Elite: Game talk

01 May 2017, 12:55pm
She'll be back - I am sure the aliens took enough genetic samples to clone her a million times over. Oops...where'd my tinfoil hat go?
01 May 2017, 1:04pm
Marra Morgan
Luke3107What I AM bothered about is the fact that EVERYONE HERE is so hung up on the SDC doing what they've ALWAYS done

There you go with that wide brush again...

Yeah, my frustration got the better of me. Although I think my point was clear despite that.
01 May 2017, 1:04pm
If this would be the passing of a RL person that had a great impact on society or even the world as a whole, agreed.

But we're talking about pixels here who were temporarily given more individuality by being steered through RL persons.

Just like puppets on a string.

I guess my mind isn't really able to grasp the supposed significance of what went down. Or I am simply too numb to see it that way.

I probably should've read Drew Wagars books in the first place to feel more attached to Salome and the other protagonists, yet even then I fear there would've been no change in my view on the matter.

The end remains the same:

Remember what happened, and use it to steel yourselves and prepare for what is to come.

Last edit: 01 May 2017, 1:13pm
01 May 2017, 1:08pm
Ryan MurdocIf this would be the passing of a RL person that had a great impact on a society or even the world as a whole, agreed.

But we're talking about pixels here who were temporarily given more individuality by being steered through RL persons.

So what? It was a major in-game event that a lot of people took part in, that shapes the outcome of a story that a lot of us are actually interested in.

Just because you have little more interest than seeing BGS numbers churn on a daily basis, a lot of us are interested in the stories and lore behind the game, because they're interesting subjects. As a result we're going to dwell, discuss and speculate on the Salome and other events.

Last edit: 01 May 2017, 1:14pm
01 May 2017, 1:23pm
Simon Datura Just because you have little more interest than seeing BGS numbers churn on a daily basis

Considering that these numbers are the only real way you can make a lasting impact in this game...

And I'm not denying that what was happening is important for some people.

I just expressed that it isn't for me.

And as far as I know, expressing your own opinion is still something one is allowed to do, even if it doesn't correlate with the views of the majority.
01 May 2017, 6:10pm
Gonna tip-toe around the verbal battlefield for a moment and say that personally I was just salty because I'm a total child and I like my happy endings
01 May 2017, 8:22pm
Don't forget that Drew is the author here.

If he didn't agree with Salome's end, he could've, and would've just called BS, And say that the effort put into protecting Salome was far greater than the effort that was put in killing her, And that therefore Salome would live.

And he'd have to be okay with her dying to even consider starting such an event.

Drew knows that the game and the community has it's quirks, He knows that this was likely to happen. Given how things packed-out, I'd say that her dying has been plan A, all this time...
03 May 2017, 4:23pm

This is the first hour of the flight of Salomé from 46 Eridani. 

It includes roughly the first half of the event, ending with the discussion to change strategy after some very close encounters with hostile players.

It is not edited in any way except to compress the video file. This was a continuous take.

I will upload the second and third segments as soon as I can. My internet has not been the most conducive to this, so it will take a few days.

I hope this sheds light on what was truly happening that day.
04 May 2017, 4:49am
NsiteWe should build a wall, make the Thargoids pay for it.

04 May 2017, 4:56am
Has anyone seen Massive D's video on the event? Check out the end, perhaps she's not as dead as reports would have you believe... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k6u9to-Ysc
04 May 2017, 4:59am
Never mind the author of the book saying "Yo, Salome deady mcdeadsty?"
04 May 2017, 5:35am
B-LionHas anyone seen Massive D's video on the event? Check out the end, perhaps she's not as dead as reports would have you believe... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k6u9to-Ysc

She's dead. Case closed.
04 May 2017, 10:44am
Isaiah Evanson
B-LionHas anyone seen Massive D's video on the event? Check out the end, perhaps she's not as dead as reports would have you believe... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k6u9to-Ysc

She's dead. Case closed.

When are we holding a seance?
04 May 2017, 11:31am
It's hardly a the end of story with Salome death ... there is allot space for much more.
04 May 2017, 11:35am
Martind ForlonIt's hardly a the end of story with Salome death ... there is allot space for much more.

alot, i would say, almost infinate

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