Elite: Game talk

02 Apr 2017, 3:18am
I'm not after cr/hr. just looking to make my path to my next ship a little bit easier. I usually spend at least an hour deciding what I want to do for my current login session. Hence why I don;t have a lot of time to play... An hour to plan my course, half an hour to play....
02 Apr 2017, 3:50am
@kherkus I can relate to your situation I'm in the same position myself. I'm actually on my way to Sagg A* to make the last few mix towards my type 9. That's when you really start to make profit from trading. From experience the T6 doesn't have enough  cargo space to make as much as I'd like and thought bought getting a T7 to speed up the process. But I decided to keep saving and go straight for T9. 

As for bounty hunting the vulture considered generally the best because it packs a punch and is more nimble than the large ships. If you can get behind the you've pretty much won. Also yes it's usually  more fun and profitable to wing up with friends.

As for the Robigo  and Sothis starts, as mentioned by james hussar, I believe they were both nerfed by frontier but they later brought back Robigo because it was a unique exploit that would've existed in the ED universe. I don't know if they brought back Sothis I'm only sure about Robigo.

Hope this helps
02 Apr 2017, 4:53am
KherkusI'm not after cr/hr. just looking to make my path to my next ship a little bit easier. I usually spend at least an hour deciding what I want to do for my current login session. Hence why I don;t have a lot of time to play... An hour to plan my course, half an hour to play....

I played for a while without using exploits. I got all the way up to an Asp Explorer, but I really wanted an exploration Anaconda. So, I decided to stack skimmer massacre missions. It's been a minute, but I don't think they nerfed it. you can get the specifics on reddit or youtube. i'd link, but I'm not that nice.
02 Apr 2017, 11:03am
Do the CG,easy money to make plus if your in a wing you get a cut of the profits
02 Apr 2017, 11:52am
Mister Poach
KherkusI'm not after cr/hr. just looking to make my path to my next ship a little bit easier. I usually spend at least an hour deciding what I want to do for my current login session. Hence why I don;t have a lot of time to play... An hour to plan my course, half an hour to play....

I played for a while without using exploits. I got all the way up to an Asp Explorer, but I really wanted an exploration Anaconda. So, I decided to stack skimmer massacre missions. It's been a minute, but I don't think they nerfed it. you can get the specifics on reddit or youtube. i'd link, but I'm not that nice.

They nerfed it... quite a while ago actually. AND they removed all the money and ships ppl made while
doing those missions. Let's face it, it's an exploit, and a nasty one at that.

If any1 still looking for easy ways to get money,  all you gotta do is farm rep missions in places such as
[Hip 10716 - Wu Guinagi] for empire and [Col 285 sector yf-m c8-8 - Niu Hsing] for federation (notice
that i used brackets; you just have to copy-paste either of the names in your galaxy map search box
and you'll be able to find the system easy). It takes a bit of work to get there, but as soon as you're
friendly or above with the local rep, they'll start handing over missions 100k and above. Lots of them.
Also, given the fact that the destination system is nearby (both cases under 15 Ly), you'll be able to
do lots of runs per hour, and that will add up to a fast income. Alternatively, if you're a bounty hunter
at heart, ANY system that has a gas giant with rings (or even planets with rings; found one controlled
by the alliance and the pay was awesome, but then i deleted the bookmark and now i don't remember
the name anymore ) can easily get you a ton of income per hour. The trick is that you have to stay
in respective area for as long as you can (if we're talking about a RES site ofc, wich meens no ammo
based weapons if at all possible, and also using the police as bullet sponges, because why take
damage if you don't have to, right?) Also, getting allied with the local rep as fast as possible helps
alot, since they won't scan you for cargo afterwards and will always try to help you if they can
when you fall under attack. Wich is pretty useful, as you can imagine.

In conclusion, making money in elite is just too easy, almost trivial i'd say.
It's just like M. Lehman said, it's almost like you don't have a choice but to
make money nomatter what you do.

Last edit: 02 Apr 2017, 12:01pm
02 Apr 2017, 12:35pm
Septimus Raven They nerfed it... quite a while ago actually. AND they removed all the money and ships ppl made while doing those missions. Let's face it, it's an exploit, and a nasty one at that.

Wait... What do you mean they took ships away?
02 Apr 2017, 3:01pm
I meen they took all the money and ships that player gained by
farming skimmer massacre missions. With your ship!

That don't make no sense if you ask me. All you had to do
(before the nerf) is to just fully stack yourself with massacre
missions. Normally you'd have to kill the required amount of
ships for the mission to read complete, but some ppl figured
out a way to load a ship with missile or torpedo launchers or
rly anything that does wide area splash damage and just
destroy skimmers belonging to the target faction instead.
And apparently those kills counted towards your mission
goal. Until ED devs decided that's an obvious exploit, made
changes to skimmers so that they nolonger count as ships
but as ground vehicles (like SRV's do, makes sense since
they're only on the ground) and also proceeded to remove
any and all funds and ships gained by doing the missions
in that way. And as far as i know, they got pretty much
everybody who did it. Or at least they said they did...
02 Apr 2017, 3:39pm
Got any proof they took people's ships away? That sounds absurd.
02 Apr 2017, 4:47pm
I know they removed the exploit, but I'm not sure about them removing ships or the credits you earned while doing it. How would they know?
02 Apr 2017, 4:52pm
John "Xeknos" MathurinI know they removed the exploit, but I'm not sure about them removing ships or the credits you earned while doing it. How would they know?

I don't know what kind of data Frontier keeps, but I would think a red flag would be a huge sum of credits in a short amount of time, and if they investigate further and see if the player had been in 17 draconis or similar, would be pretty conpelling evidence. Hell they might even have data on when the credits were issued and in what system.

I donno. If anything, they are more likely to "grandfather" in what had been done, and move forward.
02 Apr 2017, 5:13pm
The logs.

The logs show everything!!!
02 Apr 2017, 5:42pm
I mean, I essentially got my FDL and Python from that glitched community goal several months back (the one that payed hundreds of millions of credits). That was a huge error on their part yet they didn't touch anyone for that.

I don't know. I agree that the skimmer hunting was an exploit but that still seems a little heavy-handed, especially since it would be a good way to make people leave the community.
02 Apr 2017, 7:44pm
Septimus Raven
Mister Poach
KherkusI'm not after cr/hr. just looking to make my path to my next ship a little bit easier. I usually spend at least an hour deciding what I want to do for my current login session. Hence why I don;t have a lot of time to play... An hour to plan my course, half an hour to play....

I played for a while without using exploits. I got all the way up to an Asp Explorer, but I really wanted an exploration Anaconda. So, I decided to stack skimmer massacre missions. It's been a minute, but I don't think they nerfed it. you can get the specifics on reddit or youtube. i'd link, but I'm not that nice.

They nerfed it... quite a while ago actually. AND they removed all the money and ships ppl made while
doing those missions. Let's face it, it's an exploit, and a nasty one at that.

If any1 still looking for easy ways to get money,  all you gotta do is farm rep missions in places such as
[Hip 10716 - Wu Guinagi] for empire and [Col 285 sector yf-m c8-8 - Niu Hsing] for federation (notice
that i used brackets; you just have to copy-paste either of the names in your galaxy map search box
and you'll be able to find the system easy). It takes a bit of work to get there, but as soon as you're
friendly or above with the local rep, they'll start handing over missions 100k and above. Lots of them.
Also, given the fact that the destination system is nearby (both cases under 15 Ly), you'll be able to
do lots of runs per hour, and that will add up to a fast income. Alternatively, if you're a bounty hunter
at heart, ANY system that has a gas giant with rings (or even planets with rings; found one controlled
by the alliance and the pay was awesome, but then i deleted the bookmark and now i don't remember
the name anymore ) can easily get you a ton of income per hour. The trick is that you have to stay
in respective area for as long as you can (if we're talking about a RES site ofc, wich meens no ammo
based weapons if at all possible, and also using the police as bullet sponges, because why take
damage if you don't have to, right?) Also, getting allied with the local rep as fast as possible helps
alot, since they won't scan you for cargo afterwards and will always try to help you if they can
when you fall under attack. Wich is pretty useful, as you can imagine.

In conclusion, making money in elite is just too easy, almost trivial i'd say.
It's just like M. Lehman said, it's almost like you don't have a choice but to
make money nomatter what you do.
I was specifically referring to actual skimmer missions. Not ship missions where you are suppose to head to a CZ. I know for fact they nerfed the ability to kill skimmers instead of ships. I also still have my anaconda and credits. the skimmer stacking, imo, is an exploit. even if FD doesn't/can't/wont do anything about it.
02 Apr 2017, 8:17pm
Mister PoachI was specifically referring to actual skimmer missions. Not ship missions where you are suppose to head to a CZ. I know for fact they nerfed the ability to kill skimmers instead of ships. I also still have my anaconda and credits. the skimmer stacking, imo, is an exploit. even if FD doesn't/can't/wont do anything about it.

The stacking will be limited in the upcoming 2.4 update.
02 Apr 2017, 9:17pm
Okay, so on a completely unrelated note: Has anyone been checking out those weird structures sticking out from the surface, my friend has, and he's made a discovery of sorts... I've been looking around on the forums and I haven't come across any mention of this, so as far as I know this is a new discovery, and it's a long shot, but I think you'll be able to see what I'm talking about... hold on a sec, lemme show you some screenshots right here...
You can find any screenshots I've taken on twitter - JJ Swagglit, @jjfromgalnet
Make of it what you will, but I definitely think this has something to do with the Thargoids... maybe they're the reason the Guardians went extinct... and the Guardians left these clues for us so that we could avenge their deaths, or at least know what we're up against...

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