Elite: Game talk

30 Apr 2017, 3:20pm
Would make a fine ending to a book, wouldn't it?
30 Apr 2017, 4:49pm
Nice summary about this event can be read here and for sure read also reddit article (made by CoR member) which is linked in Drew's write-up.
30 Apr 2017, 9:06pm
My experience of the event was:

  • A vomit stream of information on Discord. Picking out the diced carrots of fleet assignment and meeting point from the flow.
  • Radio discipline comprising such classics as "Is anyone else here drunk?", [Cutlery on plate] and [Noisy phone conversation on open mike]
I'd definitely do it again.
30 Apr 2017, 10:22pm
Ozmundo VasqualezMy experience of the event was:

  • A vomit stream of information on Discord. Picking out the diced carrots of fleet assignment and meeting point from the flow.
  • Radio discipline comprising such classics as "Is anyone else here drunk?", [Cutlery on plate] and [Noisy phone conversation on open mike]
I'd definitely do it again.

30 Apr 2017, 11:55pm
I was at a bowling event most of the day, but was able to catch some of the event before I left.

Certainly sounded like quite the experience.
01 May 2017, 3:52am
VeyderSo Salomé is dead... and a couple of her comrades survived... what happens next?  What is everyone's thoughts on the event?

I hope she was clever enough not to let her secrets die with her. They will probably martyr her or something.

Due to the sheer size of the event, I was pretty meh about it as only a few played a large role in it.

Didn't participate. Seems like another attempt at creating something resembling a plotline utterly undermined by HP. If Fdev tolerate/allow this, it's because they either don't care to actually deliver a plot or have HP in cahoots and prefer having him as a player nemesis to actual content.

In either case, I'm out. Not interested in being anywhere near that egofest. I'll be fun to catch up on the backstory here or in youtube videos, but if I wanted to run into assholes on a regular basis, I'd stand in a local election or something.
01 May 2017, 5:13am
I was roughly 100 light seconds away from Salome when she died... but in a different instance. The same was true of her wing, as well. HP got lucky with both his instance and the fact that the only other PvPer got both blue-tunneled and mis-dropped when he tried to help. This on top of the fact that Salome had suffered damage from hotting the frameshift drive while fuel scooping a few times and was out of AMFU ammo. She was trying and failing to jump, and HP seized his opportunity.

In my view, PAC actually had a very good gameplan for keeping Salome & Co safe, as evidenced by the fact that three of four VIPs made it to their destinations and Salome got most of the way.  Remember that there were those who were predicting that she wouldn't last five minutes! With as much naysaying as is happening on the forums and Reddit, PAC ultimately succeeded in their goal of safeguarding the information.

At the end of the day, it was game mechanics that killed Salome, not HP.

Last edit: 01 May 2017, 8:31am
01 May 2017, 5:19am
Everything would be so much better if people stopped complaining about HP and instead commended the efforts of the ACTUAL GOOD GUYS.

I, for one, would much rather hear "Despite the Valiant efforts of Lorens Legion, Salome perished" Instead of "Harry Potter killed Salome". Can we get reports and mentions of the goddam HEROES instead of the villians PLEASE?!?!?!

Edit: This is what I mean: We've all seen Drew Wagars write up title Aftermath. This is the guy who's damn BOOK is being concluded. How many times is Harry Potter mentioned? 4. 4 goddam times he is mentioned BY NAME. How often are the people who were in her wing mentioned? None. Zilch. Zero. Sorry, but I can understand the playerbase being a bunch of salty gits, but seriously Drew? Tha's a big fuck you to those who damn well helped.

I'm not bothered that Salome died. Disappointed, sure. But not about to bandy around accusations of scripting etc.

What I AM bothered about is the fact that EVERYONE HERE is so hung up on the SDC doing what they've ALWAYS done, that no one is giving a flying toss about the likes of our own CMDR Isaiah Evanson who spent months preparing for this event and helped it reach its conclusion. WHY is no-one giving a frigging stuff about the goddam good guys??

Well I'm having none of it. Congratulations to the Children of Raxxla, Lorens Legion, and everyone else who defended Salome and her counterparts. You all faced insurmountable odds and lost only 1 of the 4 people you were escorting. That deserves a much greater amount of recognition than you are getting. Hell, it deserves a goddam medal in my book.

And you know what? Those of you who are claiming it's scripted are giving as much of a middle finger to the guys defending her as Drew just did. Seriously, you wanted to play a game where you'd have a say in what happens. Here it is. It's called Elite: Dangerous. You all seem to forget that other players don't share the same goal as you, and they get a damn say in things too.

Last edit: 01 May 2017, 5:45am
01 May 2017, 7:07am
Luke3107Everything would be so much better if people stopped complaining about HP and instead commended the efforts of the ACTUAL GOOD GUYS.

There are no good guys

What I AM bothered about is the fact that EVERYONE HERE is so hung up on the SDC doing what they've ALWAYS done

There you go with that wide brush again...
01 May 2017, 10:35am
A conspiracy theory. . . .
Salome was never meant to make it home safe. . .
why else would you assign a scumbag as protection. Everyone knew he would turn in the end.
01 May 2017, 10:55am
Harry Potter was not assigned to protect her.

Don't believe everything that you hear spit out as gospel.
01 May 2017, 11:00am
BeachwalkerA conspiracy theory. . . .
Salome was never meant to make it home safe. . .
why else would you assign a scumbag as protection. Everyone knew he would turn in the end.

You forgot your hat.
01 May 2017, 12:21pm
She's dead and will not return.

Why dwell over what is a fact and won't change?

One would be better off to prepare for what is to come next.
01 May 2017, 12:23pm
Because people generally like to reflect on past happenings. No one is dwelling, they are discussing an event that is still fresh in everyone's minds.
01 May 2017, 12:45pm
It takes all types, ways, and in their own times.

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