Elite: Game talk

20 Apr 2017, 6:53pm
smokeingcat1369Introducing,, the noon improve Holl-me[img=620x115]http://inara.cz/data/sigs/56/56765.png[/img]

21 Apr 2017, 12:48am
TeddyPandaHello, SpaceBear there. Someone stole my photos and uploaded them on inara as his. Can anybody tell me how can i contact with Inara admins to force him to delete it? Its this cmdr: http://inara.cz/cmdr-gallery/21607 all photos and scenes are mine, look at my profile: http://inara.cz/cmdr-gallery/19658?page=1, also scenes was cut off from my movies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BTWHsYSECc 0:51, 1:36, 4:59, 5:14. All his screens is from my movie.

You no need to cntact with anybody because i made it to contact with you and it worked well pictures has been removed and i send a PM to you pls respond regards and respect your work !

Sorry, i dont must answer to all messages, beside that im out of elite for a few days and today ive seen Your message and my work here that You stolen from my youtube (my friends tell me about it) . Things not work in this way. I put many hours to make content for people, i make it for free, also i dont have always time to answer to everyone, i have my life, my work, my girlfriend and other games to play. Stoling someones work its not ok even if he not answer you, this situation makes me angry and sad today, Inara owner Artie delete all Your stolen photos, i contact with him personally and he do it again when i see again that You stoling my work. Please think about your behavior, cheers.

relax dude , i dont care if admin is your close friend or something and i already removed pictures from ur channel at all... all my target was the take your attention to contact with you!!! anyway if you think it was mistake okey then sorry!!! i only wanted to hear your advice on edfx or insomnia mod and your graphic configiration....

I think that better thing was just wait, im not checked my channel, not reading messages and coments in last days because im burned with elite and channel.

İ hope you understand me why did ı putted them all anyway once again am sorry i never wanted to hurt you or steal your content i only need to know your graphical tweaks insomnia or reshade idk what are u using , my current edfx settings are not giving that beauty as like your.


If you dont want why you did it? I don't understand this, but okay i accept your apologies. Don't do this again. I was writing about my graphics many times on youtube, under many movies but i tell again. Look for my twitter for details: https://twitter.com/EliteSpaceBear
21 Apr 2017, 10:15am
Hey all... im quite new here and in ED, so i dont know if this is the right place to ask a few questions, if not i appologize in advance.
Anyway, the questions:

1. Shield cell banks or hull upgrade on cobra, i used hull upgrade because cobras shield is low so logically i tried to go the armor tanking route... ( idk is this even viable in ED, i played Eve online, a lot so my reasoning is based on that experiences a lot untill i know the game more. )

Also, does hull upgrade slow down the ship or no, logically seems to me that it should ( eve online logic again...there it slows down ship considerably )... but i never found information on the module that it does, or i just accidentaly skipped that in decription or something.

2. 16 or 32 cargo for...khm... tactical redistribudion of cargo..if you get me
...16 seems kinda small but i can put nice hull upgrade into that slot, or a limplet or something.

3. Is there a trick to picking up cargo faster ? Withut pickup limplets, i just dont have the space for them.

4. Lastly im just interested how and if rp works...is there roleplay in ED ( i mean i see the forum part titles up there, but i am not sure how it works )
I rp for myself a bit while i play and i found a nice system and decided to support independants holding it, (to hell with organized superpowers, little guys should have their own part of space XD ) and try to help them doing missions almost only for them, and in neighboring systems..i want to see if i put an efort will they spread to other systems.
The thing is, i just discovered that are player made faction ( Hammers of Slough is the name )..how does that work, can i get into contact with players who made it, is there some greater level at which i can push that faction to more power and stability, are other players actively working towards simmilar goal ?
21 Apr 2017, 10:31am
Kantos Kan
GTxMUSHxQuick question

wheres the nearest place from SOL can i get the new Dolphin ship from??


Check http://www.eddb.io/. Stations.

cheers pal
21 Apr 2017, 10:54am
NishacharaHey all... im quite new here and in ED, so i dont know if this is the right place to ask a few questions, if not i appologize in advance.
Anyway, the questions:

1. Shield cell banks or hull upgrade on cobra, i used hull upgrade because cobras shield is low so logically i tried to go the armor tanking route... ( idk is this even viable in ED, i played Eve online, a lot so my reasoning is based on that experiences a lot untill i know the game more. )

Also, does hull upgrade slow down the ship or no, logically seems to me that it should ( eve online logic again...there it slows down ship considerably )... but i never found information on the module that it does, or i just accidentaly skipped that in decription or something.

2. 16 or 32 cargo for...khm... tactical redistribudion of cargo..if you get me
...16 seems kinda small but i can put nice hull upgrade into that slot, or a limplet or something.

3. Is there a trick to picking up cargo faster ? Withut pickup limplets, i just dont have the space for them.

4. Lastly im just interested how and if rp works...is there roleplay in ED ( i mean i see the forum part titles up there, but i am not sure how it works )
I rp for myself a bit while i play and i found a nice system and decided to support independants holding it, (to hell with organized superpowers, little guys should have their own part of space XD ) and try to help them doing missions almost only for them, and in neighboring systems..i want to see if i put an efort will they spread to other systems.
The thing is, i just discovered that are player made faction ( Hammers of Slough is the name )..how does that work, can i get into contact with players who made it, is there some greater level at which i can push that faction to more power and stability, are other players actively working towards simmilar goal ?

1. hull reinforcement for low shield health
and the hull reinforcement is heavy if your using class E switch over to class D its lighter and better
2. it depends on what your planning to do in your ship
3. nope sorry limpets or following the cargo compass
4. rp does work
and player factions can be contacted in many different ways like on the "wing" tab on the main bar
21 Apr 2017, 11:03am
@tobi thank you for your answers..so its hull reinforcment like i put it in the first place..
2. I intendto interdict a ship from super cruise, target its drives and disable it and then bust open the cargo hatch before and take the cargo..i just dont know will 16 of cargo space will be enough...well basically ill try both options and see for myself.

I can remove the discovery scanner, but i am not sure do i need it or not (for that, i wont scan planets orexplore..)...maybe go to unindentified signature or two while waiting for good opportunity.. do i need discovery scanner for that ?
21 Apr 2017, 11:14am
Nishachara@tobi thank you for your answers..so its hull reinforcment like i put it in the first place..
2. I intendto interdict a ship from super cruise, target its drives and disable it and then bust open the cargo hatch before and take the cargo..i just dont know will 16 of cargo space will be enough...well basically ill try both options and see for myself.

I can remove the discovery scanner, but i am not sure do i need it or not (for that, i wont scan planets orexplore..)...maybe go to unindentified signature or two while waiting for good opportunity.. do i need discovery scanner for that ?

for unidentified signatures they pop up though scanners and if your interdicting someone i recommend getting a combat ship viper 3 is a cheaper alternative to the cobra 3 and little to no cargo required for combat but if your planning on taking cargo size 3 is a good size
21 Apr 2017, 11:17am
Nishachara I intendto interdict a ship from super cruise, target its drives and disable it and then bust open the cargo hatch before and take the cargo..i just dont know will 16 of cargo space will be enough

Do you intend to do this to a player or NPC?
21 Apr 2017, 11:20am
Marra Morgan
Nishachara I intendto interdict a ship from super cruise, target its drives and disable it and then bust open the cargo hatch before and take the cargo..i just dont know will 16 of cargo space will be enough

Do you intend to do this to a player or NPC?

Ill try and practice in solo mode first, so npc-s.. and then in open on who ever comes along first.
21 Apr 2017, 11:31am

Ill try and practice in solo mode first, so npc-s.. and then in open on who ever comes along first.

you could anger a player group doing that
21 Apr 2017, 11:37am
Ill try and practice in solo mode first, so npc-s.. and then in open on who ever comes along first.

I ask because the tactics are quite different...

With NPCs, I recommend you use a manifest scanner to see what they've got. Low Temperature Diamonds are the jackpot, Rare Goods are nice, as are high-value illegal goods such as narcotics and slaves.

Target the Power Plant first - bring it down to zero. Make sure you don't blow the mark up doing this! Consider your weapon choices carefully - good pirate ships are not designed to kill their prey, just disable them.

If you mark is rated Novice or above, then disable their drives next. Wait a few seconds until they reboot them and then blast them out again. Their drives should stay dead, although they may reboot their powerplants and restore weapons and shields.

Next, deploy your collectors, launch hatchbreakers and relieve the mark of its cargo.

A pirate Cobra can happily fit 2 16t cargo racks, along with shield, FSDI, hatcher and collector controllers.

With players, a different approach is needed. Many players will suspect you of wanting to just kill them outright - if you are in a heavy combat ship such as an FdL then they are not going to play ball with you - they will try to escape, unfortunately some will even cheat to do so. A Cobra is seen as a genuinely piratey ship, so you should get some success with one.

And you'll need to be a good communicator. If you can set up macros to quickly issue greetings and demands, all the better. Talking a player into giving up goods is more effective than shooting at them.

Just bear in mind that if a player knows what they are doing and they don't want to be pirated, they will not be pirated.

Personally I find chasing players to be a little tedious and I don't really have the time for it. I prefer pirating NPCs and have it down to a fine art - please feel free to contact me or anyone from Black Omega if you'd like some advice on the subject
21 Apr 2017, 12:52pm
So is my Clipper a viable PvP combat ship, and if so is there something that it needs to really function well in PvP?
21 Apr 2017, 12:53pm
Oom ReniSo is my Clipper a viable PvP combat ship, and if so is there something that it needs to really function well in PvP?

Clipper's a fine ship for PVP, just make sure you're hull tanked with good resists.
21 Apr 2017, 12:54pm
Isaiah Evanson
Oom ReniSo is my Clipper a viable PvP combat ship, and if so is there something that it needs to really function well in PvP?

Clipper's a fine ship for PVP, just make sure you're hull tanked with good resists.

Thanks for the advice ^^
21 Apr 2017, 12:58pm
@mara thank you for nice info. Yes, i expect ill pirate npc-s more... i mean i think players will be harder to get out of fsd in the first place.
I think one player tried to get me out but failed, so i presume i would have same difficulty as he/she...and taking into account fsd mini game and all...
I played eve online a lot so i have some experience with communication in local to convince them to drop cargo/pay up (in eve)....

About targeting power plants, why not drives first.. so far i targeted drives and let the limplet towards the hatch when < 500 m
It worked ok, only problem was i had to bail and didnt had time to pickup any cargo...few times now, even failed a few missions like that.
I worked in anarchy system but obviously the map lies, i read somewhere that the map is updated rarely and i shoul look at system info instead.

@tobi why would anger player groups ? Isnt pirating part of the game, or i misunderstood ?

Actually, onemore general question... reading around i gotthe impression players are more averse to pvp either pirating or killing as opposed to, again ...eve online, how things stand here ( there i killed everything th moved in system i decided to live in and was not biggerthan me..can i apply same phylosophy here or should i cool downa bit..lol) ?

p.s: fun fact.. the other day i realized how much eve has mademe paranoid of otherplayers...lol... maybe i dont have to play ED with same paranoid mindset ( every player and their mother wants to murder me..same asi want to murder them )..which is goood... i can relax ..can i ? XD

Edit: sory for missed spaces in text, writing on a tablet and "hackers keybard" isnt so good.

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