Elite: Game talk

05 Mar 2017, 7:23am
how can i import my game data here?
greetz CMDR Athoia
05 Mar 2017, 10:19pm
I have to complain I'm sorry but. Every time I go out to the Rings to mine I'm attacked by Pirates.! I feel being out and Colonia the pirate should not be so many. For god sakes I've been attacked by a sidewinder 4 times how did he even get there in the first place he couldn't go that far well I guess he could I suppose. But it seems like for being a new system that the Pirates are as bad as flies on s*** it would seem. I mean I went to all of the ringed planet in the colonial system even the ice one and every time I was chased off by Pirates not that I didn't try to go back after being attacked. I did go back and was attacked again. I guess it could have something to do with my mission. Haha they say they won't what's in my cargo put in my car goes limpets go figure. Anyway thanks for listening just needed to vent.

06 Mar 2017, 12:01am
smokeingcat1369I have to complain I'm sorry but. Every time I go out to the Rings to mine I'm attacked by Pirates.! I feel being out and Colonia the pirate should not be so many. For god sakes I've been attacked by a sidewinder 4 times how did he even get there in the first place he couldn't go that far well I guess he could I suppose. But it seems like for being a new system that the Pirates are as bad as flies on s*** it would seem. I mean I went to all of the ringed planet in the colonial system even the ice one and every time I was chased off by Pirates not that I didn't try to go back after being attacked. I did go back and was attacked again. I guess it could have something to do with my mission. Haha they say they won't what's in my cargo put in my car goes limpets go figure. Anyway thanks for listening just needed to vent.


Mate, take a closer look at the bottom of this page. This Web site is Not affiliated with Frontier. You should take this complaint to them.
06 Mar 2017, 1:22am
Stryker Aune
smokeingcat1369I have to complain I'm sorry but. Every time I go out to the Rings to mine I'm attacked by Pirates.! I feel being out and Colonia the pirate should not be so many. For god sakes I've been attacked by a sidewinder 4 times how did he even get there in the first place he couldn't go that far well I guess he could I suppose. But it seems like for being a new system that the Pirates are as bad as flies on s*** it would seem. I mean I went to all of the ringed planet in the colonial system even the ice one and every time I was chased off by Pirates not that I didn't try to go back after being attacked. I did go back and was attacked again. I guess it could have something to do with my mission. Haha they say they won't what's in my cargo put in my car goes limpets go figure. Anyway thanks for listening just needed to vent.

Yah i could I suppose but it wouldn't do any good probably. Haha I was just venting mostly and I didn't know where else to vent that anyone else would understand what I was even talking about. LOL but thanks for the response . I guess with great reward comes great and risk! Considering as many times as I've been attacked I still cleared around 8 million cred's just today. So I really shouldn't be even complaining.


Mate, take a closer look at the bottom of this page. This Web site is Not affiliated with Frontier. You should take this complaint to them.
06 Mar 2017, 3:45am
smokeingcat1369I have to complain I'm sorry but. Every time I go out to the Rings to mine I'm attacked by Pirates.! I feel being out and Colonia the pirate should not be so many. For god sakes I've been attacked by a sidewinder 4 times how did he even get there in the first place he couldn't go that far well I guess he could I suppose. But it seems like for being a new system that the Pirates are as bad as flies on s*** it would seem. I mean I went to all of the ringed planet in the colonial system even the ice one and every time I was chased off by Pirates not that I didn't try to go back after being attacked. I did go back and was attacked again. I guess it could have something to do with my mission. Haha they say they won't what's in my cargo put in my car goes limpets go figure. Anyway thanks for listening just needed to vent.


This is just how it is. When you go to a RES, HighRES and especially the HazRES, the pirates are all over the place. It doesn't seem to matter what you have for cargo - once it hits a certain value, they just want it. It's stupid, but that's how it is.

If you're trying to mine, find a system with pristine rings, and don't bother with a RES. You can mine anywhere in a ring, the denser the band the better the mining. You will often be followed there by a pirate or a wing, but once you get rid of those, you should be left alone until you head back to a station.

But yeah, as Stryker Aune said, this is the way the game works. Complaints about game mechanics here will get you some agreement and some discussion, but nobody here can do anything about it.
06 Mar 2017, 1:55pm
OzramWith the aliens arriving, those capitals may very well be a nessessity.... But yes. I am a mercenary. Still won't haul slaves though.

I refuse to haul slaves as well......
06 Mar 2017, 2:18pm
Anyone here done the training missions since 2.2? They actually train you now, and Tanya Blaine is pretty cool
06 Mar 2017, 2:29pm
OzramWith the aliens arriving, those capitals may very well be a nessessity.... But yes. I am a mercenary. Still won't haul slaves though.

I refuse to haul slaves as well......

Doesn't bother me one bit. Imperial slavery is a time-honored and well-regulated industry. It's a social safety net that catches people who make terrible decisions or face insurmountable adversity. It's a jobs training program, and a way to create opportunities for people from systems where they have no means to build a better future for themselves or their children.

Sure, abuses happen on the fringes of Imperial space, but worse abuses happen in "free" Federation and Alliance systems. Imperial slaves must be registered and their welfare is a matter of legal record. Housing, basic humanitarian needs like nutrition and healthcare, basic education, marketable skills training and a plan to earn emancipation are all part of the regulations governing Imperial slavery.

Can you say the same from your moral high horse? I've been in plenty of Federal systems, where slavery is illegal and everyone is so morally outraged if a slave trader merely jumps through the system. But in these very systems, a "free" person can work 16 hour days in conditions more hazardous than an Imperial slave will ever face - be paid a wage that barely covers their berth, 2k Calories for the day, and a barely adequate ration of air.

Imperial slaves work humane hours in humane conditions, and have credits set aside in escrow accounts while their contracts are in effect. They have time for social lives and self-improvement. In many systems, Imperial slaves have a higher quality of life than Federal troops, corporate sararimen, and manual laborers throughout the bubble.

Seriously, too many people get hung up on the word "slave".

But I won't play GTA - that shit's just immoral.
06 Mar 2017, 3:16pm
James Hussar
Doesn't bother me one bit. Imperial slavery is a time-honored and well-regulated industry. It's a social safety net that catches people who make terrible decisions or face insurmountable adversity. It's a jobs training program, and a way to create opportunities for people from systems where they have no means to build a better future for themselves or their children.

Sure, abuses happen on the fringes of Imperial space, but worse abuses happen in "free" Federation and Alliance systems. Imperial slaves must be registered and their welfare is a matter of legal record. Housing, basic humanitarian needs like nutrition and healthcare, basic education, marketable skills training and a plan to earn emancipation are all part of the regulations governing Imperial slavery.

Can you say the same from your moral high horse? I've been in plenty of Federal systems, where slavery is illegal and everyone is so morally outraged if a slave trader merely jumps through the system. But in these very systems, a "free" person can work 16 hour days in conditions more hazardous than an Imperial slave will ever face - be paid a wage that barely covers their berth, 2k Calories for the day, and a barely adequate ration of air.

Imperial slaves work humane hours in humane conditions, and have credits set aside in escrow accounts while their contracts are in effect. They have time for social lives and self-improvement. In many systems, Imperial slaves have a higher quality of life than Federal troops, corporate sararimen, and manual laborers throughout the bubble.

Seriously, too many people get hung up on the word "slave".

A good summary!

We already practice something akin to Imperial Slavery in the here and now; see Workfare.
06 Mar 2017, 4:28pm
I've always enjoyed the dynamic between these three vastly different cultures.
06 Mar 2017, 8:01pm
Can't really stand any of the powers. That said, least the Empire gonna screw you and not try to make you feel good about it.
07 Mar 2017, 11:20am
whats your opinion on the elite dangerous role playing game (EDRPG) on kickstarter?
07 Mar 2017, 1:00pm
tobiwhats your opinion on the elite dangerous role playing game (EDRPG) on kickstarter?

It'll be useful for lore and background information on the ED 'verse, which is still a little sketchy in some respects. That's if it gets published, of course; the last I heard it had run into some legal quibbles. Even so, I don't intend playing it.
07 Mar 2017, 1:15pm
Jemine Caesar
tobiwhats your opinion on the elite dangerous role playing game (EDRPG) on kickstarter?

It'll be useful for lore and background information on the ED 'verse, which is still a little sketchy in some respects. That's if it gets published, of course; the last I heard it had run into some legal quibbles. Even so, I don't intend playing it.

I think ObsidianAnt just posted a vid saying they had gotten the green light from kickstarter again. As for my opinion, it sounds like something I would enjoy, but considering how much money I spent on my last tabletop game I'm not too sure my bank account can handle it.
07 Mar 2017, 1:29pm
tobiwhats your opinion on the elite dangerous role playing game (EDRPG) on kickstarter?

As Jem says, it'll be a great source for lore and setting but it's not something I'll be playing.

If the books are good quality with glossy pages and pretty pictures etc I might just buy it

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