Elite: Game talk

20 Feb 2017, 5:07am
I hear Claire Dock has some pretty good ways to make money, right Marra?
20 Feb 2017, 9:43am
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

If "Best" means assured with good returns and modest time investment than keep in mind Elite works to model a real environment, with relationships and reputation too. Pick a spot you like the feel of and build rep with the factions in that area to get better jobs fast and even become top ranked with Feds, Alliance or the Empire before you know it.
20 Feb 2017, 10:01am
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

There are lots of answers to this perennial question. I think that the best way is the one you enjoy doing the most.
20 Feb 2017, 11:52am
Hello, I have a problem with the site of purchase of Frontier.
I made two purchase which I make but me receives nothing. My purchases are listed well in my commands(orders) on the site but me does not receive e-mails nor delivered in the game(set,play).

Would anybody have an e-mail address to join(contact) Frontier Développement?
Not to open a ticket, to join(contact) the customer service.

Thank you
20 Feb 2017, 2:52pm
Cyb3r4ndr4sHello, I have a problem with the site of purchase of Frontier.
I made two purchase which I make but me receives nothing. My purchases are listed well in my commands(orders) on the site but me does not receive e-mails nor delivered in the game(set,play).

Would anybody have an e-mail address to join(contact) Frontier Développement?
Not to open a ticket, to join(contact) the customer service.

Thank you

Inara is not a substitution for Frontier Support. Open a ticket, I've had only good experience with them so far. Put up a detailed description what happened and what went wrong and they'll help you
(They reply to your ticked via mail anyway, the ticket is just for initiation)
20 Feb 2017, 3:23pm
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

Maybe you meant "What's the best way to raise a starting fund?" If thats the case i suggest to fly to nearest Nav Beacon in any non-anarchy system (preferably with high security) and shoot wanted ships for bounties. Maybe ones that are already in combat with security forces at first.

Then maybe you better buy yourself a Viper and do the same in any Resource Extraction zone (also better in a non-anarchy system).

Then you can go make some missions, maybe even in the same systems you was hunting for bounties as you will have nice rep boost with ruling factions there for your previous pirate hunting.

Then when you get some real money and buy yourself an ASP Explorer you can go and trade rares or maybe join some community goal.

By the time you get yourself a Python or some equivalent I think you'll be pretty familiar with your surroundings and what to do and how to make money, fame or whatever you want to do yourself
20 Feb 2017, 8:06pm
Elite has three major playstyles: Combat, Exploration, and Trading. The Sidewinder is versatile enough where you can kind of give all three a taste, and that'll determine what your next choice of ship is - though the Cobra Mk III is usually a strong first choice.

Something I'd like to stress is to take the time to enjoy and appreciate the ships that you pass through. Frontier has put a lot of work into giving each ship it's own little personality, and I think a lot of that gets skimmed over and forgotten.
21 Feb 2017, 12:22am
For once I have to agree with Xek. I have a deep affinity for many of my ships, and I have no desire to sell them because I've grown 'attached' to them. Could have gotten to bigger ships a lot faster by selling them off, but the only ships I've ever sold were ones I bought temporarily out of fear of losing the one I flew to wherever because I was doing whatever and I didn't want to face rebuy if I botched the whatever.

Cobra mark iii will still be my favorite ship. Spent so much time in it, doing so many things. And getting it was a real challenge. Back in the early days of elite you couldn't transfer ships from one place to the next either. So choosing where to buy strategically and making 'mini homes' where you did was a thing, it built an affinity for certain factions inadvertently and the immersion felt a little deeper in the process. To this day if my rep falls with certain factions I genuinely get feels and have to fix it asap lol.

Make the universe something special. It's possible, but you won't get that opportunity by racing through the process. Some of the most rewarding moments I've had were not large moments but smaller ones, and that motivated me to stick around minus some breaks here and there for RL.

The good thing? Whenever I came back it felt like home, not a game I hadn't played in a while and needed to relearn.

21 Feb 2017, 12:29am
Jemine Caesar
Kurama10What's the best way to make money

There are lots of answers to this perennial question. I think that the best way is the one you enjoy doing the most.x

21 Feb 2017, 12:31am
Robigo... Lame.
21 Feb 2017, 12:49am
In all seriousness, I would recommend holding off on the easy money. It's tempting, yes- but you miss out on so much of the game when you adopt the (stunted, in my view) view that "winning" means a fat wallet and ownership of an Anaconda.

Elite's real charm is the multiplayer experience. Open isn't the cesspool of gankers and pirates that some in the forums would lead to you believe. The only consistently ganky experience you can have is to camp out in CGs during certain times. The other 99% of the time, you'll meet some really great people just flying around.

As others have mentioned, winging up and claiming bounties is a great way to make some cash in the early parts of the game. This is easier and often more fun when done with a wingmate. This will also be a good time to explore the different aspect of the game and decide if you want to specialize or become a jack of all trades.

Taking it slower with the credit accumulation is the longer path, but certainly the more rewarding one.
21 Feb 2017, 1:10am
You gotta learn to fly before to jump in the big stuff too. Never mind "Novice Anaconda" is basically an invitation to get attacked in Open... and usually blown the hell up.

Take it slow. This game is incredible.
21 Feb 2017, 1:23am
I remember first starting out, thinking the Asp Ex was some sort of all-powerful gunship after a few runs in the training missions. Boy was I surprised when I actually got one for myself.

Also "longer path" is an understatement.
21 Feb 2017, 1:42am
Cartlidge1000I remember first starting out, thinking the Asp Ex was some sort of all-powerful gunship after a few runs in the training missions. Boy was I surprised when I actually got one for myself.

Also "longer path" is an understatement.

It's true. I've been playing the game for two years and only made Elite a few weeks ago.
21 Feb 2017, 1:49am
Make yourself a shady deal with some anarchists to haul illicit cargo and go silent running with a hot console while you slip through the airlock slot of your target station.

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