Elite: Game talk

02 Apr 2017, 9:33pm
Maybe provide a link?
02 Apr 2017, 9:47pm

Do I see it right that all those pictures are of parts that are underground?
02 Apr 2017, 11:14pm
Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.
03 Apr 2017, 12:50am
Is there a period of time before I get approval into PA group in ED?
03 Apr 2017, 12:54am
smokeingcat1369Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.[quote=smokeingcat1369]Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.

When you sell your exploration data, you get a reputation gain with the faction in charge of the station where you sell it. That faction also gains influence in that system. So, if you have a favorite faction or a system in which you want reputation, it may make sense to hold on to the data until you get there - but you're right, it's a big risk, especially if you're also carrying cargo. NPC pirates can smell cargo on you and will interdict and attack you for it.

Some of the Engineers want you to turn in exploration data to them to gain reputation and unlock their services, so check their requirements here on Inara to see if it's worth saving the data until then.

You get the same amount of money and points toward your Exploration rank no matter where you sell your data, so if you're not playing favorites with a faction or an engineer, the safe thing is to sell it when you dock somewhere, just in case. Otherwise, if you die, it's gone.
03 Apr 2017, 1:36am
Speaking of risks, does anyone still have trouble with interdictions? I haven't been unwillingly interdicted by an NPC in quite some time and I can't tell if they nerfed it or if I've gotten good at it. In fact it has reached a point where I can evade an NPC in anything from an ASPX to a type 9.
03 Apr 2017, 2:55am
Cartlidge1000Speaking of risks, does anyone still have trouble with interdictions? I haven't been unwillingly interdicted by an NPC in quite some time and I can't tell if they nerfed it or if I've gotten good at it. In fact it has reached a point where I can evade an NPC in anything from an ASPX to a type 9.

Yes. I still have trouble with NPC's interdicting me.
03 Apr 2017, 3:21am
James Hussar
smokeingcat1369Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.
smokeingcat1369Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.

When you sell your exploration data, you get a reputation gain with the faction in charge of the station where you sell it. That faction also gains influence in that system. So, if you have a favorite faction or a system in which you want reputation, it may make sense to hold on to the data until you get there - but you're right, it's a big risk, especially if you're also carrying cargo. NPC pirates can smell cargo on you and will interdict and attack you for it.

Some of the Engineers want you to turn in exploration data to them to gain reputation and unlock their services, so check their requirements here on Inara to see if it's worth saving the data until then.

You get the same amount of money and points toward your Exploration rank no matter where you sell your data, so if you're not playing favorites with a faction or an engineer, the safe thing is to sell it when you dock somewhere, just in case. Otherwise, if you die, it's gone.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help me with this. I will take the information you gave me into consideration. I'll have to think what faction I would want to support since going to Colonia I haven't thought about it much. And thank you also for suggesting the engineer that will be something I will have to look into. Once again I am very appreciative of the help you have given me with this issue.
03 Apr 2017, 3:24am
Stryker Aune
Cartlidge1000Speaking of risks, does anyone still have trouble with interdictions? I haven't been unwillingly interdicted by an NPC in quite some time and I can't tell if they nerfed it or if I've gotten good at it. In fact it has reached a point where I can evade an NPC in anything from an ASPX to a type 9.

Yes. I still have trouble with NPC's interdicting me.

I must have a bumper sticker on the back of my ship that says " interdict me I'm easy"
I get interdicted practically every system I enter that is not high security
03 Apr 2017, 3:49am
smokeingcat1369Hey everyone I got a question maybe Y'all can help me with . Expiration date of does it pay exponentially the far as we go or is it a set rate. I'm in Pearl Harbor on my way to the bubble and thought maybe I should sell all my data just in case something bad happens and I don't lose the value. Or should I continue on and when I reach the bubble sell it then? If anyone can help me with this I would much appreciate any advice one has to offer. Thank you very much Commanders look forward to hearing from you.

 No exploration data isn't affected by time or distance. Each stellar body has a price range and the amount you get from doing a detailed surface scan is basically decided by a RNG between the upper and lower limits for that specific type of astronomical body. I'm not sure on exact prices but the leaf valuable is asteroid belt clusters worth like 100 I think.

On top of that there's also the first discovery bonus such is additional credits earned for first discovery of a astronomical  body. I think is like 3-5 times what you were going to get for the body. 

Again. These credits aren't affected by time or distance. They can only be lost if you die. Or someone turns in the first discovery before you. So it's completely up to you if you want to wait till you're in your home system but if you get interdicted on the edge of the bubble and die you'll probably cry.

Hope this helps

Speaking of interdictions I think the rate went down slightly after 2.2 dropped. But I've always been able to wriggle out of them. Unless I hit an exclusion zone in the process.
03 Apr 2017, 5:27am
Cartlidge1000Speaking of risks, does anyone still have trouble with interdictions? I haven't been unwillingly interdicted by an NPC in quite some time and I can't tell if they nerfed it or if I've gotten good at it. In fact it has reached a point where I can evade an NPC in anything from an ASPX to a type 9.

It's ridiculously easy now.

There was a time when I'd panic when an Elite bounty-hunter came after me - which is exactly how it should be!

Then the usual happened - a subset of players moaned, Frontier knee-jerked
03 Apr 2017, 6:05am
I second this. I'm finding Interdiction to be way too easy. I wish people would stop complaining that things are too hard and demanding nerfs... We need the challenge. It's Elite: Dangerous not Elite:Kindergarten.
03 Apr 2017, 6:52am

Do I see it right that all those pictures are of parts that are underground?

Yes, they are all hidden on surfaces of the structure, you can see them using the external camera, my friend is also claiming to have found the Elite logo somewhere on one of them...
I believe Frontier have left us a little message regarding those... other... aliens...
All I can say is: "We're gonna need a bigger quantity of bug spray..."

Rebecca HailMaybe provide a link?

Link to the twitter page? Sure: https://twitter.com/search?q=jjfromgalnet&src=typd&lang=en-gb hope that helps

Last edit: 03 Apr 2017, 8:10am
03 Apr 2017, 11:41am
I wonder how many Commanders are surprised by player interdictions now thanks to the relative ease of the NPC ones.
03 Apr 2017, 12:19pm
SonofMacPhistoI wonder how many Commanders are surprised by player interdictions now thanks to the relative ease of the NPC ones.

I was just thinking the same thing. I wouldn't mind testing it some time (as long as I get to leave with an intact ship)

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