Elite: Game talk

17 May 2017, 1:38pm

The capacitor and heat levels may stay low, but your overall DPS hits the floor like a cement block. If you are only firing your beam lasers intermittently, you will do much better with pulse lasers, or even burst lasers. Both drain your capacitor and increase your heat levels at a significantly lower rate than beam lasers, but as they are designed for intermittent firing, they deal more damage per shot.

What you are doing can be summed up perfectly by a quote from a comedian (I forget which one):
"It's like buying and living in Buckingham Palace but only staying in the Kitchen to save wearing out the carpets"
17 May 2017, 2:28pm
Ever tried the Imperial Courier? It checks all the boxes!

Fun, small, manoeuvrable, plenty of firepower, can easily do PvE and with the right skills, PvP isn't out of the question. It also has STUPENDOUS shields for a craft of it's size and speed, they rival a Vultures (and have a powerplant strong enough to cope with all A rated), and almost match those of a Python if you feel like it!

Also fairly cheap rebuy

I actually forgot about that one...

I'm fitting one out now, as we speak!
17 May 2017, 2:56pm
I love my Courier, but the class 2 weapons severely limits it combat abilities. It can take on NPC wings with Eagles, Vipers, and Cobras, but have not used it in PvP. The only chance I had was against someone in a - you guessed it - FdL! They interdicted me on the way into one of the Engineers bases, but I boosted and jumped. I did not want to repeat my 32 jump trip all over again. I will NEVER sell mine because of the glorious bubble canopy it has - what a view! It must be amazing in VR to cruise an asteroid field in burner.
17 May 2017, 11:04pm
@Khzvoltz, can confirm, you're better using pulses if you're using beams like that. Pulses are pretty good, better than beams in a lot of cases too.

@Oliver N. Hardy, Oh I know what you mean! The Courier's great, but I always wish it had one large HP on the nose instead of a medium, that would make it a killer ship! Suppose it's more like the Imp's answer to the Cobra though. Like that's a bad thing, the cobra's a brilliant little ship.
18 May 2017, 7:36am
FINALY.... got the "dweller" welp, time to upgrade my FSD for my DBX
18 May 2017, 7:37am
With the Dweller?

Good luck ...
18 May 2017, 7:42am
Eh, he's the first engi I have, better do the dweller's FSD upgrades to get to Mia THEN go unlock winters

See, plans
18 May 2017, 8:13am
Son of khzvoltzEh, he's the first engi I have, better do the dweller's FSD upgrades to get to Mia THEN go unlock winters

See, plans

So you're going to get the Dweller's FSD upgrades, then go to Maia and unlock Winters the Engineer?

Solid plan, there.
18 May 2017, 8:35am
Sending new players here is a bit like asking a child to "go and wiggle your fingers in the water of the tank over there marked Piranhas".
18 May 2017, 8:40am
Marra Morgan
Son of khzvoltzEh, he's the first engi I have, better do the dweller's FSD upgrades to get to Mia THEN go unlock winters

See, plans

So you're going to get the Dweller's FSD upgrades, then go to Maia and unlock Winters the Engineer?

Solid plan, there.

cant tell I'm being mocked or not mocked
18 May 2017, 8:45am
Son of khzvoltz
Marra Morgan
Son of khzvoltzEh, he's the first engi I have, better do the dweller's FSD upgrades to get to Mia THEN go unlock winters

See, plans

So you're going to get the Dweller's FSD upgrades, then go to Maia and unlock Winters the Engineer?

Solid plan, there.

cant tell I'm being mocked or not mocked

Well, I don't want interfere with your plans or anything, but the Dweller doesn't do FSD upgrades, and you don't need to unlock Winters (you just pledge to her, but she can't help you with any engineering).

A more robust plan, if I may suggest, would be to visit Farseer at Deciat first to get your FSD upgraded. Then maybe see the Dweller if you want your lasers or power distributor upgraded.
18 May 2017, 8:46am
Marra Morgan
Son of khzvoltz
Marra Morgan
Son of khzvoltzEh, he's the first engi I have, better do the dweller's FSD upgrades to get to Mia THEN go unlock winters

See, plans

So you're going to get the Dweller's FSD upgrades, then go to Maia and unlock Winters the Engineer?

Solid plan, there.

cant tell I'm being mocked or not mocked

Well, I don't want interfere with your plans or anything, but the Dweller doesn't do FSD upgrades, and you don't need to unlock Winters (you just pledge to her, but she can't help you with any engineering).

A more robust plan, if I may suggest, would be to visit Farseer at Deciat first to get your FSD upgraded. Then maybe see the Dweller if you want your lasers or power distributor upgraded.

oohhhh, yeah, thats right, sorry, i derped out, im actualy new to this engi buisness, sorry, thats my incompitance
18 May 2017, 8:50am
Son of khzvoltz

oohhhh, yeah, thats right, sorry, i derped out, im actualy new to this engi buisness, sorry, thats my incompitance

That's ok, we're all new to it at some point and it can get quite complicated

Just let us know that you're new and need some guidance, rather than making out that you've got some plan and know what you're doing.

I'll certainly be much more helpful and much less sarcastic!
18 May 2017, 9:06am
Son of khzvoltzThanks, but first I need some MA for winters

No, you don't - did you even...

I give up.
18 May 2017, 9:32am
wait wtf am i talking about, i ment farseer

i have winters stuck in my head for some reason

Last edit: 18 May 2017, 10:08am

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