Elite: Game talk

10 Apr 2017, 8:02am
BeachwalkerMarra, I know about hi waking. My Fsd was charging up as he interdicted me. I was just leaving the planets gravity when I was hit. As soon as I returned to normal space I was hit.
One hit, shields down. Second hit most of my hull gone.
I got the Fsd charging again but it was too late.

Ever heard of taskkilling?

It's considered a dirty thing to do, but I think, if someone grieves you for no reason they deserve it...

And yes, FDEV needs to give their engineers a serious reconsider...
10 Apr 2017, 8:11am
BeachwalkerMarra, I know about hi waking. My Fsd was charging up as he interdicted me. I was just leaving the planets gravity when I was hit. As soon as I returned to normal space I was hit.
One hit, shields down. Second hit most of my hull gone.
I got the Fsd charging again but it was too late.

Ever heard of taskkilling?

It's considered a dirty thing to do, but I think, if someone grieves you for no reason they deserve it...

And yes, FDEV needs to give their engineers a serious reconsider...

Wait, you're with AA and you're encouraging someone to combat log?

10 Apr 2017, 8:26am
BeachwalkerMarra, I know about hi waking. My Fsd was charging up as he interdicted me. I was just leaving the planets gravity when I was hit. As soon as I returned to normal space I was hit.
One hit, shields down. Second hit most of my hull gone.
I got the Fsd charging again but it was too late.

Ever heard of taskkilling?

It's considered a dirty thing to do, but I think, if someone grieves you for no reason they deserve it...

And yes, FDEV needs to give their engineers a serious reconsider...

Way uncool, HappyComrie. We need to be encouraging people to develop skill and understanding, not cheese a ban-able exploit when things are looking down.

Last edit: 10 Apr 2017, 8:32am
10 Apr 2017, 8:29am
Yeah, I'm not finest piece of cheese there is...

But anyhow, I believe, for certain cases, not having to bother at all should be an option for people...

(Also, I've never combat logged in PVP personally.)
10 Apr 2017, 8:33am
HappyComrieYeah, I'm not finest piece of cheese there is...

But anyhow, I believe, for certain cases, not having to bother at all should be an option for people...

(Also, I've never combat logged in PVP personally.)

But that option exists. Two of them, in fact. They're called solo and private group.
10 Apr 2017, 8:35am
HappyComrieYeah, I'm not finest piece of cheese there is...

But anyhow, I believe, for certain cases, not having to bother at all should be an option for people...

(Also, I've never combat logged in PVP personally.)

The "not having to bother at all" option is Solo or Private Group. Encouraging someone to combat log to avoid hostile actions from other players defeats the purpose of playing in Open. And heaven forbid someone record them combat logging and sharing it on Elite Combat Loggers.

Beachwalker, I'm sorry you got bounced. If there's anything I can do to assist you, let me know. Just don't take this guy's advice and taskkill the next time a player interdicts you.
10 Apr 2017, 8:36am
Isaiah Evanson

Wait, you're with AA and you're encouraging someone to combat log?


Just a recruit actually...

M. Lehman

But that option exists. Two of them, in fact. They're called solo and private group.

Point taken...
10 Apr 2017, 8:43am
Never thought I'd see someone actually encourage combat logging on Inara...
10 Apr 2017, 9:07am
Simon DaturaNever thought I'd see someone actually encourage combat logging on Inara...

I can feel a protest march brewing. I hope there will be exuberant placards and banners.
10 Apr 2017, 9:10am
10 Apr 2017, 9:13am
Suppose I just shouldn't have said that.

Should not have ever said that...
10 Apr 2017, 9:39am
Currently at 31Ly in a heavly armed Conda and 44Ly in an Asp Ex built for exploring but well armed
10 Apr 2017, 9:53am
HappyComrieSuppose I just shouldn't have said that.

Should not have ever said that...

Look into that woman's eyes and let her mild upset burn into your soul.
10 Apr 2017, 10:55am
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't 2.3 going live sometime this week or something?
10 Apr 2017, 1:29pm
Bryan IscariotCorrect me if I'm wrong but isn't 2.3 going live sometime this week or something?

It is supposed to be this week, but I haven't seen any specific date. FD like Tuesdays and Thursdays for updates.

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