Elite: Game talk

11 Jun 2017, 9:12am
I thought this was a war.

Wars happen in space with guns and explosions and stuff.

Go war out there already.
11 Jun 2017, 9:21am
Even in war, you should try to find time for a laugh. Especially at the expense of fellow trolls.
11 Jun 2017, 9:33am
Simon DaturaI thought this was a war.

Wars happen in space with guns and explosions and stuff.

Go war out there already.

War happens in space as well as in them minds. Ever heard of Psychological warfare?
11 Jun 2017, 9:44am
Boring. Go out there and kill each other already.
11 Jun 2017, 10:56am
Simon DaturaBoring. Go out there and kill each other already.

Thank you, Simon, for being the voice of reason.
11 Jun 2017, 11:29am
Capt. J WolfDo they ever have PvP or CQC events ??? and if so where can i check on that kinda thing ?? it seems like no one really goes into the arena very often.

There's a CQC discord designed for folks to find matches. Here's a link to the channel:


PvP events, as M. Lehman said, are 100% player organised. The Galactic Combat Initiative is currently the biggest gathering of players that are interested in PVP. I can send you an invite to the GCI discord as well if you like?
11 Jun 2017, 12:04pm
I see the electronic phallic measuring competition hasn't stopped yet?
11 Jun 2017, 12:07pm
GiyariI see the electronic phallic measuring competition hasn't stopped yet?

The great thing about electronic phalluses (phalli?) is that you can just collect more materials and PRNG again to try and make it bigger, though usually at the cost of girth and integrity.
11 Jun 2017, 12:47pm
And me without my electronic phallic measuring device, which is ironically also phallic looking.
11 Jun 2017, 1:24pm
My Phallus impudicus is 106.7 meters long
11 Jun 2017, 2:00pm
Very mature...

I'm not specifically having anyone involved in this situation in mind, but it's still very mature...
11 Jun 2017, 4:00pm
M.a.r.s.h.a.l.l.So will you guys be flying in Open so I can shoot you?  I'll be recording this time, so if the 12.5 show up I'll have some nice evidence.

First of all you have me on Discord when you are in our space just send me a DM i will leave everything I am doing and give you something to shoot at

Second of all Just like the Pal Con brought some of their friends we brought our own. Does it matter ? It was a fun PVP night.

Third, if you have any problems with the weapons they use then bring it up on the frontier forums and complain to the Devs, do you really think that people care if they were on a KOS list, it makes the game more fun and less boring.

The last thing you might want to think about what you said you didn't find anyone in Open.. maybe because of the timing. I dont know about you but most of us have jobs you know and families to feed and care for and in my case 2 babies and one on the way lol.  We cant all be glued to our ships(A Marshall reference).

Oh oh and if you want PVP and i am not around go to the nearest CG its quite lovely this time of the year.

Last edit: 11 Jun 2017, 4:10pm
12 Jun 2017, 12:15am

You and your pilots have put on a shameful show in Tavgi tonight. Firstly refusing to fight at all, wriggling on the interdiction hook, and constantly high waking. When they finally grew a pair and decided to fight, they died quickly. You yourself died running from the fight.

Congratulations, Ghost Legion o7
12 Jun 2017, 12:17am
Just kiss already... Jesus.
12 Jun 2017, 12:21am

You and your pilots have put on a shameful show in Tavgi tonight. Firstly refusing to fight at all, wriggling on the interdiction hook, and constantly high waking. When they finally grew a pair and decided to fight, they died quickly. You yourself died running from the fight.

Congratulations, Ghost Legion o7

HAHAHAHA why are you so Salty ?? I am not stupid to fight 6 players , however I will also add that the only one of you worth fighting is Andyzeelewis not you carebear.

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