Elite: Game talk

31 Mar 2017, 6:21pm
MerinidSeriously though, i'd love to have ship nameplate in a gothic font

I'd be content with just italics and underline. Though if I were to get fancy, I'd pick daedric font from The Elder Scrolls games, just for fun. And before you jump out with immersion issues, let me just point out, that as far as I'm concerned, nobody said, that TES series doesn't exist in Elite universe.

Just now I noticed I typed "bet" instead of "get". Correcting it now.

Last edit: 31 Mar 2017, 11:24pm
31 Mar 2017, 9:48pm
Pavel Zupara
MerinidSeriously though, i'd love to have ship nameplate in a gothic font

I'd be content with just italics and underline. Though if I were to bet fancy, I'd pick daedric font from The Elder Scrolls games, just for fun. And before you jump out with immersion issues, let me just point out, that as far as I'm concerned, nobody said, that TES series doesn't exist in Elite universe.

I just know there are two frontier developers looking at each other going. "You know if we give them special fonts we're gonna get roped into making a thargoid font."
31 Mar 2017, 10:46pm
They could just continue on in the spirit of the Engineers update and make the font an RNG determined one...85% chance of Comic Sans, of course...
31 Mar 2017, 11:16pm
If they input Thargoid, then they have to input Minbari, Centauri, Narn, Vorlon and all of the other non-aligned worlds...
01 Apr 2017, 7:42am
Pavel ZuparaThough if I were to get fancy, I'd pick daedric font from The Elder Scrolls games, just for fun. And before you jump out with immersion issues, let me just point out, that as far as I'm concerned, nobody said, that TES series doesn't exist in Elite universe.

Yeah that would be marvelous, sadly i think it won't happen for a lot of reasons
But just think of an idea of flying a dwemer starship in ED!
01 Apr 2017, 7:51pm
Do you guys know any good systems for Federal rank grind? I do not care much about Credits, got plenty of those, but the ranks themselves... I'm running Sothis/Ceos atm, but it's so slow with the mission stacking there.
01 Apr 2017, 11:03pm
I got question maybe y'all can help, I figure I'm going to leave Colonia and head back towards the bubble due to the release of the new update on the 16th of April, and I was wondering where should I go what should I do, first thing I know for sure is that I'm going to buy a new ship and think about engineering it. Any input will be gladly accepted and considered thank you too the community for any help fly safe Commanders o7
01 Apr 2017, 11:51pm
smokeingcat1369I got question maybe y'all can help, I figure I'm going to leave Colonia and head back towards the bubble due to the release of the new update on the 16th of April, and I was wondering where should I go what should I do, first thing I know for sure is that I'm going to buy a new ship and think about engineering it. Any input will be gladly accepted and considered thank you too the community for any help fly safe Commanders o7

I would say, research what you plan to Engineer and see if you can find the rarer needed materials on your way back.
02 Apr 2017, 12:04am
TacTreeDo you guys know any good systems for Federal rank grind? I do not care much about Credits, got plenty of those, but the ranks themselves... I'm running Sothis/Ceos atm, but it's so slow with the mission stacking there.

I haven't really tried Sothis/Ceos myself so I don't know if this is any better, but the easiest thing I know of to improve rank is donation missions, since they take less than 30 seconds to complete and some of the more expensive ones can bump you up a few percentage points per mission during the earlier ranks.
02 Apr 2017, 12:15am
James Hussar
smokeingcat1369I got question maybe y'all can help, I figure I'm going to leave Colonia and head back towards the bubble due to the release of the new update on the 16th of April, and I was wondering where should I go what should I do, first thing I know for sure is that I'm going to buy a new ship and think about engineering it. Any input will be gladly accepted and considered thank you too the community for any help fly safe Commanders o7

I would say, research what you plan to Engineer and see if you can find the rarer needed materials on your way back.

Very intelligent idea, I will surely have to do research and considered the proposal thank you very much
02 Apr 2017, 1:06am
I've been stuck in a bit of a pickle for a while now. I've tried everything under the cover of the cosmos to gain funds at a better rate. But, alas, no luck. From mining to mission running, smuggling to combat bonds, nothing has been generating the income level I need to get to my intended goals. I work full time and simply do not have the time required for long distance missions of any kind. My intention is earn at least 500k in an hour(if possible) before going to bed after a full days work(or playing for roughly an hour before going to work). All serious suggestions will be attempted and the effect will be published herein. My highest ship right now is a Type-6 Transporter, looking to make my next purchase a Fur-De-Lance for combat purposes.

PS. I also have a wife, a two year old daughter and another child on the way. Time is precious or I would have spent more of it searching for other possibilities. Speaking of the daughter, she has arisen from her nap... Wish me well....
02 Apr 2017, 3:06am
KherkusI've been stuck in a bit of a pickle for a while now. I've tried everything under the cover of the cosmos to gain funds at a better rate. But, alas, no luck. From mining to mission running, smuggling to combat bonds, nothing has been generating the income level I need to get to my intended goals. I work full time and simply do not have the time required for long distance missions of any kind. My intention is earn at least 500k in an hour(if possible) before going to bed after a full days work(or playing for roughly an hour before going to work). All serious suggestions will be attempted and the effect will be published herein. My highest ship right now is a Type-6 Transporter, looking to make my next purchase a Fur-De-Lance for combat purposes.

PS. I also have a wife, a two year old daughter and another child on the way. Time is precious or I would have spent more of it searching for other possibilities. Speaking of the daughter, she has arisen from her nap... Wish me well....

If I may make a few suggestions?

It almost sounds like you're approaching the game as a second job, instead of the fun diversion that it was meant to be. I understand that you're trying to accrue credits as fast as possible- they open a lot of doors to cooler ships and gear, after all!

I would say take a moment and ask yourself what's the most fun. The reason that I ask this is because Elite is set up so that you almost have no choice but to make money regardless of what you do. Since you mentioned a Fer de Lance, I would recommend bounty hunting to nail down the basics of PvE combat. You can easily surpass your goal of 500K credits per hour, and if you're in a wing it can be a fantasic time.

Feel free to add me in game (M. Lehman- I'm a bounty hunter as well) if you wanted to hit a ReZ sometime. And don't sweat it if it seems like progress is slow- things are supposed to take awhile in a game like Elite. It's all about smelling the roses!
02 Apr 2017, 3:11am
Don't get me wrong, I deeply enjoy the game in every way. I've long dreamed of running around the galaxy in my own way and this game is the closest I've ever come to doing so. I'm just seeking advice to keep from losing too many Vipers or other vessels to CZs and RESs.
02 Apr 2017, 3:11am
KherkusI've been stuck in a bit of a pickle for a while now. I've tried everything under the cover of the cosmos to gain funds at a better rate. But, alas, no luck. From mining to mission running, smuggling to combat bonds, nothing has been generating the income level I need to get to my intended goals. I work full time and simply do not have the time required for long distance missions of any kind. My intention is earn at least 500k in an hour(if possible) before going to bed after a full days work(or playing for roughly an hour before going to work). All serious suggestions will be attempted and the effect will be published herein. My highest ship right now is a Type-6 Transporter, looking to make my next purchase a Fur-De-Lance for combat purposes.

PS. I also have a wife, a two year old daughter and another child on the way. Time is precious or I would have spent more of it searching for other possibilities. Speaking of the daughter, she has arisen from her nap... Wish me well....

A full life is a thing of which to be proud. ED is nice, but it's a toy and a hobby, and so whatever time you have to spare will have to be enough.

600k/hr is absolutely possible, though not in a T6. I just don't think you can trade enough, smuggle confidently, or fight without risking your life in every encounter. What else have you got?

For reliable and exciting income from fighting, I would suggest a Vulture. It's cost effective, fast enough to get out of mot tight spots, and packs a punch. With good thrusters, it can dance around an Anaconda and a Python like nobody's business. Just target their power plant, take down their shields, and chip away at the PP until they're dead weight. An FDL can harder because they're fast and nimble, but I've actually found them pretty easy - they are fragile so they go down fast if you stay out of their pointy end. Depending on their rank, they (Condas and FDL) can be up to 300k each for bounty. If you go to a HIGH RES or a working Nav Beacon in a well-populated system you should be able to use the cops for support, too. Let them to most of the damage and then come in for the kill. A-rated with dual large beams, they're 26 Mill, which is steep when you're starting out, but there is no better small fighter for bounty hunting. And if hunting big game is daunting, you can easily take down Eagles and Vipers all day long and they will add up to your hourly goal.

I've been out exploring for a long time so I don't know if Robigo and Sothis are still what they used to be, but they could not be beat for Smuggling back in the day. Profits of several hundred if not a million or more PET TON of cargo (slaves) from Robigo, or data from Sothis. You have to go long-range (a few hundred LY), and so this requires one of the Explorer ships. My preference is the Asp Explorer. With some careful crafting you can get 30LY jump range, without engineering, so you can make the Robigo distance in 15 jumps easy. If you don't get greedy on the cargo space, you can pack enough fuel tanks to not have to stop and scoop. All you need to do is just RUN. If you get interdicted, submit, and then just RUN. If you get interdicted by a cop, submit, then shoot him (just once), then RUN. You've done smuggling already so you know how to sneak into a station - do that successfully with a few tons of slaves and the money will pour in, and a solid smuggling session will fit into your 1-2 hour window of opportunity.

Mining is NOT a profitable option if you're short on time. It's nice and relaxing, and if you have plenty of time you can make a pretty good amount of money from it, but but I think of it as fishing. You either get lucky or you don't, and you don't do it for the money unless you absolutely have no other choice.

And if smuggling and hunting are not your thing, then use some of the online tools to find the best trade routes close to wherever you are. The Inara Market tab will tell you what might be good trades in nearby space (in your preferences, set your search distance to max, 60 ly IIRC). I use Thurdds and EDDB.

And even for pure trading, get out of that T6 and into an Asp Explorer. It's a better ship. It will cost you, but with a decent trade route you can get 4-6k per ton profit and with 100 tons of space, the profits will add up. Obviously, buy you ships and great in Li Yong-Rui space. 15% on a 7 million ship is a million you get to keep for cargo and rebuys.
02 Apr 2017, 3:12am
Whatever you do, never join the cr/hr crowd.

You will die inside.

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