Elite: Game talk

10 Jun 2017, 10:41pm
Martind Forlon
M. LehmanNow that Ghost Legion is finally being open with the name of their in-game faction (which I thank you for doing), can we expect an update to your wing page with this information?

This conversation will soon be buried, after all.

And it's like it should be. Faction supported by us is OUR business and it is/should be OUR call whether we want have it openly published. How Ghost Legion handles support to 'our' minor faction is internal business, there is not any rule which disallow it for us. Artie would have final word in such matters ofc, but wings in the end don't need to have any minor faction at all.

It's your decision, of course- but for a such a large BGS wing to hide even their in-game player group name is highly irregular, to say the least.
10 Jun 2017, 10:52pm
'Irregular' by what standards? There aren't any. We so far everytime diplomatically negotiated with all players groups in our neighborhood (bcs our main interest is work on our own without break work of other players) so they 'know', others simply don't need such info.
10 Jun 2017, 11:00pm
M. Lehman
Martind Forlon
M. LehmanNow that Ghost Legion is finally being open with the name of their in-game faction (which I thank you for doing), can we expect an update to your wing page with this information?

This conversation will soon be buried, after all.

And it's like it should be. Faction supported by us is OUR business and it is/should be OUR call whether we want have it openly published. How Ghost Legion handles support to 'our' minor faction is internal business, there is not any rule which disallow it for us. Artie would have final word in such matters ofc, but wings in the end don't need to have any minor faction at all.

It's your decision, of course- but for a such a large BGS wing to hide even their in-game player group name is highly irregular, to say the least.

What's irregular about a group simply not conforming to the status quo and doing it's own thing? I don't see it written somewhere in FD's handbook that player minor factions have to have the same name as the player group. Different groups want to have different lore.

As already stated, that's the way it was when GL was created back in the day. We have seen no reason to change this as we are not doing anyone any harm nor do we intend to start fights first - we're just not that type of group. We will of course finish fights that others have started against us though.
10 Jun 2017, 11:18pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.I'm in the UK, so it's slang for a ciggy.  

I'm British and I've never heard fag (cigarette) being used to describe people except in the American sense, so it's always good to have clarity.

I have screenshots of proof and could always pull data from my logs to show GL contact at the same time as the 12.5.

Are you saying that they were in the system at the same time? You made the assertion that they were summoned by Ghost Legion. I'll let the leadership comment on that if they want to, but it would be a first. We can fight our own battles when we're attacked.

Hmmmmr, you might want to chat with Doberman, as I had a PM chat with him on Discord.  He very well knows.  And what Lehman said about nobody being about.  I've been patrolling GL systems for a few days and outside of about 3 folks, I have seen nobody.  Both sides members lists on Inara are a joke.  I bet they both have around 20-30 active members max.

Sovereign Justice League is the factions name.

Strange, i clearly remember seeing you, fighting you, watching you run around 20 times

Last edit: 10 Jun 2017, 11:34pm
10 Jun 2017, 11:21pm
It's like this, guys:

A BGS wing actively hiding their in-game faction name very much creates the appearance of dishonestly trying to shield themselves from having their BGS attacked. And if that is the case, then it further creates the appearance of a cowardly and unsportsmanlike approach to the BGS.

To my knowledge, no other BGS group in the entire game operates this way.

I would never try to tell you how to operate your wing, but in the interests of transparency and fairness, would you consider publicly disclosing the fact that you are actually the Sovereign Justice Collective on your wing page?

We in the Inara Writer's Guild would even cooperate to help write up your faction lore to explain this disparity. Such openness would, in my view, be a favorable move in the eyes of the community.
10 Jun 2017, 11:23pm
10 Jun 2017, 11:36pm
Ronin VakrisHere's some player groups whose names don't match their BGS minor faction:








What do you know; we're not that original after all. See, this is why I keep telling everybody we need like a big furry mascot

It's good that you brought that up, because that wasn't our point: The name doesn't have to match the wing name, but that the two are connected and referenced. Neither is the case with the Sovereign Justice Collective.
10 Jun 2017, 11:38pm
M. LehmanIt's like this, guys:

A BGS wing actively hiding their in-game faction name very much creates the appearance of dishonestly trying to shield themselves from having their BGS attacked. And if that is the case, then it further creates the appearance of a cowardly and unsportsmanlike approach to the BGS.

So now you're basically accusing us without any kind of factual evidence to back up that what you are saying is true. If you want to talk cowardly and unsportsmanlike conduct, tell it to the group that recently messed with our BGS without announcing themselves first. Only later do we uncover that it was the Paladin Consortium from their own Leader no less who came into our space to brag about the act of sabotage, which he though was going to be successful.

M. Lehman
To my knowledge, no other BGS group in the entire game operates this way.

I just pointed out several such groups whose names do not match their BGS faction. Check out the minor faction page on INARA sometime. It can be enlightening

M. Lehman
I would never try to tell you how to operate your wing, but in the interests of transparency and fairness, would you consider publicly disclosing the fact that you are actually the Sovereign Justice Collective on your wing page?

That's a matter for internal discussion amongst our leadership. When or even if it happens it's not going to happen just because you want it to as you are not a member of our leadership and therefore have no business telling us how to run our group. Your suggestion is noted and will be taken under advisement. Thank you for your feedback

M. Lehman
We in the Inara Writer's Guild would even cooperate to help write up your faction lore to explain this disparity. Such openness would, in my view, be a favorable move in the eyes of the community.

We have our own lore writers who do a fantastic job, but thank you for the offer.
10 Jun 2017, 11:38pm
M. LehmanIt's like this, guys:

A BGS wing actively hiding their in-game faction name very much creates the appearance of dishonestly trying to shield themselves from having their BGS attacked. And if that is the case, then it further creates the appearance of a cowardly and unsportsmanlike approach to the BGS.

To my knowledge, no other BGS group in the entire game operates this way.

I would never try to tell you how to operate your wing, but in the interests of transparency and fairness, would you consider publicly disclosing the fact that you are actually the Sovereign Justice Collective on your wing page?

We in the Inara Writer's Guild would even cooperate to help write up your faction lore to explain this disparity. Such openness would, in my view, be a favorable move in the eyes of the community.
we do our own thing without causing any issues with other groups so whats the beef if we just wanted a nice quite part of the verse. oh and we have some of our own law masters that have our back story pretty much nailed thank you for thee offer
10 Jun 2017, 11:38pm
Ronin VakrisHere's some player groups whose names don't match their BGS minor faction:








What do you know; we're not that original after all. See, this is why I keep telling everybody we need like a big furry mascot

Every single one of those wings are open about which in-game factions they support. The exception is the Light Horse Brigade, which doesn't purport to play the BGS game. They are all example of fair, open, and integrous wing management.

Do you even read your own examples?
10 Jun 2017, 11:45pm
GL members : you guys are discussing this with people who dont even have a faction and some of them dont even play the game anymore lol , these carebears have no effect on us or our goals. no need to explain anything to them.
10 Jun 2017, 11:47pm
go back to your writing and dont get involved in something that was there before you guys even heard of ED.
10 Jun 2017, 11:47pm
no worries I'm off to bed as its getting a little salty
10 Jun 2017, 11:51pm
M. Lehman
Ronin VakrisHere's some player groups whose names don't match their BGS minor faction:








What do you know; we're not that original after all. See, this is why I keep telling everybody we need like a big furry mascot

Every single one of those wings are open about which in-game factions they support. The exception is the Light Horse Brigade, which doesn't purport to play the BGS game. They are all example of fair, open, and integrous wing management.

Do you even read your own examples?

So is hostility towards something that's different to how you think it should be how you roll or something? I still don't see why any group would need to justify itself to you? You are not in charge of ED, or INARA. As I said; thanks for the feedback. I'll bring it up with the leadership so it can be discussed

Last edit: 10 Jun 2017, 11:56pm
10 Jun 2017, 11:53pm
Well, I am also care...bear(?) and I am proud of it!

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