Elite: Game talk

10 Apr 2017, 3:56pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Septimus Raven

Here's a couple of things you can do:

a) Become rly rly Pro-MLG

b) buy the biggest, baddest, most freakin' insane tanky ship

c) Play with friends. We like to support our wing mates.

What can possibly friends do if you're in the expensive ship, get
singled out, interdicted and turned to debris faster than they
can react. Just adds to the tragedy rly.
10 Apr 2017, 4:30pm

And then get instafried by a python carrying reverbrating cascade torpedos...

I actually had a pair of couriers do that to me once. *cough* sonofmacphisto *cough*

Hmm? What now?
10 Apr 2017, 4:33pm
Not sure if you remember. it was a community goal at an anarchy system, and you guys were setting up camp just outside the station.

A couple of the goal runners got angry and started fighting back with disposable ships. I chose to use my python instead and got my ass handed to me by the station's guns when I fired a missile to finish you off just a little too close to the station itself.
10 Apr 2017, 4:52pm
I know you've referenced this before. Just playing innocent for comedic effect. I don't remember specifics like that. Was that Meene, or well before?

And still happy to pay you back with knowledge when you're ready.
10 Apr 2017, 5:05pm
Septimus Raven
Here's a couple of things you can do:

a) Become rly rly Pro-MLG and get like a wicked-a55 hotas warthog setup for the
best fit (i hear it's rly responsive and stuff, i'm not a fan of joysticks tho) and play
the living hell out of that arena section till you hit elite and no1 alive or already
dead will dare mess with you. Don't forget to engineer the cr4p out of like... an
eagle or something. That's what them CoD kids use these days. An eagle or a
cobra... vs a friggin Federal fckin Corvette... anyway


b) buy the biggest, baddest, most freakin' insane tanky ship you can think of
(i know some1 who has a cutter with over 50% thermal resist shields, the
other resists are much higher ofc) and then tank the bejeezus out of every
single bolt and rivet. After you're done you'll be able to basically not even
care if you're attacked. Just have to calmly accept the interdict, press esc,
wait 15s during which you'll be able to see the poor b4stards trying their
best to off you with no success, and then just calmly exit to main menu and
switch to solo, go to where you need to go and switch to open again. It's what
i do when i see something i don't like.
And no, that's not an exploit. Just kinda douche, but why do you care, amiright?
You'll be able to do your own thing and not have to pay that insurance all the
time just because some j3rks are getting bored and have nothing better to do.

That is piss-poor advice, tbh.

This is much better advice:
10 Apr 2017, 5:06pm
^ This

A-rated Type 7 no-scope.
10 Apr 2017, 5:08pm
Dafuq did I just read.
10 Apr 2017, 5:38pm
I liked the HuD colour
10 Apr 2017, 5:58pm
Marra, that Git Gud video, was fantastic! Thank you Rinzler 070707!
10 Apr 2017, 6:59pm
Septimus RavenWhat can possibly friends do if you're in the expensive ship, get
singled out, interdicted and turned to debris faster than they
can react.

In some cases nothing, in most other cases, a second and third pair of eyes can spot a threat before it develops (especially if they are PvP literate) and drop in when their wingmate gets interdicted. It's also fun and it's sociable.
10 Apr 2017, 7:04pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Septimus RavenWhat can possibly friends do if you're in the expensive ship, get
singled out, interdicted and turned to debris faster than they
can react.
In some cases nothing, in most other cases, a second and third pair of eyes can spot a threat before it develops (especially if they are PvP literate) and drop in when their wingmate gets interdicted. It's also fun and it's sociable.

Add that to the fact, "Griefers" are usually cowards who wouldn't fight two sidewinders single handed in a Corvette. Just being in a wing puts off 90% of them.
10 Apr 2017, 7:10pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Septimus RavenWhat can possibly friends do if you're in the expensive ship, get
singled out, interdicted and turned to debris faster than they
can react.

In some cases nothing, in most other cases, a second and third pair of eyes can spot a threat before it develops (especially if they are PvP literate) and drop in when their wingmate gets interdicted. It's also fun and it's sociable.

Add that to the fact, "Griefers" are usually cowards who wouldn't fight two sidewinders single handed in a Corvette. Just being in a wing puts off 90% of them.

That's what we like to tell ourselves.
10 Apr 2017, 7:23pm
James HussarThat's what we like to tell ourselves.

Oh, Come on...

Griefers aren't that scary.

Worst case scenario you loose 30 million out of rebuy and maybe close to a KT in cargo if you decided to trade in open...
10 Apr 2017, 7:33pm
James Hussar
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Septimus RavenWhat can possibly friends do if you're in the expensive ship, get singled out, interdicted and turned to debris faster than they can react.
In some cases nothing, in most other cases, a second and third pair of eyes can spot a threat before it develops (especially if they are PvP literate) and drop in when their wingmate gets interdicted. It's also fun and it's sociable.
Add that to the fact, "Griefers" are usually cowards who wouldn't fight two sidewinders single handed in a Corvette. Just being in a wing puts off 90% of them.
That's what we like to tell ourselves.

It all comes down to the definition of a griefer. Which is an argument I don't care to get into. But it's beyond debate that someone who interdicts and kills another player, for no gain whatsoever, is a griefer.

Those types of griefers, are cowards. Who wouldn't jump into a fair fight if their actual real life depended on it.
10 Apr 2017, 8:22pm
James HussarThat's what we like to tell ourselves.

Oh, Come on...

Griefers aren't that scary.

Worst case scenario you loose 30 million out of rebuy and maybe close to a KT in cargo if you decided to trade in open...

Right. Every discussion of griefers invariably leads to a comments about how degenerate they are - cowards, psychopaths, etc. I don't think this is fair. It's a self-soothing thing to say because it makes them "lesser" than we are, but the fact is, "they" choose to play the game in a different way. They go after the humans because the humans make for a less predictable, less scalable experience.

Rinzler is, almost unanimously, considered a griefer, yet look at the video above. That's some serious artistry there. He and others like him "get" this game in ways most of us don't. They've figured it out better than most of us. They "got gud", to the point where NPCs just aren't a challenge. And, they push the boundaries of what is permissible in our galaxy-sized little sandbox. They figure out the system and challenge it in novel and ingenious ways.

Maybe they're independently wealthy and can afford to devote 25 hours per day, every day, to just mastering this game. Maybe they've got some genetic mutation that allows them to be effortlessly better at this than the average bear. Maybe they've got an inside track to FD and have some Faustian bargain going where they get better in-game equipment in exchange for playing nemeses to the user community - because they're ships are always well-crafted and superbly engineered, masterfully operated, and dammit, just superlative. Whatever it is, they are exceptionally well adapted predators in the Elite ecosystem, and from their place as apex predators, they make their prey of those who hunt NPCs. So be it.

It's impressive to see a cheetah take down a gazelle, or a shark take down a sea lion. I suspect the gazelles and sea lions sit around when there are no cheetahs or sharks around and take solace in telling each other how those cowardly, psychotic cheetahs and sharks probably live in their mothers' basements. Whatever.

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