Elite: Game talk

10 Feb 2017, 11:36pm
Markus Omni

I'm looking for anyone with LOS CHUPACABRAS. Anyone part of their group or know of someone in that group?

If you type their exact name in the Search or look for a similar name in Wings, you'll find what you're looking for : )

I did but looking for a way to contact them directly, someone in their group.

If you did find the group, then whatcha gotta do is go to the "roaster" (rooster? The place where all the pilot's names are listed -.-), click or tap (for mobile users) on a familiar name, "add friend" and "send message."
In addition to this, on their wing homepage, you can apply if you are wishing to join the group. It prompts you wth a little "tell us about yourself" thing, where you can send them a message that way. :3
10 Feb 2017, 11:43pm
Markus Omni
Markus Omni

I'm looking for anyone with LOS CHUPACABRAS. Anyone part of their group or know of someone in that group?

If you type their exact name in the Search or look for a similar name in Wings, you'll find what you're looking for : )

I did but looking for a way to contact them directly, someone in their group.

If you did find the group, then whatcha gotta do is go to the "roaster" (rooster? The place where all the pilot's names are listed -.-), click or tap (for mobile users) on a familiar name, "add friend" and "send message."
In addition to this, on their wing homepage, you can apply if you are wishing to join the group. It prompts you wth a little "tell us about yourself" thing, where you can send them a message that way. :3
Roaster: An object designed to dry cook something, aka 'Roast'
Rooster: Male Chicken, aka 'Cockrel'

The one you're after was,
Roster: A list of members of a group or organisation, aka 'Register'

Edit: Appreciate this might come across as patronising. Apologies if that's the case, it's not my intention.
11 Feb 2017, 12:08am
Markus Omni
Markus Omni

I'm looking for anyone with LOS CHUPACABRAS. Anyone part of their group or know of someone in that group?

If you type their exact name in the Search or look for a similar name in Wings, you'll find what you're looking for : )

I did but looking for a way to contact them directly, someone in their group.

If you did find the group, then whatcha gotta do is go to the "roaster" (rooster? The place where all the pilot's names are listed -.-), click or tap (for mobile users) on a familiar name, "add friend" and "send message."
In addition to this, on their wing homepage, you can apply if you are wishing to join the group. It prompts you wth a little "tell us about yourself" thing, where you can send them a message that way. :3

Roaster: An object designed to dry cook something, aka 'Roast'
Rooster: Male Chicken, aka 'Cockrel'

The one you're after was,
Roster: A list of members of a group or organisation, aka 'Register'

Edit: Appreciate this might come across as patronising. Apologies if that's the case, it's not my intention.

Nah, it's my dumba22 not being able to English correctly
11 Feb 2017, 12:26am
Markus Omni
Markus Omni
Markus Omni

I'm looking for anyone with LOS CHUPACABRAS. Anyone part of their group or know of someone in that group?

If you type their exact name in the Search or look for a similar name in Wings, you'll find what you're looking for : )

I did but looking for a way to contact them directly, someone in their group.

If you did find the group, then whatcha gotta do is go to the "roaster" (rooster? The place where all the pilot's names are listed -.-), click or tap (for mobile users) on a familiar name, "add friend" and "send message."
In addition to this, on their wing homepage, you can apply if you are wishing to join the group. It prompts you wth a little "tell us about yourself" thing, where you can send them a message that way. :3

Roaster: An object designed to dry cook something, aka 'Roast'
Rooster: Male Chicken, aka 'Cockrel'

The one you're after was,
Roster: A list of members of a group or organisation, aka 'Register'

Edit: Appreciate this might come across as patronising. Apologies if that's the case, it's not my intention.

Nah, it's my dumba22 not being able to English correctly

In that case I was deliberately being patronising?
11 Feb 2017, 12:09pm
FdL Build

Looking to buy and use for BH in RES and possibly in anarchy systems for various materials, input would be appreciated. (Full disclosure, i can't aimed fixed for the life of me)

11 Feb 2017, 1:01pm
Awesome ship! I just made some fixes for you, for.. ghmm.. Premium docking! And better targeting! Fly with comfort!


But srsly.
Try somth like this one.
Weapons choices is yours. May even go with the classic one: huge beam+4MLCs.
I just prefer full pulses for pve. No need any ammo but need skill to use em efficiently
11 Feb 2017, 4:00pm
Anyone else using EDDiscovery?

In the Ledger view, it tracks any time you refuel, repair, buy or sell commodities, pick up cargo, etc. It also has a credits adjustment when (I'm presuming) the game total and server total differ. It looks like every time I start the game, I'm debited some credits. In most cases it's a small amount - a few tens - but once it a while it's a larger sum. Any idea why I might be losing money on the server while out exploring and not actually paying for any services?
11 Feb 2017, 4:27pm
James HussarAnyone else using EDDiscovery?

In the Ledger view, it tracks any time you refuel, repair, buy or sell commodities, pick up cargo, etc. It also has a credits adjustment when (I'm presuming) the game total and server total differ. It looks like every time I start the game, I'm debited some credits. In most cases it's a small amount - a few tens - but once it a while it's a larger sum. Any idea why I might be losing money on the server while out exploring and not actually paying for any services?

I do and it depends on what the debit is. Normally based on those amounts I'm thinking you're doing wear & tear restoration, but a screenshot might help as I'm looking in the ledger in mine and it matches what I've seen in the game. As you can see here:

11 Feb 2017, 7:10pm
Markus Omni
Markus Omni

I'm looking for anyone with LOS CHUPACABRAS. Anyone part of their group or know of someone in that group?

If you type their exact name in the Search or look for a similar name in Wings, you'll find what you're looking for : )

I did but looking for a way to contact them directly, someone in their group.

If you did find the group, then whatcha gotta do is go to the "roaster" (rooster? The place where all the pilot's names are listed -.-), click or tap (for mobile users) on a familiar name, "add friend" and "send message."
In addition to this, on their wing homepage, you can apply if you are wishing to join the group. It prompts you wth a little "tell us about yourself" thing, where you can send them a message that way. :3

They dont have an inara group page. Soooo....
11 Feb 2017, 7:19pm
Wolfe3They dont have an inara group page. Soooo....

Hah! Sorry then man
My next bet would be to search the group via google with some "Elite:Dangerous," and try to find a website or a discord?
YouTube's also a good search..?
Perhaps going directly to the star system they're located in ED and hope to find a player? Besides that man.. A non-computer user like me ain't gonna be able to do much else.. sorry ,: )
11 Feb 2017, 7:22pm
James HussarAnyone else using EDDiscovery?

In the Ledger view, it tracks any time you refuel, repair, buy or sell commodities, pick up cargo, etc. It also has a credits adjustment when (I'm presuming) the game total and server total differ. It looks like every time I start the game, I'm debited some credits. In most cases it's a small amount - a few tens - but once it a while it's a larger sum. Any idea why I might be losing money on the server while out exploring and not actually paying for any services?

I do and it depends on what the debit is. Normally based on those amounts I'm thinking you're doing wear & tear restoration, but a screenshot might help as I'm looking in the ledger in mine and it matches what I've seen in the game. As you can see here:


Doesn't sound like what I'm seeing. My debits are listed as "Type=Load Game" and "Notes=Cash total differs, adjustment", then an amount, like 71 credits in the "debit" column. Basically, I'm out in space exploring, log in to do whatever, and see an entry like this. If I were getting repairs or fuel while docked it would make perfect sense, but this is while out in space somewhere.
11 Feb 2017, 8:30pm
What is the best route to take, if you get a bounity against you???

11 Feb 2017, 8:49pm
WVvandalWhat is the best route to take, if you get a bounity against you???

By bounty against you, you mean you are wanted? Short timer, wait it out and it will clear on H-Jump. Long duration, die... I suggest something small to die in
11 Feb 2017, 10:40pm
James Hussar Doesn't sound like what I'm seeing. My debits are listed as "Type=Load Game" and "Notes=Cash total differs, adjustment", then an amount, like 71 credits in the "debit" column. Basically, I'm out in space exploring, log in to do whatever, and see an entry like this. If I were getting repairs or fuel while docked it would make perfect sense, but this is while out in space somewhere.

Uh... I've never personally seen that. I would try a file verify from the pre-load screen. If it continues (after the file verify), then perhaps it's time to write support and have them explain to you why you're getting differential while out there in the Deep Black.
11 Feb 2017, 10:49pm
Hello all, quick question for neophyte trader and explorer with the advance discovery scanner and detailed surface modules:

Under the Universal Cartographics area when exploring, I have a hard time understanding when I visit a new system that has no data available (LOCAL CARTOGRAPHIC DATA) why my scanners don’t activate. When I check the systems area, data exists for those moon surfaces already. So, what does NO DATA AVAILABLE actually mean?  I hope you understand the question.

Second and last question: Is why when I Jump into a new system my DISCOVER SCANNER activates and discovers unexplored bodies (which I accept that the module is doing its job) but when I press the charge discovery scanner button (secondary) it sometimes discovers more objects and sometimes not. Is there some sort of logic I’m just not getting and also isn't the range infinite as well?

Thanks so much in advance and sorry if this question has been asked here before!
Patmon out…

Last edit: 11 Feb 2017, 10:57pm

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