Elite: Game talk

04 Apr 2017, 5:51pm
Ah escape,not kill them all
04 Apr 2017, 5:53pm
Ofc not. It's plain dumb for a single ship to take a full wing of PvP fitted hunting ships on.
04 Apr 2017, 5:53pm

take the interdicter out and run
04 Apr 2017, 5:55pm
Don't be a hero - just run!
04 Apr 2017, 5:56pm
Useless, since you don't know whether they have more interdictors fitted on the other ships. Jumping through the masslock takes too long too.

Highwake and try again to get through, if you're lucky they're busy ganging up on someone else. If you haven't the nerves for that, go Private or Solo. After all that's specifically what those modes are for, excluding others and preventing them from interfering with your game.
04 Apr 2017, 6:01pm
Especialy with 2mill cargo
04 Apr 2017, 6:36pm
Tbh the long and short of it is simply if you aren't prepared to deal with "griefers" (bare in mind the definition of the term is heavily... heavily debated. But that's not the topic) then either stay in Private/Solo, or fly in a Wing.

Whether your cargo is 2K, 2Mill, or even 200Mill, you're a target in Open. Some pirates DO operate in wings. If they didn't, what exactly would the point of entire pirate organisations be (e.g. the NPCs of Kumo Crew or the RL Players in Black Omega? Black Omega of course are really just a Private Security and Acquisitions business. ) If you can't tolerate that, you simply shouldn't stay in Open. Full Stop. End of story.
04 Apr 2017, 6:50pm
Whether your cargo is 2K, 2Mill, or even 200Mill, you're a target in Open. Some pirates DO operate in wings. If they didn't, what exactly would the point of entire pirate organisations be (e.g. the NPCs of Kumo Crew or the RL Players in Black Omega? Black Omega of course are really just a Private Security and Acquisitions business.

Just to clarify here - Black Omega isn't a PvP pirate group, it's a BGS-focused group.
04 Apr 2017, 7:07pm
Ah, yeah. Forgot that bit, sorry Marra
05 Apr 2017, 3:39am
I know its nothing to do with the game but has anyone seen LIFE yet?? if so say hello to a thargoid
05 Apr 2017, 3:44am
Whaaaat are you on about?
05 Apr 2017, 3:48am
Kyla EmmerichWhaaaat are you on about?

theres a new film out call LIFE, theres an alien thing on there that if we get to see a thargoid anytime soon THATS what it will look like!!
05 Apr 2017, 5:10am
GTxMUSHxI know its nothing to do with the game but has anyone seen LIFE yet?? if so say hello to a thargoid

Yeah I went to watch it on the weekend - good film and I kinda see where you're coming from!
05 Apr 2017, 5:29am
Marra Morgan
GTxMUSHxI know its nothing to do with the game but has anyone seen LIFE yet?? if so say hello to a thargoid

Yeah I went to watch it on the weekend - good film and I kinda see where you're coming from!

and its been left open for an independance(cant spell it) day type follow up with how they left it
05 Apr 2017, 5:31am
and they have left it open for an independance(cant spell it) day type follow up with how they left it

I hope they don't, it would be a shame to ruin it.

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