Elite: Game talk

10 Apr 2017, 2:03pm
Never have and never would combat log.
That said, it happened so fast I didn't even have time to think.

With regards to solo and private group. This is supposed to be a community.  Where people can interact with other like minded people. Pretty hard to meet someone in solo, or make new friends in private groups.
10 Apr 2017, 2:07pm
Even after getting into Eve online, where the griefers practically ARE the community, I still firmly believe what Elite strongly lacks is a legitimate crime/punishment system.
10 Apr 2017, 2:41pm
Cartlidge1000Even after getting into Eve online, where the griefers practically ARE the community, I still firmly believe what Elite strongly lacks is a legitimate crime/punishment system.

That sounds like fun...
10 Apr 2017, 2:51pm
Cartlidge1000Even after getting into Eve online, where the griefers practically ARE the community, I still firmly believe what Elite strongly lacks is a legitimate crime/punishment system.

That sounds like fun...

It's actually not as bad as it sounds. The whole game is on one big server and you have to go through choke-points all the time to get anywhere but interestingly enough, while its possible to run into gankers anywhere in the game, they "usually" only target you for profit, meaning as long as you don't carry expensive gear/ cargo, you're less likely to get hit.

On top of that if you stay in high security space any ganker that attacks you sacrifices their ship as well (the NPC police don't mess around like they do in elite).
10 Apr 2017, 3:14pm
I stole someone's space station in EvE.

True story!
10 Apr 2017, 3:22pm
Marra MorganI stole someone's space station in EvE.

True story!

You did what? Holy sht, and i thought you can only steal ships and stuff.
Well i mean, kill them and steal the stuff anyway, but if you're good with
words, you can swindle them in such a way as to make them capsule
out of the ship and let you just waltz in it.. seen it happen. That was ofc
before i lost any and all hope in eve playerbase after i got spaced out of
my navy issue apocalypse... but anyway...

Edit: i lost 2 of those btw. And a fully fit oracle, after that i decided maybe
it's best if i just leave the game and keep my sanity/life in one piece.
10 Apr 2017, 3:29pm
I did it twice actually, through different methods.

The first time was when I happened across a hauler afk'd next to an undeployed PoS control tower. I was in my cloaky blockade runner, which had enough room to fit it... so I crept forward, uncloaked, swiped it, and ran off in a fit of giggling!

The second time was much more devious and involved infiltration and stealing a lot more... long story short, the target corp was a small group with some particularly unsavoury opinions about this and that. Karma, when manifested through me, is a bitch
10 Apr 2017, 3:34pm
Septimus Raven i lost 2 of those btw. And a fully fit oracle, after that i decided maybe it's best if i just leave the game and keep my sanity/life in one piece.

You're first mistake was trusting anyone from the EVE player base. Rule number 2 of that game is that everyone is out to get you.

Marra MorganI stole someone's space station in EvE.

True story!

How'd you do it? Scammed them out of it or had an alliance take it through force?
10 Apr 2017, 3:37pm
BeachwalkerNever have and never would combat log.
That said, it happened so fast I didn't even have time to think.

With regards to solo and private group. This is supposed to be a community.  Where people can interact with other like minded people. Pretty hard to meet someone in solo, or make new friends in private groups.

Agreed. No point in playing a multiplayer galaxy-sized space-sim if you're doing it
all by yourself.

Here's a couple of things you can do:

a) Become rly rly Pro-MLG and get like a wicked-a55 hotas warthog setup for the
best fit (i hear it's rly responsive and stuff, i'm not a fan of joysticks tho) and play
the living hell out of that arena section till you hit elite and no1 alive or already
dead will dare mess with you. Don't forget to engineer the cr4p out of like... an
eagle or something. That's what them CoD kids use these days. An eagle or a
cobra... vs a friggin Federal fckin Corvette... anyway


b) buy the biggest, baddest, most freakin' insane tanky ship you can think of
(i know some1 who has a cutter with over 50% thermal resist shields, the
other resists are much higher ofc) and then tank the bejeezus out of every
single bolt and rivet. After you're done you'll be able to basically not even
care if you're attacked. Just have to calmly accept the interdict, press esc,
wait 15s during which you'll be able to see the poor b4stards trying their
best to off you with no success, and then just calmly exit to main menu and
switch to solo, go to where you need to go and switch to open again. It's what
i do when i see something i don't like.
And no, that's not an exploit. Just kinda douche, but why do you care, amiright?
You'll be able to do your own thing and not have to pay that insurance all the
time just because some j3rks are getting bored and have nothing better to do.

I'm off to Andromeda now, getting tired of this galaxy. Cheers.
10 Apr 2017, 3:41pm
Cartlidge1000Even after getting into Eve online, where the griefers practically ARE the community, I still firmly believe what Elite strongly lacks is a legitimate crime/punishment system.

There are lots of ppl doing it, actually. And they are the best at what they
do, and what they do isn't very nice

The problem is the lack of global, or at least regional grouping or
some sort of pseudo-organization system. If they were doing
things the way fuel rats do they'r thing, the job griefer would
be the most upopular thing you could possibly try to do and
fail miserably at in elite.
10 Apr 2017, 3:42pm
Actually I'm pretty sure frontier actually said if you can wait out the timer and log back to the main menu, it isn't an exploit.

Then again, in those situations, fifteen seconds is often lethal.
10 Apr 2017, 3:44pm
And then get instafried by a python carrying reverbrating cascade torpedos as punishment for maintaining course and speed in a combat area...
10 Apr 2017, 3:47pm

And then get instafried by a python carrying reverbrating cascade torpedos...

I actually had a pair of couriers do that to me once. *cough* sonofmacphisto *cough*
10 Apr 2017, 3:52pm
Septimus Raven

Here's a couple of things you can do:

a) Become rly rly Pro-MLG

b) buy the biggest, baddest, most freakin' insane tanky ship

c) Play with friends. We like to support our wing mates.
10 Apr 2017, 3:54pm
HappyComrieAnd then get instafried by a python carrying reverbrating cascade torpedos as punishment for maintaining course and speed in a combat area...

It's what happened to me about 2 days ago or so. As i way saying,
edgy CoD kid, cobra with no shields vs corvette. No brainer, right?

Then he starts spamming torps. Don't think i managed to get
more than 25% hull off him when his friend arrived. Diamondback
explorer, also no shields, but given how good the Diamondbacks
are when it comes to silent-running it's no wonder.

A good counter to them reverberating cascade torpedoes is to either
try to get as many structural reinforcements as you can manage or
try to get a shield generator size as high as possible. Over 140
integrity, to give you enough time.

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