Elite: Game talk

21 Apr 2017, 2:40pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc
But considering that many import that mindset or simply don't give it a second thought and treat Elite the same way got us where we are today, Griefers vs. Carebears and all that crap.

That mindset is in every game where there is PvP in an open-world setting.

So in other words, everyone is evenly ignorant towards everyone else?

I am glad I am not like that, and never will be then.
21 Apr 2017, 2:45pm
Ryan Murdoc

So in other words, everyone is evenly ignorant towards everyone else?

I am glad I am not like that, and never will be then.

No irony lost there...
21 Apr 2017, 4:20pm
Be a wolf. If you can't be a wolf, be a fox.
21 Apr 2017, 4:21pm
21 Apr 2017, 4:32pm
Marra Morgan
Ill try and practice in solo mode first, so npc-s.. and then in open on who ever comes along first.

I ask because the tactics are quite different...

With NPCs, I recommend you use a manifest scanner to see what they've got. Low Temperature Diamonds are the jackpot, Rare Goods are nice, as are high-value illegal goods such as narcotics and slaves.

Target the Power Plant first - bring it down to zero. Make sure you don't blow the mark up doing this! Consider your weapon choices carefully - good pirate ships are not designed to kill their prey, just disable them.

If you mark is rated Novice or above, then disable their drives next. Wait a few seconds until they reboot them and then blast them out again. Their drives should stay dead, although they may reboot their powerplants and restore weapons and shields.

Next, deploy your collectors, launch hatchbreakers and relieve the mark of its cargo.

A pirate Cobra can happily fit 2 16t cargo racks, along with shield, FSDI, hatcher and collector controllers.

With players, a different approach is needed. Many players will suspect you of wanting to just kill them outright - if you are in a heavy combat ship such as an FdL then they are not going to play ball with you - they will try to escape, unfortunately some will even cheat to do so. A Cobra is seen as a genuinely piratey ship, so you should get some success with one.

And you'll need to be a good communicator. If you can set up macros to quickly issue greetings and demands, all the better. Talking a player into giving up goods is more effective than shooting at them.

Just bear in mind that if a player knows what they are doing and they don't want to be pirated, they will not be pirated.

Personally I find chasing players to be a little tedious and I don't really have the time for it. I prefer pirating NPCs and have it down to a fine art - please feel free to contact me or anyone from Black Omega if you'd like some advice on the subject

This is really useful information, Marra.
21 Apr 2017, 4:38pm
Isaiah EvansonBe a wolf. If you can't be a wolf, be a fox.

If I transform into a wolf right here on the spot, I'm affraid I won't be able to play elite or hang around this forum a lot anymore, for various reasons, one of wich being wolves aren't well known for their abilities to use computers...
21 Apr 2017, 4:39pm
Looks at Comrie's avatar

You seem to do alright.
21 Apr 2017, 4:43pm
SonofMacPhistoLooks at Comrie's avatar

You seem to do alright.

I have no response to that...

*runs away*
21 Apr 2017, 5:09pm
SonofMacPhistoLooks at Comrie's avatar

You seem to do alright.

I don't know much about dogs, but I'm pretty sure that that's a German Shepherd
22 Apr 2017, 2:24pm
can someone explain what is coming up on the 29th?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Apr 2017, 2:43pm
22 Apr 2017, 3:07pm
Crupchurchcan someone explain what is coming up on the 29th?

Huge in game event Deciding the ending of drew wager's next book and the in-game lore, where Kahina Loren (Salomé) and her Co-conspirators travel from somewhere (I forget where it starts, Erimond or something) to an Undisclosed destination in the bubble in "Ironman mode" to reveal the Conspiracy the Powers are hiding.

If they die their secrets die with them. if they make it the secret is revealed. there is an 11 mil bounty across all 4 conspirators 3 including Salomé on PC/Mac 1 on Xbox.

I think the conspiracy has something to do with the Thargoids but that hasn't been confirmed.

Elite player base decides their fate by choosing to either defend them to the destination or kill them for a measly bounty (you can probably guess which side I'm on then).

Hope this helps.
22 Apr 2017, 4:02pm
Crupchurchcan someone explain what is coming up on the 29th?

It starts at 46 Eridani at 18:00 game time on the 29th. Should be interesting, smiling dog crew has stated they will help defend but many don't trust their word. It's 900ly away so heavy combat builds would be painfully slow but there are the determined few pvpers who will make the trip just to be murderhobos or to seriously defend solomes group.

Many will go just to see it happen, as will I. However it turns out there wil be history made and lore decided by the players themselves, which i think is great.

I belive (or at least hope) that there will be far more there to defend and experience the story playing out than to cause problems. I believe the murderhobos are a vast minority and hope this helps to highlight that fact.
22 Apr 2017, 4:27pm
Instancing problems will be what threatens everything more then murderhobos.
22 Apr 2017, 5:06pm
Harlrey   It starts at 46 Eridani at 18:00 game time on the 29th.

That's the system I was looking for. I blanked on it and couldn't remember. Thanks.
23 Apr 2017, 10:18am
Ryan MurdocInstancing problems will be what threatens everything more then murderhobos.

Based on the nature of the event, this will be much less a concern as you think

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