Elite: Game talk

11 Apr 2017, 9:30am
Also, I gave it some thought overnight and, in all honestly, I've come to think y'all are right.

It's a bad thing to do.

I suppose not only learning to spot potential grievers and learning to counter them would build helpfull competence, But it's also much more satisfying to deny a griever in a legitimate way.

Sorry if stubborn me trying to defend it caused a racket!
11 Apr 2017, 9:37am
HappyComrieAlso, I gave it some thought overnight and, in all honestly, I've come to think y'all are right.

It's a bad thing to do.

I suppose not only learning to spot potential grievers and learning to counter them would build helpfull competence, But it's also much more satisfying to deny a griever in a legitimate way.

Sorry if stubborn me trying to defend it caused a racket!

I'm glad that you've given it some thought. As some who routinely engages in PVP, I can't tell you how many times it frustrates me when someone combat logs. I get that dying can be an expensive proposition for some folks, but people need to be encouraged to learn how to defend themselves, how to outfit their ships, and how to escape from attackers. With the right people teaching them, it's not hard to do. 
11 Apr 2017, 9:40am
HappyComrieAlso, I gave it some thought overnight and, in all honestly, I've come to think y'all are right.

It's a bad thing to do.

I suppose not only learning to spot potential grievers and learning to counter them would build helpfull competence, But it's also much more satisfying to deny a griever in a legitimate way.

Sorry if stubborn me trying to defend it caused a racket!

Watch Rinzler's vid and practice - combat becomes entirely optional once you get the hang of it, without resorting to cheating!
11 Apr 2017, 10:48am
I'm doing a Thing based on an orbital Outpost. I'm working on the assumption that as they don't spin or rotate, then they must be Zero-G.

Anything in lore that either confirms or contradicts that?

11 Apr 2017, 11:09am
Reverend TZWI'm doing a Thing based on an orbital Outpost. I'm working on the assumption that as they don't spin or rotate, then they must be Zero-G.

Anything in lore that either confirms or contradicts that?


Elite claimed they want to keep their universe as scientifically plausible as possible. And scince our modern science says the only way to create artificial gravity is to spin an object to induce a force on it, I think it's already safe to assume.

And then there's the large "WARNING: ZERO G" Painted on both sides of the landing pads in outposts.

It would be possible to fit small rooms in artificial gravity wheels that just spin them around to act gravity on everything inside them. But keep in mind they problebly wont be the cheapest option to stay, scince they'd eat up a lot of power.

Marra Morgan

Watch Rinzler's vid and practice - combat becomes entirely optional once you get the hang of it, without resorting to cheating!

I watched it. The vid was helpfull!

I'd never heard of those suicide sidey's.

Last edit: 11 Apr 2017, 11:29am
11 Apr 2017, 11:18am
LeifNever visit engineers in Open. It's a camping spot for griefers.

I've never had a problem visiting Engineers. Their systems, apart from Pirates are quieter than a Nunnery on disco night!
I've only visited about 5 so I might not have come across the more aggressive systems yet I suppose.
11 Apr 2017, 11:26am
11 Apr 2017, 11:28am

And then there's the large "WARNING: ZERO G" Painted on both sides of the landing pads in outposts.


Hah, I never noticed those. I've got a blind spot for 'Warning' notices. I figure because I grew up next to a railway line.

Cool. Be a lot easier if there were even some low gravity.

I can see into my future.

I see lots of googling on the effects of zero gravity.

Either that, or I'll ditch the whole idea and do my laundry instead.
11 Apr 2017, 11:34am
Reverend TZW

I can see into my future.

I see lots of googling on the effects of zero gravity.

Save yourself the trouble!

Long-term exposure to zero-g, or simply no gravity, is known to cause deterioration of bone structure and muscle tissue. Unfortunately, thats including the muscle tissue you use to pump your blood around, I.E, your heart.

This is why real life astronauts need soo much exercise in space, In order to prevent that deterioration.

Don't get me wrong, you can spend your entire life in zero-g and do no workout at all. the deterioration of bone structure and muscle fiber will only kill you once you're back under gravity again.
11 Apr 2017, 1:09pm
Reverend TZWI'm doing a Thing based on an orbital Outpost. I'm working on the assumption that as they don't spin or rotate, then they must be Zero-G.

Anything in lore that either confirms or contradicts that?


Outposts are all zero-rated environments. People move around with the aid of magboots, which can be switched on and off as desired. This is described numerous times in lore and in the official novels.

Magboots are very similar to ordinary shoes, and aren't the clunky affairs you might imagine. The feet of a flightsuit have magboots built in.
11 Apr 2017, 1:51pm
They probably have developed a pretty advanced pharmacopeia to deal with the physical issues related to zero-G living by this point in the future.
11 Apr 2017, 2:11pm
Oliver N. HardyThey probably have developed a pretty advanced pharmacopeia to deal with the physical issues related to zero-G living by this point in the future.

That doesn't work that way...

When you're in zero-g your body doesn't need to be strong. There's no forces acting on your bones, there's no resistance for your heart not having to pump your blood up against gravity, etc.

It doesn't need it.

You can pump as much suplements and medicine in, but unless you regulairly exercise and put some stress on your body, it's going to deteriorate...
11 Apr 2017, 2:42pm
seeing as we're talking about gravity what about living somewhere with higher G's and what's the highest amount of gravity the human body can tolerate.

just wondering.

Last edit: 11 Apr 2017, 2:50pm
11 Apr 2017, 2:50pm
Jemine Caesar
Reverend TZWI'm doing a Thing based on an orbital Outpost. I'm working on the assumption that as they don't spin or rotate, then they must be Zero-G.

Anything in lore that either confirms or contradicts that?


Outposts are all zero-rated environments. People move around with the aid of magboots, which can be switched on and off as desired. This is described numerous times in lore and in the official novels.

Magboots are very similar to ordinary shoes, and aren't the clunky affairs you might imagine. The feet of a flightsuit have magboots built in.

Thanks, Jem. I really should get round to reading the novels.

Maybe after I've read the E:D manual. Whenever that will be.

11 Apr 2017, 2:59pm
Bryan Iscariotseeing as we're talking about gravity what about living somewhere with higher G's and what's the highest amount of gravity the human body can tolerate.

just wondering.

In holland fighter pilots in test centrifuges are allowed to be exposed to 15 G's

Now, in something like the 60's there's been some test in the united states with a rocket car, that was supposed to simulate an ejection seat, and it went to something redicoulous like80G.(thats just utter nonsense) The guy survived.

I'll look it up if you have a moment!

edit: I found this....  

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