Elite: Game talk

13 May 2017, 6:38pm
How would that (capturing local system data on influence levels from local log files) be cheating? I am not understanding your post....
13 May 2017, 7:26pm
I don't understand how accessing local files would matter for the server either,
but you'll probably get banned for it regardless. I know from experience that
ppl running mmo's don't like you messing with the data in any other way than
intended, and that is playing the game via the provided exe. Any form of tamper
that they pick up (and it's frightening how easy it is to detect unauthorised
access, most servers run that by default) and basically anything that involves
the user not playing the game as they should will get them banned just as a
precaution. Then you have to prove you're innocent and try to get your account
unbanned, and that's tenfold harder to do compared to how easy it is to get a
ban. Bottom line, they don't care you just wanted to copy some data from
your local client. To them it could look as if you were trying to get in and
change this and that, like, i donno... more cr, or more shield... get it?

And to put things in yet another perspective, i used to run a personal server
(as in, just for me, on my own pc) for a game called Aion. Modded the hell
out of it too; gave myself epic armor and wings and 100k hp and so on...
Anyway, the server had a built-in hack protection that i don't know if it were
bigger than 20kb or so. In other words it's as if it wasn't even there. And still,
while playing, i'd sometimes get warned and once i was even logged off from
the server because said program believed i was hacking; was flying too fast
probably. And i was on a GM account. The server didn't care tho.

So, what do we learn from this? Well it's simple. The devs don't want you to
access the sever data or even your local data in any other way than intended.
Wich is playing the game as you normally would. Any form of suspicious
activity, even trying to make a snap-shot of some data that you then want
to upload, can easily get you banned. Then, you have to prove you din't
meen any harm, and you were only trying to update your inara data...
it's all blah blah blah to them tbh... This is business afterall, and business
comes first. Also from personal experience, less than 10% of players accused
of hacking were able to get their accounts un-banned in Aion, for example...

Hope this info helps. Cheers.
13 May 2017, 8:18pm
Oliver: Install EDMC (E:D Market Connector) which also sends some anonymous journal data to the EDDN network. As Inara is listening to this data stream, any minor faction updates from your journals will be automatically reflected here. It is safe to use this app, of course. The journals were made by FD especially for these purposes, also usage of companion API is approved from their side.
13 May 2017, 9:36pm
Didn't knew about that. God, i look like an idiot now

Thanks for the info.
13 May 2017, 10:15pm
Septimus RavenDidn't knew about that. God, i look like an idiot now

We thought you were just trying to lull any watching Thargoids into a false sense of security with your Dumb and Dumber act and then you'd go all ninja-professor on them.
14 May 2017, 2:36am
Thanks to everyone that has helped - I never knew I was missing out on so much!
14 May 2017, 9:08am
Aside from such things as glitches (instancing etc)

My overriding impression of the whole thing is split into two parts.

1 Salome knew she was going to be the main focus and was thus "bait" to draw just about everyone away from the other three.
2 There were elements in PAC who were doing the Empire's work and aided her betrayal.

Having slept on it a bit and seeing as how the message got out, I'd say option 1 is the most likely.
16 May 2017, 12:49am
Just a quick question, does anyone know a place i could make a logo for my wing cause everyone has good ones but i dont know where to make one.
16 May 2017, 6:52am
AgentMaine404Just a quick question, does anyone know a place i could make a logo for my wing cause everyone has good ones but i dont know where to make one.

Run a competition at your local school and provide Elite merchandise as the prize.
16 May 2017, 12:13pm
that moment you realise you have 5M creds, and THEN realise you have enough to buy the scavinger birb, so. now im torn between the Vulture or the dolphin
16 May 2017, 12:50pm
Son of khzvoltzthat moment you realise you have 5M creds, and THEN realise you have enough to buy the scavinger birb, so. now im torn between the Vulture or the dolphin

Vulture every time. Get a Dolphin when you've made enough by killing things with the Vulture.
16 May 2017, 12:51pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Son of khzvoltzthat moment you realise you have 5M creds, and THEN realise you have enough to buy the scavinger birb, so. now im torn between the Vulture or the dolphin

Vulture every time. Get a Dolphin when you've made enough by killing things with the Vulture.

ok then, also, vultchi can be used for MC combat shots so yeah
16 May 2017, 12:58pm
god idk what some peeps in ED would do without peeps ike me, idk how many posts i made but within a few days of activity, im from harmless to average GG me
16 May 2017, 12:59pm
Son of khzvoltzgod idk what some peeps in ED would do without peeps ike me, idk how many posts i made but within a few days of activity, im from harmless to average GG me

in the offical forums i mean

tea, coffee and biscuits anyone?
16 May 2017, 1:14pm
Son of khzvoltz
Son of khzvoltzgod idk what some peeps in ED would do without peeps ike me, idk how many posts i made but within a few days of activity, im from harmless to average GG me
in the offical forums i mean

tea, coffee and biscuits anyone?
Maybe get some peace and quiet?

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