Elite: Game talk

28 Apr 2017, 2:17pm
Marra Morgan
Luke3107Unfortunately (and this bit is very important that you read it carefully), it is MY EXPERIENCE that the rotten members outweigh the good ones.

So what has been your direct experience with SDC in-game?

Well, I did have a couple of people claiming to be part of their group interdict my mining cobra in the LHS 3447 system as I left the station with nothing more than limpets on board.

By claiming, I will say that they didn't communicate anything to me, they just both had SDC as part of their gamertags. There was no threat given, no warning. Just interdicted, blown up and left wondering how on earth anyone actually progressed in the game.

Edit: A very small thing I'll admit. I've since hit the rebuy screen several times and this incident barely makes a dent in my total insurance claims. But nonetheless, had it been a piracy thing, I'd brush it off and say 'well played'. As it stands it was an unprovoked, unnecessary attack simply because I was there.

We don't have group tags in our names in-game, and we don't go around telling people we're SDC before destroying them.
28 Apr 2017, 5:15pm
Simon Datura
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

No, there is no endgame for Elite: Dangerous unless you set yourself one. There's no big bad boss to fight which results in "you win, conglaturation!", there's no end-point. Unless, of course, playing in Ironman mode counts and you get blown to pieces.
That's one thing I really like about it.

Setting yourself goals over and over again in a Open sandbox game is what you need to do to keep on playing in the first place. Without it, you get bored and lose interest.

As to the Endgame content - as should be clear from all my blubbering in the Inara Discord by now - it's the BGS.

And as said, it's not interesting for everyone. But if you want the most challenging thing one (or many) can do in this game, then it is that.
28 Apr 2017, 7:40pm
Ryan Murdoc
Simon Datura
Ryan MurdocThere is a Endgame content. It's just that it isn't interesting for everyone.

Just as PvP is meaningless to others.

Everyone got different preferences.

No, there is no endgame for Elite: Dangerous unless you set yourself one. There's no big bad boss to fight which results in "you win, conglaturation!", there's no end-point. Unless, of course, playing in Ironman mode counts and you get blown to pieces.
That's one thing I really like about it.

Setting yourself goals over and over again in a Open sandbox game is what you need to do to keep on playing in the first place. Without it, you get bored and lose interest.

As to the Endgame content - as should be clear from all my blubbering in the Inara Discord by now - it's the BGS.

And as said, it's not interesting for everyone. But if you want the most challenging thing one (or many) can do in this game, then it is that.

a final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a story.

come or bring to a final point; finish.

How does playing the BGS signify an end to anything? And do you know know when you've arrived at such end?

I do not think that the term "endgame" means what you think it means.

Last edit: 28 Apr 2017, 9:20pm
28 Apr 2017, 8:03pm
M. Lehman

I do not think that the term "endgame" means what you think it means.

Chess anyone?
28 Apr 2017, 9:25pm
Ryan Murdoc
As to the Endgame content - as should be clear from all my blubbering in the Inara Discord by now - it's the BGS.

I don't consider content that can be accessed and successfully played by a Day One newbie as "end-game".
28 Apr 2017, 9:25pm
If you want to get technical on the definition of the word itself

Definition of Endgame:

The stage of a chess game after major reduction of forces;


The final stage of some action or process.

So every new conflict triggered (War / Civil War / Election) is in essence a Endgame for the domination of a new asset.
28 Apr 2017, 9:30pm
Double, double toil and trouble;. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. But let's not fight over semantics. Not on Rex Manning Day!

M. Lehman and Oz may need to agree that they operate with different definitions of "endgame" here, but I doubt either of them is "wrong" per se. FWIW, IMHO ED does not have an "endgame" in the sense that chess does. After all, the point of chess for the game to decisively terminate at some point, with a mate, a capitulation or a stalemate. It'd be silliness, and formally against the rules to keep dancing around indefinitely. There's no princess to rescue, no end-level boss dragon to slay, etc. The game is open-ended, so you could just point your ship at a star and fly there, making your electric company and internet provider lots of money in the process.

ED does have a terminal state though, a plateau of what the game offers the individual player in terms of inherent challenge - you figure out how to best pilot your ships, how to outfit them for your preferred play style,  how to make an arbitrary amount of money, you max your rankings and get all the engineering and PP goodies you want, and then what? FDev elaborate on this with new releases to keep it from becoming completely boring, but at the cost of adding varieties of grind that most players surmount and get to the "end state" of proficiency again. Once you've "mastered" the game's latest new mechanics you plateau into this "endgame" state where you need to play beyond yourself versus "the game", or get bored and quit.

For some this means taking on human players, and there you eventually get as good as you're going to get; maybe then amuse yourself at others' expense, or by finding and pointing out the foolishness in FDev's tuning of the game. And/or you take on the BGS and try to either take over increasingly large swathes of non-existent space or have your way with core systems others have to endure. And/Or you direct your creative imagination into making up stories about people in the game and write fanfic about it on some website and verbally snipe at other people who don't recognize the genius of that particular sort of masturbation. Either way, that's it - the game poses no more challenge beyond this effectively unachievable goal of being the definitive "best pilot" or "dominant minor faction" champion or budding "50 Shades of Lave" space soap opera scriptwriter.

Unless FDev do something stupid like letting one single player get crowned God-Emperor of Mankind right before they shut off the servers, simply playing the game at this level of fluency is the "endgame" state. Nobody wins - we're all just a bunch of losers spending money and time staring at pixels and getting older while telling ourselves that our "enjoyment" of an otherwise pointless existence somehow makes it worth taking another breath.

Though, to be fair, there's another level, and the outage yesterday only serves to underscore the value of it. You step out of the game and enable it's enjoyment for others by creating content and mechanics beyond the design specifications of the game itself. This is, ultimately in my view, the only way of "winning" the game. You do something of consequence in reality, you learn something new in the process, and you make other people happy in ways you'll likely never even know.

Last edit: 28 Apr 2017, 9:36pm
28 Apr 2017, 9:34pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan Murdoc
As to the Endgame content - as should be clear from all my blubbering in the Inara Discord by now - it's the BGS.

I don't consider content that can be accessed and successfully played by a Day One newbie as "end-game".

If said DON (Day-One Newbie) has a complete understanding of what it takes to successfully play the BGS and knows what needs to be done, sure.

But just because you know the basics doesn't mean that the BGS will behave as you've read / been told.

It may work for your region of space, but will be wholly different for another.

And as long as the DON is alone in a forgotten System that has no attention from any other players, he / she will succeed. For a while.

But the moment you plan for to achieve something more then to take over a Outpost / Station / ground Port, it'll become very problematic for one person to manage everything.

And once the DON encounters a group of players working the BGS, he / she is lost. Even with the 1-transaction tactic, one person only can do so much.

Last edit: 28 Apr 2017, 9:58pm
28 Apr 2017, 9:39pm
Hi all does anyone know where I can buy a cheap python from that's on sale near kamadhenu and can you private message me the answer so I don't miss it please thanks
28 Apr 2017, 9:44pm

Select Stations.
Select the ship you are after.
Select Le Yong Rui as the power.
Select Kamadhenu as your system.
28 Apr 2017, 10:15pm
And +1 to James Hussar o7
28 Apr 2017, 11:10pm
Simon Daturahttp://eddb.io

Select Stations.
Select the ship you are after.
Select Le Yong Rui as the power.
Select Kamadhenu as your system.
29 Apr 2017, 12:12am
Rinzler o7o7o7We don't have group tags in our names in-game, and we don't go around telling people we're SDC before destroying them.

You'll understand it's nothing personal against yourself but this doesn't sway my belief that they were part of your crew. At this point it is a pretty ingrained belief and as such I'm fairly sceptical.

I'll accept there's a possibility they were simply posers, even the slight chance SDC stood for something else in their eyes.
29 Apr 2017, 2:34am
Ryan MurdocAnd +1 to James Hussar o7

Fwiw, I regret the vitriol. Cranky day today. I got to see a lot of smart people I respect have their time and earnest efforts needlessly squandered by others with nothing to lose, and brought that home from the office. My apologies. Splitting hairs over the meaning of words in the context of a pass time hit my last nerve and I didn't have it in me to leave it be.
29 Apr 2017, 4:59am
No vitriol that I could see. We're discussing different views on the same matter, nothing else.

If there be vitriol involved you'd see swear words, name calling and the like. And that would make Artie swing his Deletion Hammer of Doom.

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