Elite: Game talk

07 Apr 2017, 7:51pm
Stryker Aune
Septimus RavenWhat about FAS? It has smaller compartment sizes, i agree, but
you can pull out of it at least 400 boost without even engineering
anything. With upgrades you can even go as far as 440. Not the
FDL firepower but a more affordable variant of it. Some ppl may
be looking for that. AND that bada66 raptor look

FAS is not as useful for a pirating ship.

Because (post your reasoning here).

It lacks any meaningful cargo space.
07 Apr 2017, 8:02pm
FAS is a good combat ship, just don't plan on using it for stealing peoples stuff. It is a good CZ ship, and decent for bounty hunting as well. Not the best at maneuvering, but when you suddenly get focused down by 5 ships in a CZ and you are soloing, you will be able to get out alive.
07 Apr 2017, 9:18pm
Stryker Aune
Septimus RavenWhat about FAS? It has smaller compartment sizes, i agree, but
you can pull out of it at least 400 boost without even engineering
anything. With upgrades you can even go as far as 440. Not the
FDL firepower but a more affordable variant of it. Some ppl may
be looking for that. AND that bada66 raptor look

FAS is not as useful for a pirating ship.

Because (post your reasoning here).

It lacks internal slots that would make it an effective ship for piracy. Despite popular belief, piracy is not about blowing up your target. It's about placating it, then stealing the cargo.

For that you need an FSD interdictor, Limpet controllers (preferably hatch breakers, and collectors), and plenty of cargo space. The FAS lacks the internals to pull this off well.
07 Apr 2017, 9:23pm
FAS is a warship. Any other purpose is a waste.
07 Apr 2017, 10:23pm
No one uses an FAS for long-haul trading? Blaspheme!
08 Apr 2017, 1:05pm
For proof of Salomé's death I'm proud to announce that I'll be paying 75,000,000Cr to whoever kills that traitor. Feel free to contact me for further information.
09 Apr 2017, 9:58pm
Hello, fellow commanders.
I feel I need to let of a little steam. If anyone feels I’m out of line, then please let me know and I’ll make my apologies.
When I first ventured out into the black in my little sidewinder, I tended to play in open. The idea, I suppose, was to try and interact with other likeminded people. I made new friends, and joined a wing, which gave me purpose and a common goal with my fellow commanders. I was always hearing stories of ‘griefers’. And I suppose I thought myself lucky never to have come across one while travelling around. I did bump into a few commanders that would interdict me and we’d grapple for a while, but it never got nasty, and we’d part on friendly terms.
And I’d continue to play in OPEN.
That was, until today, when I was leaving one of the Engineers, just having updated a new purchase.
All I can say is, a ‘heavily’ engineered imperial cutter, piloted by a SIMPLE MINDED, LIMP DICKED, NEANDERTHAL, thought it was fun to blast someone out of existence, without any chance of escape or reply, and with no explanation as to why.
Commander? JERRY COTTON. I hoped you enjoyed you 2 minutes of pleasure. But in my eyes, you’ll always be a MORON.
Rant over. Back to playing in private group.
09 Apr 2017, 10:07pm
Never visit engineers in Open. It's a camping spot for griefers.
09 Apr 2017, 10:21pm
LeifNever visit engineers in Open. It's a camping spot for griefers.

Thanks for the advice. Lesson learned!
09 Apr 2017, 10:22pm
My sympathy Beachwalker, I've never had trouble at any of the engineer's specifically. My first run in with a serious griefer was the day I hit Explorer Elite. First thing I did was head to the Founders World with my shiny new permit. Interdicted within seconds of entering the system and thought I would have go back. That's when I realized the difference between a ship rigged for attacking players rather than NPC's and just managed to get away. The cretin interdicted me twice more before I managed to get a jump plotted. Returned in Solo, got my mod and left Lori Jameson on Open to visit the tourist sites. Interdicted again by some schmuck in a Cutter so I couldn't jump out, you can guess how that ended.
The only other place I've run into plonkers is around cargo related CG's. I hit the self-destruct to rob them of their pleasure
10 Apr 2017, 2:18am
How do increase the jump range of an imperial clipper? I can't get to anywhere :-)
10 Apr 2017, 2:23am
Same as increasing any other ships Jump Range. Bigger FSD.

You can also fit 'D-Rated' Modules to make your ship lighter, thus increasing the jump range.
10 Apr 2017, 2:51am
PGACOWBOY62How do increase the jump range of an imperial clipper? I can't get to anywhere :-)

Bigger and better rated FSD, same as any ship. Engineering for jump range helps too ofc. Please don't take this the wrong way but how do you have a clipper without knowing about ship upgrades?

Last edit: 10 Apr 2017, 3:10am
10 Apr 2017, 5:32am
BeachwalkerHello, fellow commanders.
I feel I need to let of a little steam. If anyone feels I’m out of line, then please let me know and I’ll make my apologies.
When I first ventured out into the black in my little sidewinder, I tended to play in open. The idea, I suppose, was to try and interact with other likeminded people. I made new friends, and joined a wing, which gave me purpose and a common goal with my fellow commanders. I was always hearing stories of ‘griefers’. And I suppose I thought myself lucky never to have come across one while travelling around. I did bump into a few commanders that would interdict me and we’d grapple for a while, but it never got nasty, and we’d part on friendly terms.
And I’d continue to play in OPEN.
That was, until today, when I was leaving one of the Engineers, just having updated a new purchase.
All I can say is, a ‘heavily’ engineered imperial cutter, piloted by a SIMPLE MINDED, LIMP DICKED, NEANDERTHAL, thought it was fun to blast someone out of existence, without any chance of escape or reply, and with no explanation as to why.
Commander? JERRY COTTON. I hoped you enjoyed you 2 minutes of pleasure. But in my eyes, you’ll always be a MORON.
Rant over. Back to playing in private group.

Less rage-CAPS, more high-waking
10 Apr 2017, 7:56am
Marra, I know about hi waking. My Fsd was charging up as he interdicted me. I was just leaving the planets gravity when I was hit. As soon as I returned to normal space I was hit.
One hit, shields down. Second hit most of my hull gone.
I got the Fsd charging again but it was too late.

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