Elite: Game talk

05 Apr 2017, 5:32am
Marra Morgan
and they have left it open for an independance(cant spell it) day type follow up with how they left it

I hope they don't, it would be a shame to ruin it.

it may come down to how well it does in the money stakes really? but i liked it
05 Apr 2017, 2:11pm
Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.
05 Apr 2017, 4:45pm
smokeingcat1369Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.

Now that you brought this up, I was heading back from an exploration trip out in the middle of nowhere, and on one jump there was a graphical like anomaly. I thought it was just a glitch in the graphics processor, and it probably was, but who knows?
05 Apr 2017, 5:07pm
Stryker Aune
smokeingcat1369Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.

Now that you brought this up, I was heading back from an exploration trip out in the middle of nowhere, and on one jump there was a graphical like anomaly. I thought it was just a glitch in the graphics processor, and it probably was, but who knows?

I'm pretty sure that the mind starts playing tricks on you around that thousandth jump or so!

Until the one time it isn't...

05 Apr 2017, 6:29pm
M. Lehman
Stryker Aune
smokeingcat1369Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.

Now that you brought this up, I was heading back from an exploration trip out in the middle of nowhere, and on one jump there was a graphical like anomaly. I thought it was just a glitch in the graphics processor, and it probably was, but who knows?

I'm pretty sure that the mind starts playing tricks on you around that thousandth jump or so!

Until the one time it isn't...


What was odd, was I could have sworn I say a "fuzzy, opaque" outline of that space flower. Then it sorta swirled away, like the rest of the graphics in Witchspace.

Didn't help I wasn't really paying much attention. I had Netflix running.
05 Apr 2017, 6:54pm
Stryker Aune
M. Lehman
Stryker Aune
smokeingcat1369Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.

Now that you brought this up, I was heading back from an exploration trip out in the middle of nowhere, and on one jump there was a graphical like anomaly. I thought it was just a glitch in the graphics processor, and it probably was, but who knows?

I'm pretty sure that the mind starts playing tricks on you around that thousandth jump or so!

Until the one time it isn't...


What was odd, was I could have sworn I say a "fuzzy, opaque" outline of that space flower. Then it sorta swirled away, like the rest of the graphics in Witchspace.

Didn't help I wasn't really paying much attention. I had Netflix running.

I think I see these also it's like a greenish color kind of like the flower looking thing and it goes fitting off as you can by I see these every now and then some places there more prevalent. Really makes you wonder
05 Apr 2017, 7:59pm
Well, get your Chuck Norris-like reflexes ready to hit that F10 key in Witchspace then...make you famous for a couple minutes, at least!
05 Apr 2017, 11:20pm
smokeingcat1369Concerning whitch space, I'm on my way from Colonia back to the bubble not far out from Gagarin gate I could swear I saw several anomalous things in which space! I was wondering if anyone else has seen anything in whitch space? Maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me? But there again I have seen anomaly before . I guess what I'm asking has anyone else witnessed any thing.

Its also been seen in the bubble as well, cant remember who put it on youtube( think it was obsidias ant) showing a new thargoid cut scene
06 Apr 2017, 6:53pm
Am I the only one that thinks that Dropship is a great ship?
06 Apr 2017, 7:11pm
Jzk21plAm I the only one that thinks that Dropship is a great ship?

Nope, it is a great ship. I still dust mine off and fly it for giggles now and again.
06 Apr 2017, 7:27pm
Jzk21plAm I the only one that thinks that Dropship is a great ship?

I love my dropship.
07 Apr 2017, 5:44pm
What about FAS? It has smaller compartment sizes, i agree, but
you can pull out of it at least 400 boost without even engineering
anything. With upgrades you can even go as far as 440. Not the
FDL firepower but a more affordable variant of it. Some ppl may
be looking for that. AND that bada66 raptor look
07 Apr 2017, 5:58pm
Septimus RavenWhat about FAS? It has smaller compartment sizes, i agree, but
you can pull out of it at least 400 boost without even engineering
anything. With upgrades you can even go as far as 440. Not the
FDL firepower but a more affordable variant of it. Some ppl may
be looking for that. AND that bada66 raptor look

FAS is not as useful for a pirating ship.
07 Apr 2017, 7:10pm
Stryker Aune
Septimus RavenWhat about FAS? It has smaller compartment sizes, i agree, but
you can pull out of it at least 400 boost without even engineering
anything. With upgrades you can even go as far as 440. Not the
FDL firepower but a more affordable variant of it. Some ppl may
be looking for that. AND that bada66 raptor look

FAS is not as useful for a pirating ship.

Because (post your reasoning here).
07 Apr 2017, 7:51pm
The FAS is not good as a pirating ship because you sacrifice internal slots to mount cargo racks and limpet controllers, thereby reducing the ship's ability to hull tank, which is arguably one of the best things about it. Squishy ship = easy kill.

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