Elite: Game talk

11 Apr 2017, 3:36pm
Bryan Iscariotseeing as we're talking about gravity what about living somewhere with higher G's and what's the highest amount of gravity the human body can tolerate.

just wondering.

In the excellent official novel "Mostly Harmless", by Kate Russell, there are descriptions of humans being raised to withstand the 8g environment of the local planet. This involves prolonged centrifuge training.
11 Apr 2017, 3:47pm
Haven't read it yet. It's on my to-do list. I'm midway through "And Here The Wheel" by John Harper @ the minute.


found this, its a forum where the seemed to have discussed this in depth
11 Apr 2017, 4:18pm
40 minutes to launch CMDRs
Anyone got a crew lined up? I know us Welsh will be out in force later
see you out there o7
11 Apr 2017, 4:41pm
SpaceSpartan11740 minutes to launch CMDRs
Anyone got a crew lined up? I know us Welsh will be out in force later
see you out there o7

Cymerwch ofal
11 Apr 2017, 4:54pm
SpaceSpartan11740 minutes to launch CMDRs
Anyone got a crew lined up? I know us Welsh will be out in force later
see you out there o7

O saith!
11 Apr 2017, 6:55pm
HappyComrieIf you were at a CZ, maybe, it might not have been target practice.

If They were sided with the oposite faction, They might've been running the CZ for powerplay. And just wanted you out of the CZ soo you wouldn't be bothering with their business.

Believe me, I was target practice for him and his mates. I couldn't get them in my sights to lock on, couldn't get out of their sights and in al fairness if I hadn't jumped when I had, I'd be dust.

I'm not saying I wasn't a fair target. Just that I was definitely an easy one ;-P
11 Apr 2017, 7:30pm
Bryan Iscariotseeing as we're talking about gravity what about living somewhere with higher G's and what's the highest amount of gravity the human body can tolerate.

just wondering.

In holland fighter pilots in test centrifuges are allowed to be exposed to 15 G's

Now, in something like the 60's there's been some test in the united states with a rocket car, that was supposed to simulate an ejection seat, and it went to something redicoulous like80G.(thats just utter nonsense) The guy survived.

I'll look it up if you have a moment!

edit: I found this....  [img=512x569]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/Human_linear_acceleration_tolerance.svg/512px-Human_linear_acceleration_tolerance.svg.png[/img]

The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

And I think the guy with the rocketcar you mean was Colonel Stapp. Yay, the physics lessons in school weren't entirely useless.
11 Apr 2017, 7:49pm
And also, seeing as how it is science fiction, they can do whatever they want!

*Takes daily Gravi-Gone pill to scientifically subvert all the laws of physiology and physics*

AHHHH!!!! I love you, science of the future!!!!
11 Apr 2017, 7:59pm
Oliver N. HardyAnd also, seeing as how it is science fiction, they can do whatever they want!

*Takes daily Gravi-Gone pill to scientifically subvert all the laws of physiology and physics*

AHHHH!!!! I love you, science of the future!!!!

Why must you torment meeeeeh
11 Apr 2017, 8:15pm
Rebecca Hail
The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

YIKES! How is a human not goo at 100G? At 10G I'd weigh a ton. Day-umm!
11 Apr 2017, 8:33pm
James Hussar
Rebecca Hail
The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

YIKES! How is a human not goo at 100G? At 10G I'd weigh a ton. Day-umm!

They're on about G's  in terms of acceleration not net gravity.  I was initially asking about long term effects of higher gravity. Like we were with zero gravity but I suppose this is interesting too.
11 Apr 2017, 8:39pm
Oliver N. HardyAnd also, seeing as how it is science fiction, they can do whatever they want!

*Takes daily Gravi-Gone pill to scientifically subvert all the laws of physiology and physics*

AHHHH!!!! I love you, science of the future!!!!

*Oliver Hardy' s health declines because He's been scammed by someone selling their sketchy Herbal remedy instead of actual medication and exercise.*
11 Apr 2017, 9:17pm
Bryan Iscariot
James Hussar
Rebecca Hail
The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

YIKES! How is a human not goo at 100G? At 10G I'd weigh a ton. Day-umm!

They're on about G's  in terms of acceleration not net gravity.  I was initially asking about long term effects of higher gravity. Like we were with zero gravity but I suppose this is interesting too.

From physical point of view it doesn't matter. Body standing on Earth, and body accelerating at 1G both experience the same forces. Acceleration is often assumed to be temporary, though. Those extreme accelerations mentioned before were afaik experienced during accidents like car crashes, and therefore very short in duration.
11 Apr 2017, 10:42pm
Pavel Zupara
Bryan Iscariot
James Hussar
Rebecca Hail
The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

YIKES! How is a human not goo at 100G? At 10G I'd weigh a ton. Day-umm!

They're on about G's  in terms of acceleration not net gravity.  I was initially asking about long term effects of higher gravity. Like we were with zero gravity but I suppose this is interesting too.

From physical point of view it doesn't matter. Body standing on Earth, and body accelerating at 1G both experience the same forces. Acceleration is often assumed to be temporary, though. Those extreme accelerations mentioned before were afaik experienced during accidents like car crashes, and therefore very short in duration.
Pavel Zupara
Bryan Iscariot
James Hussar
Rebecca Hail
The highest (official) measured, survived acceleration is around 180g, the highest inofficial, calculated, survived acceleration somewhere around 215g iirc.+

YIKES! How is a human not goo at 100G? At 10G I'd weigh a ton. Day-umm!

They're on about G's  in terms of acceleration not net gravity.  I was initially asking about long term effects of higher gravity. Like we were with zero gravity but I suppose this is interesting too.

From physical point of view it doesn't matter. Body standing on Earth, and body accelerating at 1G both experience the same forces. Acceleration is often assumed to be temporary, though. Those extreme accelerations mentioned before were afaik experienced during accidents like car crashes, and therefore very short in duration.

Yeah. I think to Bryan's point, the question is what G can a human sustainably endure. I don't think we've done any sustained testing. I'm sure that to a certain point, humans could acclimatize and adapt. We'd have the reverse of our low-G challenges - increased bone density, more strain on the heart, deformation of eyeballs, fluid retention in the lower extremities and lack of oxygen and nutrition to the brain. Some might handle it better than others. Short, stout people, I suppose.

I suspect that life spans would be reduced, at least until some natural selection takes place over generations. Behavior would also adapt, and we'd likely start crawling rather than standing upright. My completely amateur guess is that for anything of more than a few hours, we probably max out at 3 G.
12 Apr 2017, 10:22pm
Ok, so I started updating my Credits and Assets after each session in playing. But something has gone very weird with the assets.

Last night, when I updated I had over 900mill in assets, manually entered. But tonight when I came back on, those assets have dropped to 850mill in game. How can that happen while I'm offline??

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