Elite: Game talk

27 Mar 2017, 1:07pm
ZepsorHello, everyone!

I wish to farm money to buy the Imperial Cutter. Any tips on effective credit farming?

Right now I'm doing trading and community goals with my Anaconda.


CMDR Zepsor

At the moment the most efficient way would be stacking missions, either surface scan or massacre, although it's a pretty boring way of making credits. The fastest though.

If you don't want to bore yourself to death I suggest passenger missions, they pay well, you get to see nice views and you're pretty much the safest while doing them(no cargo = nothing the pirates can get from you, also you lose no credits if you don't do them)
27 Mar 2017, 1:54pm
I agree, mission stacking is probably the way to go. You can work on your fleet rank at the same time as well, so it actually serves two purposes.
27 Mar 2017, 4:56pm
Hey everyone. Just gotta say i love inara companion, dont leave a station without it. Wish they had an app for it though. Im never on these discussions though i do spend a lot of time with a small ED community on the AMINO APP. Anyone not familiar with AMINO should check it out. Its an APP full of different communities including a few Elite Dangerous ones. The highest populated ED community could still use new CMDRs to join the discussions of this epic game. Come share ur stories, questions, and photos. Be a part of the AMINO family. RONIN CMDR CHINO SUTRA AT UR SERVICE
27 Mar 2017, 5:21pm
ZepsorHello, everyone!

I wish to farm money to buy the Imperial Cutter. Any tips on effective credit farming?

Right now I'm doing trading and community goals with my Anaconda.


CMDR Zepsor

Choose a good trading system lice Cemiess, Sol etc take mission after mission for all minor factions until allied with them all then you will find trade missions of 3-8 millions credits spawn quite often, failing that you will regularly get 1-2 million credit missions that often take 5 minutes to complete and you can often stack 3-4 to same destination system.

Python is the go to ship for this IMO

At the moment the most efficient way would be stacking missions, either surface scan or massacre, although it's a pretty boring way of making credits. The fastest though.

If you don't want to bore yourself to death I suggest passenger missions, they pay well, you get to see nice views and you're pretty much the safest while doing them(no cargo = nothing the pirates can get from you, also you lose no credits if you don't do them)
28 Mar 2017, 6:50pm
looking for 6c first class passenger cabins..... halp.
28 Mar 2017, 7:01pm
I've been looking in the market for a low priced Combat ship. Right now im stuck between the Viper mk3 and the viper mk4. I know that the mk3 is more popular to the public but I still dont know. I am not the best in combat yet, but I know that with the mk3 you are faster and easier to maneuver but with the mk4 you have more health.
In the case of a 1v2 or 1v3 which ship would be better?
How many hardpoints do the ships have and what types?
28 Mar 2017, 7:59pm
Chaoswulff just put up a review of the Mk4 after it has been modded if you are interested.  The Mk4 isn't too bad, but a Cobra Mk3 would be a better investment all around unless you are just looking for a straight up fighter.


You can use ED Shipyard to experiment without buying anything, too...


Last edit: 28 Mar 2017, 8:10pm
28 Mar 2017, 9:38pm
PyotyrTheGopnikI've been looking in the market for a low priced Combat ship. Right now im stuck between the Viper mk3 and the viper mk4. I know that the mk3 is more popular to the public but I still dont know. I am not the best in combat yet, but I know that with the mk3 you are faster and easier to maneuver but with the mk4 you have more health.
In the case of a 1v2 or 1v3 which ship would be better?
How many hardpoints do the ships have and what types?

Both of the Mk4 models are a bit of a mutt. Neither is really better than their Mk3 counterpart at the things that make the Mk3's great at their role. They're chunkier and more durable, but more sluggish. The Viper, to me, is a complete waste. The Cobra Mk3 is a better fighter than the Mk4 Viper and the Viper Mk4 isn't really good at anything but being a fighter - and with the reduced agility you lose your advantage in a small fighter.

The Cobra4 is a niche player. The extra small hardpoint and the extra interior storage makes it a decent low budget choice for a miner or an armed trader. But it's a temporary ship because it doesn't really do anything well. For over twice the cost of a Mk3, it may be worth the purchase just to get in on some lucrative CG, earn a few million, and then get into another ship that will serve you better.

Personally, I think the Cobra Mk3 is the perfect small ship. The boost speed and agility will get your out of situations the Mk4 just can't, and really, in a small ship it is more about surviving long enough to get away, not about having the durability to be the last ship still flying. And the cost! OMG, the repair and rebuy on the thing is chump change.

You ask a good question about the 1v2, 1v3. It depends on the composition of the wing you're facing. The durability and extra punch of the Mk4 models will be in your favor if your opponents are smaller than you - you can endure longer while you take them apart, and even in the Mk3 you might have trouble outrunning them if you had to. If they're bigger than you, you're better off being able to run away, or at least make jousting passes and keep out of their arc of fire, and so the Mk3 models are better.

In a mixed wing, of a larger ship and smaller escorts, my personal preference would be for the Mk3s, because my approach to the fight would be to avoid the bigger ship while taking on the smaller escort first. The Mk4's are not so durable that they can take a pounding from a larger ship for long, and not so agile that they can reliable avoid a larger ship while at the same time fighting a smaller escort.
30 Mar 2017, 7:37am
hey guys, i've been making a presentation of ED for new comers, because I got bored at school, it is around..... 70-78 (ish) percent done, I just need ship stats and back ground pics, if you have any ideas, hit me up with a PM, also, I gave a nod off to our group
30 Mar 2017, 2:10pm
You have literally hundreds of good pics in the gallery....
30 Mar 2017, 5:04pm
Where is our base pls? And do you wanna go in wing with me, Iam Czech...
30 Mar 2017, 5:56pm
Raven. TWhere is our base pls? And do you wanna go in wing with me, Iam Czech...

City Gateway is in the Inara system. Just type it in to your galaxy map and set course!
31 Mar 2017, 10:40am
i hope that there will be a ship nameplate in comic sans
31 Mar 2017, 10:48am
tobii hope that there will be a ship nameplate in comic sans

Indeed, we won't need half-arsed RP reasons to kill people anymore!
31 Mar 2017, 6:13pm
Seriously though, i'd love to have ship nameplate in a gothic font

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