Elite: Game talk

21 Apr 2017, 1:17pm
@tobi why would anger player groups ? Isnt pirating part of the game, or i misunderstood ?

player groups have a moral code and player groups can be anti-pirate, some are ok about pirating npcs
21 Apr 2017, 1:29pm
About targeting power plants, why not drives first..

If you take out the drives first the mark can be locked into a tumble or spin, forcing you to chase after them whilst your collector limpets smash the cargo into the underside of your ship unless you come to a complete stop. And then chase the spinning shape again... very annoying!

Zap their powerplant first so that they come to a compete stop.

Actually, onemore general question... reading around i gotthe impression players are more averse to pvp either pirating or killing as opposed to, again ...eve online, how things stand here ( there i killed everything th moved in system i decided to live in and was not biggerthan me..can i apply same phylosophy here or should i cool downa bit..lol) ?

The Open and Private Group filters have no in-game limitations on PvP, so anything goes. Some Private Groups may have their own rules on PvP, so if you use their groups, respect their rules.

Sure, some people will whine about getting their pixels scattered. I'm also an EvE veteran and I know for a fact that people whine about it there too! Just like in EvE, as long as your actions are within the rules and you don't let any animosity spill out-of-game, you're good.

p.s: fun fact.. the other day i realized how much eve has mademe paranoid of otherplayers...lol... maybe i dont have to play ED with same paranoid mindset ( every player and their mother wants to murder me..same asi want to murder them )..which is goood... i can relax ..can i ? XD

Nearly everything you learned in EvE will serve you well here
21 Apr 2017, 1:50pm
Oom Reni
Isaiah Evanson
Oom ReniSo is my Clipper a viable PvP combat ship, and if so is there something that it needs to really function well in PvP?

Clipper's a fine ship for PVP, just make sure you're hull tanked with good resists.

Thanks for the advice ^^

Do you fly with anyone else? It can make a very interesting support vessel too.
21 Apr 2017, 1:54pm
Thank you for advices, mara
You are right, had the spinning ship problem yesterday, thats why my limplets didnt work well i guess...XD
21 Apr 2017, 2:04pm
NishacharaHey all... im quite new here and in ED, so i dont know if this is the right place to ask a few questions, if not i appologize in advance.
Anyway, the questions:

1. Shield cell banks or hull upgrade on cobra, i used hull upgrade because cobras shield is low so logically i tried to go the armor tanking route... ( idk is this even viable in ED, i played Eve online, a lot so my reasoning is based on that experiences a lot untill i know the game more. )

Also, does hull upgrade slow down the ship or no, logically seems to me that it should ( eve online logic again...there it slows down ship considerably )... but i never found information on the module that it does, or i just accidentaly skipped that in decription or something.

2. 16 or 32 cargo for...khm... tactical redistribudion of cargo..if you get me
...16 seems kinda small but i can put nice hull upgrade into that slot, or a limplet or something.

3. Is there a trick to picking up cargo faster ? Withut pickup limplets, i just dont have the space for them.

4. Lastly im just interested how and if rp works...is there roleplay in ED ( i mean i see the forum part titles up there, but i am not sure how it works )
I rp for myself a bit while i play and i found a nice system and decided to support independants holding it, (to hell with organized superpowers, little guys should have their own part of space XD ) and try to help them doing missions almost only for them, and in neighboring systems..i want to see if i put an efort will they spread to other systems.
The thing is, i just discovered that are player made faction ( Hammers of Slough is the name )..how does that work, can i get into contact with players who made it, is there some greater level at which i can push that faction to more power and stability, are other players actively working towards simmilar goal ?

1. hull reinforcement for low shield health
and the hull reinforcement is heavy if your using class E switch over to class D its lighter and better
2. it depends on what your planning to do in your ship
3. nope sorry limpets or following the cargo compass
4. rp does work
and player factions can be contacted in many different ways like on the "wing" tab on the main bar

One thing on the limpets - if you target a specific piece of cargo, your limpet will get that and then self-destruct. If you DO NOT TARGET anything, the (one) limpet will go back and forth retrieving everything it can (closest first) until it gets everything or it's lifetime expires. The better the limpet controller the longer the limpet lifetime, and the more limpets you can have going simultaneously.

So, NOT TARGETING the cargo you're retrieving will help you rely on fewer limpets.

The weight of your ship hull and various modules does slow your ship down (you can counter this with higher class thrusters) and weight reduces your jump range - can be improved with higher class jump drive. D class modules are always the lightest.

If you want to experiment with loadouts without having to actually buy all the stuff to test it out, I recommend using Coriolis. There are other similar sites (ED Shipyard) but Coriolis looks nicer IMO.
21 Apr 2017, 2:13pm
On big ships go for A class(sensors and life support then caft then to light weight about 50% lighter)so jump range does not change
21 Apr 2017, 2:14pm
EvE and Elite are two games incomparable to each other.

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

And lucky for us, FD and Braben have no intention now or in the future to alienate the majority of the Elite players and give in to the few to whom slaughtering everything is the only meaningful deed they're capable of.

Sadly, this discussion is as old as Elite is and will never be solved until a certain mindset is revisited and discarded.

And for me at least, it's not about getting pixels scattered.

It is about mutual respect.

Don't do to others what you don't want to have done to yourself as the saying goes.
21 Apr 2017, 2:16pm
Ryan Murdoc

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

No-one here is advocating that.
21 Apr 2017, 2:17pm
tell the greifers that,mind u i sent 1 to the void the other day
21 Apr 2017, 2:18pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

No-one here is advocating that.

Nope, nobody decent on this site. And thanks to Artie, any of them who visited in the past were Ban-Hammered
21 Apr 2017, 2:21pm
Ryan Murdoc
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

No-one here is advocating that.

Nope, nobody decent on this site. And thanks to Artie, any of them who visited in the past was Ban-Hammered

Then what was the point of bringing it up?

Was it just a knee-jerk reaction to any mention of EvE?
21 Apr 2017, 2:26pm
Perhaps as attempt to explain why so many Elite players are thinking that everytime another player interdicts them it'll mean certain death and nothing else.

And yes, maybe it would've developed the same as EvE without anyone who came from that game ever playing Elite.

But considering that many import that mindset or simply don't give it a second thought and treat Elite the same way got us where we are today, Griefers vs. Carebears and all that crap.
21 Apr 2017, 2:31pm
Ryan MurdocEvE and Elite are two games incomparable to each other.

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

And lucky for us, FD and Braben have no intention now or in the future to alienate the majority of the Elite players and give in to the few to whom slaughtering everything is their only meaningful deed they're capable of.

Sadly, this discussion is as old as Elite is and will never be solved until a certain mindset is revisited and discarded.

And for me at least, it's not about getting pixels scattered.

It is about mutual respect.

Don't do to others what you don't want to have done to yourself as the saying goes.

I think it goes beyond "do onto others". Respect is key. Respect other players' choice of playstyle. Some people are open to being pirated - there's a degree of risk and excitement that goes with that. But I don't think anyone is open to getting their ship and cargo blown out of the sky for no reason - even if they do opt into unmitigated PvP encounters by flying in Open.

SOME PEOPLE would claim that they are OK with "having their pixels scattered" and so they do onto others and feel it's OK. BUT, these people rarely spend several hours mining to fill up on precious metals, only to get their pixels scattered. Their choice of playstyle is unlike that of their victims and they can't relate to the effect "pixel scattering" has on someone who was just "mining their own business" and forgot they were in Open.

Say I like a neatly trimmed lawn, but my neighbor likes having a variety of flowers strategically placed on their lawn. I can't exactly take my lawn mower and mow their lawn the way I like mine mowed. Or, say I like to jetski and my neighbor likes fly fishing - if I see them fly fishing, and I get on my jetski and start doing circles around them, I'm being an asshole - even though I'm "doing onto others" what I would not mind them doing onto me.

If I go around imposing my aesthetics on other people, I'm an asshole. Even in Open, Elite is a shared experience and having fun based on ruining other people's fun is being an asshole.

So, to Mara's very good point - COMMUNICATE. If you try to pirate someone, they will tell you by how they react if they are willing to play along, or not. Even in the virtual, this is human interaction and respect is important. You can't just grope or punch random people, IRL or online.
21 Apr 2017, 2:35pm
James Hussar
Ryan MurdocEvE and Elite are two games incomparable to each other.

It's a sad fact that certain types of persons - some who also hail from EvE - try to make Elite just like it.

And lucky for us, FD and Braben have no intention now or in the future to alienate the majority of the Elite players and give in to the few to whom slaughtering everything is their only meaningful deed they're capable of.

Sadly, this discussion is as old as Elite is and will never be solved until a certain mindset is revisited and discarded.

And for me at least, it's not about getting pixels scattered.

It is about mutual respect.

Don't do to others what you don't want to have done to yourself as the saying goes.

I think it goes beyond "do onto others". Respect is key. Respect other players' choice of playstyle. Some people are open to being pirated - there's a degree of risk and excitement that goes with that. But I don't think anyone is open to getting their ship and cargo blown out of the sky for no reason - even if they do opt into unmitigated PvP encounters by flying in Open.

SOME PEOPLE would claim that they are OK with "having their pixels scattered" and so they do onto others and feel it's OK. BUT, these people rarely spend several hours mining to fill up on precious metals, only to get their pixels scattered. Their choice of playstyle is unlike that of their victims and they can't relate to the effect "pixel scattering" has on someone who was just "mining their own business" and forgot they were in Open.

Say I like a neatly trimmed lawn, but my neighbor likes having a variety of flowers strategically placed on their lawn. I can't exactly take my lawn mower and mow their lawn the way I like mine mowed. Or, say I like to jetski and my neighbor likes fly fishing - if I see them fly fishing, and I get on my jetski and start doing circles around them, I'm being an asshole - even though I'm "doing onto others" what I would not mind them doing onto me.

If I go around imposing my aesthetics on other people, I'm an asshole. Even in Open, Elite is a shared experience and having fun based on ruining other people's fun is being an asshole.

So, to Mara's very good point - COMMUNICATE. If you try to pirate someone, they will tell you by how they react if they are willing to play along, or not. Even in the virtual, this is human interaction and respect is important. You can't just grope or punch random people, IRL or online.

21 Apr 2017, 2:39pm
Ryan Murdoc
But considering that many import that mindset or simply don't give it a second thought and treat Elite the same way got us where we are today, Griefers vs. Carebears and all that crap.

That mindset is in every game where there is PvP in an open-world setting.

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