Elite: Game talk

10 May 2017, 8:42pm
I agree, it is very sad that more people don't use small ships, especially considering all the development time that went into creating them in-game. Niche ships like the Cobra, ASP Explorer, and Python will always be in people's hangers, but the smaller ships just can't cut the mustard once you get spoiled by things like large hardpoints and lots of cargo space.

And I agree about the paint jobs too - I would love to get that red/white striped paint job that is available for the Type 6 for some of my other ships.

I think out of all the small ships, I love the Courier the most. You just cannot beat the classic bubble canopy on that thing...what a view! I modded mine so it doesn't overheat every time you turn the key and just use it for flying fast and carelessly through asteroid fields. I can't imagine what a Courier is like in VR...
10 May 2017, 9:15pm

Depends on what you think of as useful to be honest!

What I think of as usefull is exactly what it says on the tin...

The problem is that the small ships such as hauler / sidey / eagle / adder and such can be outpreformed in every aspect (except price) by a lot of ships.

It would be fun to see small ships gaining a significant advantage over larger ones, like, I dunno, Cloaking shields or whatever. or fitting into small caves where you can mine special stuff. Or just getting boosted jump ranges soo they outpreform the larger ships in at least one way.

But yes, They are fun to fly!

I also keep a vulture next to my Corvette for the good old' times sake!
10 May 2017, 9:21pm
I've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.
10 May 2017, 9:25pm
Isn't trading with your cutter a lot more profitable?

792 x 5000cr/tonne = 3,960,000cr / run
10 May 2017, 9:25pm
Ozmundo VasqualezI've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.

I hope you're not suggesting they SHOULD have the same earning power. I mean, it takes money to make money and all that, and a large ship can take a lot more damage, and costs more to repair afterward. Adders, Eagles, Winders... Those are disposable toys, past a certain point; as it should be.
11 May 2017, 8:28am
James Hussar
Ozmundo VasqualezI've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.

I hope you're not suggesting they SHOULD have the same earning power. I mean, it takes money to make money and all that, and a large ship can take a lot more damage, and costs more to repair afterward. Adders, Eagles, Winders... Those are disposable toys, past a certain point; as it should be.

I think we all know there are far too many loopholes and exploits. Spotty teens with Cutters? Whatever next!
11 May 2017, 9:30am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
James Hussar
Ozmundo VasqualezI've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.

I hope you're not suggesting they SHOULD have the same earning power. I mean, it takes money to make money and all that, and a large ship can take a lot more damage, and costs more to repair afterward. Adders, Eagles, Winders... Those are disposable toys, past a certain point; as it should be.

I think we all know there are far too many loopholes and exploits. Spotty teens with Cutters? Whatever next!

I may/may not be in tyhat group you mensioned
11 May 2017, 11:34am
Son of khzvoltz
Ozmundo Vasqualez
James Hussar
Ozmundo VasqualezI've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.

I hope you're not suggesting they SHOULD have the same earning power. I mean, it takes money to make money and all that, and a large ship can take a lot more damage, and costs more to repair afterward. Adders, Eagles, Winders... Those are disposable toys, past a certain point; as it should be.

I think we all know there are far too many loopholes and exploits. Spotty teens with Cutters? Whatever next!

I may/may not be in tyhat group you mensioned

Geriatrics unite against the Thargoids teens.
11 May 2017, 11:51am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Son of khzvoltz
Ozmundo Vasqualez
James Hussar
Ozmundo VasqualezI've been using a Widesinder to make some money to buy bits for my Corvette and Cutter. They just don't have the same earning power right now.

I hope you're not suggesting they SHOULD have the same earning power. I mean, it takes money to make money and all that, and a large ship can take a lot more damage, and costs more to repair afterward. Adders, Eagles, Winders... Those are disposable toys, past a certain point; as it should be.

I think we all know there are far too many loopholes and exploits. Spotty teens with Cutters? Whatever next!

I may/may not be in tyhat group you mensioned

Geriatrics unite against the Thargoids teens.

the thargoidian teens that is
11 May 2017, 12:01pm

Thargoid teen: "But, mooooooooooooom..."
11 May 2017, 2:32pm
You kids have it so east these days, with your Cutters and your Corvettes.

Back in my day we had to carry biowaste in our Sidewinders for 10 jumps just to afford the fuel to go back and get more. And we were thankful!
11 May 2017, 4:45pm
James HussarYou kids have it so east these days, with your Cutters and your Corvettes.

Back in my day we had to carry biowaste in our Sidewinders for 10 jumps just to afford the fuel to go back and get more. And we were thankful!

Something something uphill both ways through two feet of snow every day.
11 May 2017, 7:44pm
James HussarYou kids have it so east these days, with your Cutters and your Corvettes.

Back in my day we had to carry biowaste in our Sidewinders for 10 jumps just to afford the fuel to go back and get more. And we were thankful!

Now we just throw our stoma bags in the hold.
13 May 2017, 2:29pm
I see a lot of talk about plugins here that pull data as you play, a facet of the game of which I admit complete and total ignorance. As our wing keeps expanding our control, it is getting more difficult to keep tabs on and update all the influence numbers here. Is there a plug-in that would help with this?
13 May 2017, 6:24pm
Oliver N. HardyI see a lot of talk about plugins here that pull data as you play, a facet of the game of which I admit complete and total ignorance. As our wing keeps expanding our control, it is getting more difficult to keep tabs on and update all the influence numbers here. Is there a plug-in that would help with this?

Manual only, i'm afraid. And even if they were, would you be willing to risk getting
banned for for a silly reason, such as trying to pull data from your client via remote
access with a program that might flag FDEV with suspicious activity? Would you?


Didn't think so. So manual only for now. Safer too. Takes a bit of time, but better
safe than sorry. Don't be like these idiots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcS5CH0dk6k

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