Elite: Game talk

10 Apr 2017, 8:27pm
James HussarThat's what we like to tell ourselves.

Oh, Come on...

Griefers aren't that scary.

Worst case scenario you loose 30 million out of rebuy and maybe close to a KT in cargo if you decided to trade in open...

If griefers aren't that scary, why did you advocate for combat logging via task manager?
10 Apr 2017, 8:34pm
Can someone please lock this forum? We don't need another griefer/combatlogger discussion.
10 Apr 2017, 8:41pm
James Hussar
Right. Every discussion of griefers invariably leads to a comments about how degenerate they are - cowards, psychopaths, etc. I don't think this is fair.

It's just a broad bunch of people doing things that the majority don't like. With any group of people, there are a range of abilities and personalities from Rinzler, down to the morons who fly shieldless Sidewinders into speeding commanders at stations. We secretly admire the skills of the former and I think the latter demonstrates the boundless irritation caused by the relatively consequence-free world of Elite.
10 Apr 2017, 8:46pm
I was gna type out a lengthy passage explaining that a Corvette annihilating starter Sideys in Eravate is less akin to a Cheetah killing a Gazelle and more comparable to a group of 19 year olds kicking the shit into a group of 10 year olds during a game of football.

But, as Leif points out, this forum really doesn't need that so that's the last I'm saying on the matter.
10 Apr 2017, 8:47pm
Kyla Emmerich
James HussarThat's what we like to tell ourselves.

Oh, Come on...

Griefers aren't that scary.

Worst case scenario you loose 30 million out of rebuy and maybe close to a KT in cargo if you decided to trade in open...

If griefers aren't that scary, why did you advocate for combat logging via task manager?

Because they're annoying...

And combat logging, as controversial as it seems to be, would pose an equally annoying counter to your aggressor, because it's just that simple...

Also, I don't advertise. I merely asked him if he'd heard of it...

Edit: The kind of grievers I'm talking about here are the kind that fly around with overly engineered ships with broken mechanics just killing everyone on sight "because they feel like it"

They're attacking ships that merely on a level of hardware would be incapable of winning a fight.

And just in that case.

When a fight is THAT unfair.

Combat logging is an equally unfair trick in return.

Last edit: 10 Apr 2017, 9:00pm
10 Apr 2017, 8:58pm
James, that was a superb post.
10 Apr 2017, 10:33pm
Best way to deal with griefers?

1. Know your ship
2. Know how to fly it
3. Know your limits

Also helps to find a group of people to fly with who can give you pointers and fly with you.
10 Apr 2017, 11:20pm
10 Apr 2017, 11:45pm
Kyla Emmerich
James HussarThat's what we like to tell ourselves.

Oh, Come on...

Griefers aren't that scary.

Worst case scenario you loose 30 million out of rebuy and maybe close to a KT in cargo if you decided to trade in open...

If griefers aren't that scary, why did you advocate for combat logging via task manager?

Because they're annoying...

And combat logging, as controversial as it seems to be, would pose an equally annoying counter to your aggressor, because it's just that simple...

Also, I don't advertise. I merely asked him if he'd heard of it...

Edit: The kind of grievers I'm talking about here are the kind that fly around with overly engineered ships with broken mechanics just killing everyone on sight "because they feel like it"

They're attacking ships that merely on a level of hardware would be incapable of winning a fight.

And just in that case.

When a fight is THAT unfair.

Combat logging is an equally unfair trick in return.

Stop. Advocating. Combat. Logging.
10 Apr 2017, 11:56pm
I hereby HEARTILY advocate a change of topic. So, how about that hot CQC action goin on!
11 Apr 2017, 12:04am
Phisto, to be fair I did deserve to get my python blown up in that instance. I was so angry that when we started fighting back I used combat logging to try and aggravate you guys as well.

So I guess its pretty ironic that I got hit by the game system itself then.
11 Apr 2017, 2:03am
Cartlidge1000Phisto, to be fair I did deserve to get my python blown up in that instance. I was so angry that when we started fighting back I used combat logging to try and aggravate you guys as well.

So I guess its pretty ironic that I got hit by the game system itself then.

The game. It knows.
11 Apr 2017, 2:50am
Cartlidge1000Phisto, to be fair I did deserve to get my python blown up in that instance. I was so angry that when we started fighting back I used combat logging to try and aggravate you guys as well.

So I guess its pretty ironic that I got hit by the game system itself then.

The game. It knows.

admittedly it gave me inspiration for a particular scene in one of my logs.
11 Apr 2017, 2:52am
Kudos to this guy for not being a dick cus I ran from the CZ when his gang showed up and used me as target practice.

Kerberos RPG, you're an ass for wiping out half my hull, but you're alright in my books nonetheless o7
11 Apr 2017, 5:47am
If you were at a CZ, maybe, it might not have been target practice.

If They were sided with the oposite faction, They might've been running the CZ for powerplay. And just wanted you out of the CZ soo you wouldn't be bothering with their business.

Last edit: 11 Apr 2017, 7:04am

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