Elite: Game talk

28 Apr 2017, 3:37am
SonofMacPhistoThe end game is blazing your own trail. Making your own story. Once you've gone through the struggle of establishing yourself, the game really opens up. And honestly, without that struggle, the losses, the heartache, the "end game" wouldn't feel so real and satisfying.

You must be a regular contributor on the RP haha, That was a very eloquent post. However the implied connotations that come with your assumption of "the End Game" is misleading. An alternative to the artistic leading of " I have arrived and it's time to spend time in the universe". Is " I have arrived and it's time to turn the game off until they come out with an update"... just saying haha

However, I am willing to admit that there are many people with this leaning. Nonetheless, there are many people who finish off and need an objective. Having none it will enevitably lead to PvP.
28 Apr 2017, 4:14am
SonofMacPhistoThe end game is blazing your own trail. Making your own story. Once you've gone through the struggle of establishing yourself, the game really opens up. And honestly, without that struggle, the losses, the heartache, the "end game" wouldn't feel so real and satisfying.

You must be a regular contributor on the RP haha, That was a very eloquent post. However the implied connotations that come with your assumption of "the End Game" is misleading. An alternative to the artistic leading of " I have arrived and it's time to spend time in the universe". Is " I have arrived and it's time to turn the game off until they come out with an update"... just saying haha

However, I am willing to admit that there are many people with this leaning. Nonetheless, there are many people who finish off and need an objective. Having none it will enevitably lead to PvP.

I am. Simply providing my example. Many keys, many doors, all that.
28 Apr 2017, 4:49am
SonofMacPhistoThe end game is blazing your own trail. Making your own story. Once you've gone through the struggle of establishing yourself, the game really opens up. And honestly, without that struggle, the losses, the heartache, the "end game" wouldn't feel so real and satisfying.

You must be a regular contributor on the RP haha, That was a very eloquent post. However the implied connotations that come with your assumption of "the End Game" is misleading. An alternative to the artistic leading of " I have arrived and it's time to spend time in the universe". Is " I have arrived and it's time to turn the game off until they come out with an update"... just saying haha

However, I am willing to admit that there are many people with this leaning. Nonetheless, there are many people who finish off and need an objective. Having none it will enevitably lead to PvP.

I am. Simply providing my example. Many keys, many doors, all that.

Righton . And seal clubbing aside. This is what I think established players should consider. Even the most ridiculous stupid griefing (reiterated upon established knowledgable players) such as manifest scanning, suicidewinders ect. Should be considered enrichment to the gaming experience and universe as a whole. No shitting. Here's why.

When those 12 year olds showed up I stared A. Doing the speed limit, B. Silent running. Hmm, mechanics solved ALL my problems. Alongside of that it added risk, fun, and the opportunity to do some 97mps ramming on some eagles haha. Awesome .

Anyone who has spent 12 minutes of research can effectively evade most "grief" alongside of that you can effectively exempt yourself from any interdiction PvP encounter if you want with a decent build and high wake on almost any piece of crap ship you pick.

What "grief" makes us do is seek out resources and learn the game. Becoming better pilots and having way way more fun while we do it. What "grief" Denys us is an easy A to B grind, that we churn out at optimal efficiency, in a mindless drag to the finish line of the RepGrind/Rngeers.

Pick your poison, but the most boring days I've had in this game are when I was getting the most done, and the most fun I've had are when some prick screws me up and I have to work around him.

I would like to finish this by saying, if you are seal clubbing vipers I hate you.
28 Apr 2017, 5:17am
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

What pray tell is the endgame content?

Last edit: 28 Apr 2017, 5:24am
28 Apr 2017, 5:25am
M. Lehman
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

What preytell is the endgame content?

Flying a Dropship for PvP
28 Apr 2017, 5:38am
Rinzler o7o7o7
M. Lehman
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

What preytell is the endgame content?

Flying a Dropship for PvP

I have the awful suspicion that this answer will satisfy me far more than Ryan's...

Last edit: 28 Apr 2017, 5:46am
28 Apr 2017, 5:50am
OK, ok, ok... I'm going to pass on what I said to someone else via Discord PM. Albeit a bit more detailed.

I want to clear something up, and I gladly accept this is poor communication on my behalf. I do not think the SDC is a group SOLELY dedicated to hunting weaker opponents. Every group has it's exceptional players that make fun interesting stuff happen (Looking at you Rinzler, I genuinely like your youtube videos), but similarly, every group has its bad eggs.

Unfortunately (and this bit is very important that you read it carefully), it is MY EXPERIENCE that the rotten members outweigh the good ones.

Now, that on its own would not make me conclude that the SDC are a bunch of cowards. But, when Elite Dangerous was released, I took some interest in the concept and popped onto the forums. Only making an account when the Xbox release was out for a while. Now, say what you like about the good ones in the SDC but unfortunately any group is the sum of its parts and amongst the good ones, there are some seriously bad parts in the SDC.

I mention my time on the forums because I first popped in on the fizzling out of the Mobius Incident. Perhaps that coloured my opinion from the get go, or perhaps it was simply a foreshadowing of what I was witness to become a fairly steady trend. Not too long after was the "Arseholes for Arseholes" stuff. These, to me, are not actions of a group that can safely say "we're just having a laugh". You know who else is having a laugh? The 16 year old continuously tormenting the 5 year old.

And that's all they are in my book. Bullies. Plain and simple.

It doesn't matter to me that 99% of them could wipe the floor with me in PVP. With the other 1% acknowledging I put up a fight before pointing out the finer details of the rebuy screen regardless. I'M one of the fights they'd be guaranteed to win. But they're still cowards.

It's important to note, that while this colours my impression of the group as a whole. I'm by no means saying that anyone affiliated with them is automatically scum. I may have an automatic pre-judgement to anyone waving the SDC flag, but I will continue to judge individual people based on their actions and theirs alone. But I will always be very, VERY, concerned by anyone who is affiliated with a group whos actions I disagree with.

For comparison, someone could be the nicest bloke in the world to me and I will be just as nice to them. But I'll never go to their house for tea after finding out they're a member of the Westboro Baptist Church. Even if they tell me it's for the best of intentions.

Now... If you don't mind I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be the victim of a witchhunt soon enough now. But I am prepared to deal with the consequences of my actions. Something that certain members of the SDC are ill-equipped to do.
28 Apr 2017, 6:06am
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

No, there is no endgame for Elite: Dangerous unless you set yourself one. There's no big bad boss to fight which results in "you win, conglaturation!", there's no end-point. Unless, of course, playing in Ironman mode counts and you get blown to pieces.
That's one thing I really like about it.
28 Apr 2017, 6:08am
oh dear
28 Apr 2017, 6:08am

Unfortunately (and this bit is very important that you read it carefully), it is MY EXPERIENCE that the rotten members outweigh the good ones.

So what has been your direct experience with SDC in-game?
28 Apr 2017, 6:10am
The subreddit and the forums?

Edit: Oh, you said in-game. *Swigs whisky*
28 Apr 2017, 6:22am
Marra Morgan
Luke3107Unfortunately (and this bit is very important that you read it carefully), it is MY EXPERIENCE that the rotten members outweigh the good ones.

So what has been your direct experience with SDC in-game?

Well, I did have a couple of people claiming to be part of their group interdict my mining cobra in the LHS 3447 system as I left the station with nothing more than limpets on board.

By claiming, I will say that they didn't communicate anything to me, they just both had SDC as part of their gamertags. There was no threat given, no warning. Just interdicted, blown up and left wondering how on earth anyone actually progressed in the game.

Edit: A very small thing I'll admit. I've since hit the rebuy screen several times and this incident barely makes a dent in my total insurance claims. But nonetheless, had it been a piracy thing, I'd brush it off and say 'well played'. As it stands it was an unprovoked, unnecessary attack simply because I was there.
28 Apr 2017, 6:32am

By claiming, I will say that they didn't communicate anything to me, they just both had SDC as part of their gamertags.

That's funny, I've never seen an SDC tag.
28 Apr 2017, 6:35am
if they still had their tag openly they would not be able to kill beginners anymore...
28 Apr 2017, 6:36am
Marra Morgan
Luke3107By claiming, I will say that they didn't communicate anything to me, they just both had SDC as part of their gamertags.

That's funny, I've never seen an SDC tag.

You get people with their 'Clan Tags' as part of their usernames all the time on Xbox. It might not be officially sanctioned, it might even have been a couple of pretenders, no one but them can say for sure really.

It's my understanding that on PC you get to choose your CMDR name and as such most will likely have and 'actual' name there. On Xbox it's simply CMDR 'XboxGamertagHere'. Admittedly it looks downright ridiculous seeing 'CMDR xXxPrOl3giTgaM3rxXx' splashed across the screen... Although I guess so would 'CMDR Luke3107'

MetZwergif they still had their tag openly they would not be able to kill beginners anymore...
How so?

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