the bubble like Ceos.

Aren't they usually supposed to require less cargo space and pay more due to the extra risk? They seem pretty pointless at the moment.

Side note: it would be nice to have some sort of "underworld" rank which would relate to things like pirating and smuggling. That way you when you rank up you could get higher paying jobs for illegal missions.

Might want to send this over to Frontiers official forum. This site is not officially affiliated with them. See below in the disclaimer.

Ok, I was just wondering if anyone else was running into this as well.
16 Feb 2017, 12:32am
Breklan ValspurAre smuggling missions broken right now?

Whenever I see a smuggling mission, it always seems to require more cargo space and pay less than normal transport missions... especially in stations on the edge of the bubble like Ceos.

Aren't they usually supposed to require less cargo space and pay more due to the extra risk? They seem pretty pointless at the moment.

I've just returned from Ceos/Sothis. Missions aren't great at the moment due to local troubles. I did manage a couple of good paying missions, one for over 5 mill for 12 tonnes of biowaste. Someone has UA bombed Ceos so missions are pretty thin on the ground there.
Just need a little patience and they will turn up eventually.
16 Feb 2017, 12:56am
Breklan ValspurAre smuggling missions broken right now?

Whenever I see a smuggling mission, it always seems to require more cargo space and pay less than normal transport missions... especially in stations on the edge of the bubble like Ceos.

Aren't they usually supposed to require less cargo space and pay more due to the extra risk? They seem pretty pointless at the moment.

I've just returned from Ceos/Sothis. Missions aren't great at the moment due to local troubles. I did manage a couple of good paying missions, one for over 5 mill for 12 tonnes of biowaste. Someone has UA bombed Ceos so missions are pretty thin on the ground there.
Just need a little patience and they will turn up eventually.

How long does a UA bomb affect the station?
16 Feb 2017, 3:06am
Can someone please tell me the names of the three (or is it 4?) waypoint stations that are on the way to Colonia and Jacque's Station? or systems that they are in...
16 Feb 2017, 6:28am
Breklan Valspur
How long does a UA bomb affect the station?

Until someone can be bothered fixing it with Meta-Alloys.
16 Feb 2017, 7:06am
Marra MorganUntil someone can be bothered fixing it with Meta-Alloys.

Uggh, reminds me of the time I spent Instance Flipping sitting at a Barnacle waiting to get the Meta-Alloys, just to try and fix Ceos/Sothis. Such a pain.
18 Feb 2017, 5:57pm
How do I play this?
18 Feb 2017, 6:15pm
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

  • Get spaceship
  • Do stuff
18 Feb 2017, 8:47pm
woodZEEdragonCan someone please tell me the names of the three (or is it 4?) waypoint stations that are on the way to Colonia and Jacque's Station? or systems that they are in...

Take a look at EDSM and all will be revealed...
18 Feb 2017, 9:30pm
God Of ZombiesHow do I play this?

As the good lady Mara correctly, if succinctly points out, get space ship, do stuff.
In a little more detail:

If playing Open Play, get away from your starting system and don't go back. Troll players are known to hang around these systems and toast new players for fun. This will seriously hinder your progress.

Do some research online, there are many tools that help with trading and lots of advice. Start here on Inara (information and hanging out), take a look EDDB Market Connect (trading tool) and Elite Dangerous Wikia (information) to name a few.

If you haven't tried the combat tutorials, it is worth it. For now, avoid fights, you wont win. Not enough practice and if you're still in a Sidewinder you don't have a good enough ship.

How to avoid fights: Try to evade the interdiction, it's good to practice, but if you're losing, submit by hitting zero throttle. Once in 'normal' space, accelerate hard and jump as soon as you can. In other words "RUN AWAY!!!".

Spend some time messing around with your key bind.

Be prepared to loose everything and end up back in a Sidewinder with 1000Cr to your name a few times. With practice and a little patience you'll work out to make some cash safely and before you know it you'll be printing money and on your way to the ship you want.

Many players spend time just having fun, SRV racing, looking for cool places for photo opportunities and generally mucking around.

Remember, space is big, I mean REALLY BIG! Anything can happen...

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