Elite: Game talk

05 May 2017, 7:00am
Stardragon88Hello CMDRS

Maybe you can help me please, does the Python have any special license you need before flying it. Or can you just buy it right away. Thanks

You can buy it right away! Although I'd wait until you can afford to buy it twice over before shelling out for it, helps with outfitting and rebuy scares. It's taking me ages to get enough put by for one (T_T)

The Python was a floodgate ship for me. Once I'd bought one, my earning potential ramped up massively. I've just bought one again because I missed it and I needed somewhere to put some large weapons that I didn't have room to store.
05 May 2017, 8:00am
"'somthing old ,somthing new, somthing stolen, somthing blue' sounds like my days in a Cobra" - me, just now, this year
05 May 2017, 7:53pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Stardragon88Hello CMDRS

Maybe you can help me please, does the Python have any special license you need before flying it. Or can you just buy it right away. Thanks

You can buy it right away! Although I'd wait until you can afford to buy it twice over before shelling out for it, helps with outfitting and rebuy scares. It's taking me ages to get enough put by for one (T_T)

The Python was a floodgate ship for me. Once I'd bought one, my earning potential ramped up massively. I've just bought one again because I missed it and I needed somewhere to put some large weapons that I didn't have room to store.

I absolutely love the Python! Goes where the Conda can't, packs just as much punch, and can carry enough as a trader too.
05 May 2017, 9:14pm

newcomer to this site but have been playing elite around a year but with a 10 month break until now.i'm trying to get a bit more engaged with the politics and background of the game and have a few questions

1. Are the wings advertised on the site still active? i have attempted to join four in the last 2 weeks but i never get a reply.

2. despite flying about half the time in open i think i have met less than a dozen PCs and almost all of them have used interdiction as a form of "hello", is this normal? i'm looking for cooperative play

for the record i'm an xbox player, pledged to aisling, am an empire viscount and currently running passenger missions out of cubeo in an imperial clipper.

any advice welcome

Brandlin aka alan

Last edit: 05 May 2017, 9:38pm
05 May 2017, 9:22pm
Python! The glock of spacehips!
05 May 2017, 9:25pm

newcomer to this site but have been playing elite around a year but with a 10 month break until now.i'm trying to get a bit more engaged with the politics and background of the game and have a few questions

1. Are the wings advertised on the site still active? i have attempted to join four in the last 2 weeks but i never get a reply.

2. despite flying about half the time in open i think i have met less than a dozen PCs and almost all of them have been hostile. is this normal? i'm looking for cooperative play

for the record i'm pledged to aisling, am an empire viscount and currently running passenger missions out of cubeo in an imperial clipper.

any advice welcome

Brandlin aka alan

Welcome to the site!

First of all, try updating your account!

Get an avatar, display your ships and ranks & stuff.

This'll tell the wing you're trying to join a little more about who they're missing out on by not hiring you!

And secondly, Have you tried writing a little bit about yourself upon making the request to join a wing?
05 May 2017, 9:42pm

newcomer to this site but have been playing elite around a year but with a 10 month break until now.i'm trying to get a bit more engaged with the politics and background of the game and have a few questions

1. Are the wings advertised on the site still active? i have attempted to join four in the last 2 weeks but i never get a reply.

2. despite flying about half the time in open i think i have met less than a dozen PCs and almost all of them have been hostile. is this normal? i'm looking for cooperative play

for the record i'm pledged to aisling, am an empire viscount and currently running passenger missions out of cubeo in an imperial clipper.

any advice welcome

Brandlin aka alan

Welcome to the site!

First of all, try updating your account!

Get an avatar, display your ships and ranks & stuff.

This'll tell the wing you're trying to join a little more about who they're missing out on by not hiring you!

And secondly, Have you tried writing a little bit about yourself upon making the request to join a wing?

I HAVE updated my account, admittedly no avatar yet but theres a signature block and all my details there. And yes, i've written a few lines of play style and my current ships etc when applying to a wing but i'm getting silence.
05 May 2017, 9:49pm
Yo Brandlin -

What wings have you applied to?  Many of them use Inara for book keeping, so to speak, while the real action happens in Discord and other places.   I'm afraid my wing isn't very new player friendly, but I've put out feelers to a couple wings I know and trust.  When they get back to me, I'll let you know.

EDIT: XBOX, yes?
06 May 2017, 3:30pm
07 May 2017, 11:40am
Thank you Aesir and NFC Phisto, i'm trying to talk to some people now about joining an active faction.

08 May 2017, 3:06am
Recently took my AspX to Maia to purchase Meta Alloys for Farseer the Engineer, purchase about 4 tonnes, then start my trek towards her home system.

About 5 jumps away, I checked all my menus out of boredom, realised my cargo racks were empty, I'd mysteriously lost my Meta Alloys, the very ones I spent 110k per tonne?

What happened?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 May 2017, 1:25pm
08 May 2017, 3:09am
UDaRealMVP01Recently took my AspX to Maia to purchase Meta Alloys for Farseer the Engineer, purchase about 4 tonnes, then start my trek towards her home system.

About 5 jumps away, I checked all my menus out of boredom, realised my cargo racks were empty, I'd mysteriously lost my Meta Alloys, the very ones I spent 110k per tonne?

What happened?

While I don't have any answers for you I do have to ask if you reported this to the Bug report section on the Frontier Forums?

The only thing I can think of is that you perhaps didn't confirm the transaction, or possibly flew too close to a star or two and had your cargo hatch malfunction and jettison the cargo. Other than that, I refer you back to a bug report on the FDev website.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 May 2017, 1:26pm
08 May 2017, 3:11am
UDaRealMVP01Recently took my AspX to Maia to purchase Meta Alloys for Farseer the Engineer, purchase about 4 tonnes, then start my trek towards her home system.

About 5 jumps away, I checked all my menus out of boredom, realised my cargo racks were empty, I'd mysteriously lost my Meta Alloys, the very ones I spent 110k per tonne?

What happened?

While I don't have any answers for you I do have to ask if you reported this to the Bug report section on the Frontier Forums?

The only thing I can think of is that you perhaps didn't confirm the transaction, or possibly flew too close to a star or two and had your cargo hatch malfunction and jettison the cargo. Other than that, I refer you back to a bug report on the FDev website.

I did infact accidentally fly too close to a sun during SC, I got pulled and got a cargo hatch malfunction, however I remember well that nothing showed up on the scanner, the only object I saw was the star; even in contacts I didn't see my cargo.
It's still an explanation, so thank you

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 May 2017, 1:26pm
08 May 2017, 3:13am
It wouldn't have shown up on scanners if it jettisoned during SC flight. Glad I could help though

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 May 2017, 1:26pm
08 May 2017, 11:53am
frontier have released 3 imperial eagle paint jobs

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