Elite: Game talk

25 Apr 2017, 12:13pm
personally i like the type 9 for short range trade routes
like the imperial cg for building fabricators
25 Apr 2017, 12:40pm
I utilize my Anaconda for trading now, however when I started seriously trading, I did so using the type-7, Until I was able to afford my conda.
25 Apr 2017, 12:48pm
Rinzler o7o7o7 has a nice guide on trading in open play with a t7, ship build and tactics.

25 Apr 2017, 12:49pm
Stryker AuneRinzler o7o7o7 has a nice guide on trading in open play with a t7, ship build and tactics.

This is a great vid - informative, effective and very funny
25 Apr 2017, 12:54pm
Both Rinzler o7o7o7 and MassiveD offer great tactics which work even against multiple attackers.  Their approach is fundamentally the same.
25 Apr 2017, 2:08pm

Soo, I just found out that the correlation between harpoint sizes and DPS (damage per second) is non-lineair, in different ways regarding each weapon.

In other words. A weapon deals rougly the same amount of DPS as the factor of it's class size number.
(I.O.W, a class 4 multi-cannon deals roughly the same amount of DPS than four class 1 multi-cannons)

But this correlation is actually non-linear, wich diffirents for every weapon.

Example: With multi-cannons the ΔDPS is decremental with size. Thus, one class 4 multi-cannon deals Less DPM than four class 1 multi-cannons or two class 2 multi-cannons, ETC.

However, With beam lasers the ΔDPS is incremental with size. Thus, one class 4 beam laser deals More DPM than four class 1 beam lasers, ETC.

Thus, if you've outfitted, for example, an Imperial eagle with one class 2 multi-cannons and two class 1 beam lasers you have Less total raw DPM than outfitted with one class 2 Beam laser and two class 1 multi-cannons!

Did you know this? Do you think it's usefull information, worth making a sheet on?

I'm on it! I'm calculating this for all weapons, I damn hope y'all are interested!!!

Last edit: 25 Apr 2017, 3:39pm
25 Apr 2017, 2:18pm
Don't forget the target ship size vs weapon class variable as well.
25 Apr 2017, 4:29pm

Soo, I just found out that the correlation between harpoint sizes and DPS (damage per second) is non-lineair, in different ways regarding each weapon.

In other words. A weapon deals rougly the same amount of DPS as the factor of it's class size number.
(I.O.W, a class 4 multi-cannon deals roughly the same amount of DPS than four class 1 multi-cannons)

But this correlation is actually non-linear, wich diffirents for every weapon.

Example: With multi-cannons the ΔDPS is decremental with size. Thus, one class 4 multi-cannon deals Less DPM than four class 1 multi-cannons or two class 2 multi-cannons, ETC.

However, With beam lasers the ΔDPS is incremental with size. Thus, one class 4 beam laser deals More DPM than four class 1 beam lasers, ETC.

Thus, if you've outfitted, for example, an Imperial eagle with one class 2 multi-cannons and two class 1 beam lasers you have Less total raw DPM than outfitted with one class 2 Beam laser and two class 1 multi-cannons!

Did you know this? Do you think it's usefull information, worth making a sheet on?

I'm on it! I'm calculating this for all weapons, I damn hope y'all are interested!!!

Interesting. I *thought* the FDL with a Huge beam and 4 chains was a better solution than the other way around. Looking forward to your analysis.
25 Apr 2017, 5:12pm
Hi guys, I'm here to make a request, this guy must be hunted "CMDR MegatronsFinger" checkout his videos on the xbox, he only kill players in cowardice, he not attack ho can defend him self, his target is cargo, passenger ships etc. He attack another ships inside the base, just hitting without making shot, just hitting... Just for fun

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Apr 2017, 5:35pm
25 Apr 2017, 5:27pm
That's because 4x class two hardpoint equals eight hardpoints, not four.

But yes, it is actually better to get multi's on the class two, and a beam on the class 4, because multi's relatively do more DPS in smaller classes and beams do better in larger classes.

Let's say you have one large and two mediums, and put something else on the remaining hardpoints. take a look:

2x class 2 beam laser         ,Thermal 12.52 DPS X 2 = 25,04 DPS

1x class 4 multi-cannon                          ,Kinetic = 23,06 DPS


2x clas 2 multi-cannon      ,kinetic 12.61DPS X 2 =25,23 DPS

1x class 4 beam laser                             ,thermal =32.68 DPS

If you compare the two loadouts you see that BOTH thermal and kinetic have more DPS simply by being in the diffirent class hardpoint, while it's still the same total amount of hardpoints!

Loadout A
Kinetic = 23,06 DPS
Thermal = 25,04 DPS

Loadout B
Kinetic = 25,23 DPS
Thermal = 32.68 DPS
25 Apr 2017, 5:41pm
RafaelfantiHi guys, I'm here to make a request, this guy must be hunted "CMDR MegatronsFinger" checkout his videos on the xbox, he only kill players in cowardice, he not attack ho can defend him self, his target is cargo, passenger ships etc. He attack another ships inside the base, just hitting without making shot, just hitting... Just for fun

Do you by chance have any more info than that? Such as where he hunts or what he (presumably) shot you down in?
25 Apr 2017, 7:05pm
HappyComrieThat's because 4x class two hardpoint equals eight hardpoints, not four.

But yes, it is actually better to get multi's on the class two, and a beam on the class 4, because multi's relatively do more DPS in smaller classes and beams do better in larger classes.

Let's say you have one large and two mediums, and put something else on the remaining hardpoints. take a look:

2x class 2 beam laser         ,Thermal 12.52 DPS X 2 = 25,04 DPS

1x class 4 multi-cannon                          ,Kinetic = 23,06 DPS


2x clas 2 multi-cannon      ,kinetic 12.61DPS X 2 =25,23 DPS

1x class 4 beam laser                             ,thermal =32.68 DPS

If you compare the two loadouts you see that BOTH thermal and kinetic have more DPS simply by being in the diffirent class hardpoint, while it's still the same total amount of hardpoints!

Loadout A
Kinetic = 23,06 DPS
Thermal = 25,04 DPS

Loadout B
Kinetic = 25,23 DPS
Thermal = 32.68 DPS

And you completely ignore the size penalty vs hull on the medium hardpoints, which hurts loadout B big time. Coriolis now has an actual calculator showing you how long it takes you to destroy another ship with the configured loadout. I prefer loadouts with the kinetics on the larger hardpoints and the thermals on the smaller ones any day. The disadvantage against small and medium ships is minor, and the advantage against large ships is huge.
25 Apr 2017, 7:08pm
HappyComrieIf you compare the two loadouts you see that BOTH thermal and kinetic have more DPS simply by being in the diffirent class hardpoint, while it's still the same total amount of hardpoints!

I believe you and I run a huge beam myself — though mainly because of my playstyle (and Bebop) and it making sense to have a perfectly-aligned fixed weapon be a laser — but I can't say I get it yet.

Can you break down the math a bit more and what is affecting kinetic vs. thermal weapon stacking DPS?
25 Apr 2017, 8:14pm
Comrie, would Premium Reload Synth tip the balance in favor of multicannons over beams?
26 Apr 2017, 8:35am

And you completely ignore the size penalty vs hull on the medium hardpoints, which hurts loadout B big time. Coriolis now has an actual calculator showing you how long it takes you to destroy another ship with the configured loadout. I prefer loadouts with the kinetics on the larger hardpoints and the thermals on the smaller ones any day. The disadvantage against small and medium ships is minor, and the advantage against large ships is huge.

I'll make shure I keep those in mind, thanks for mentioning! Oliver as well.


I believe you and I run a huge beam myself — though mainly because of my playstyle (and Bebop) and it making sense to have a perfectly-aligned fixed weapon be a laser — but I can't say I get it yet.

Can you break down the math a bit more and what is affecting kinetic vs. thermal weapon stacking DPS?

Basically, to compare diffirent numbers of diffirent size hardpoints with each other, I've assumed that hardpoints have the firepower of their class size multiplied by their damage per second.

Soo, again, a class 4 beam laser would do the same DPS than four class 1 beam lasers. But that doesn't seem to be the case.
I've calculated that by simply taking the weapon, dividing its DPS by it's class size, and then comparing it to it's class 1 sized brother.

A class 1 multi-cannon does 6.8 DPS, and a class 4 does 23.1. Divide the class 4's by it's class size, 4, (23.1/4)=5.8 wich is less DPS than a class 1 multi-cannon. Thus, four class 1 multi's will deal more DPS than one class 4.

With beam lasers, it's the other way around. one class 4 beam will do more damage than four class 1's.

That isn't with armour hardness values included wich I will add in the calculation.

SonofMacPhistoComrie, would Premium Reload Synth tip the balance in favor of multicannons over beams?

Well, ofcourse it would... But then again, if you would do the outfitting the other way around you'd get even more DPS with synthesised ammo. But, again, Numa might be completely right with the armour hardness thingy, I'll be having a look to that.

Just keep in mind you can't synthesise ammo for beam lasers...

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