Elite: Game talk

10 Aug 2017, 9:58pm
I just wanted to say i played elite on c64 with my dad 30 years ago , i got to press t for target and acted as spotter. I got xbox for this and am blown away, cancel life im saving fir a cobra...sorry fir personal post but i just got this badboy and am emotional. ...crusing around twin star...beautiful david Bowie is on the cd .... Eat my wake, thargoid suckers!
10 Aug 2017, 10:11pm
No offence to thargoid, trans_thargoid or unidentifying thars or goids re my last post .over and out
11 Aug 2017, 4:56am
hey guys. whats the best system for empire rank and smuggling missions rolled into one or 2 side by side systems? im looking for a sothis/ ceos situation for empire
11 Aug 2017, 9:01am
Vix Spardahey guys. whats the best system for empire rank and smuggling missions rolled into one or 2 side by side systems? im looking for a sothis/ ceos situation for empire

Quince ?
11 Aug 2017, 6:04pm
I just write my comments on the rolls of paper in the restrooms I visit. Want to take a guess what I call it?

If you guessed Header, you were right.
12 Aug 2017, 10:11pm
KupusI just wanted to say i played elite on c64 with my dad 30 years ago , i got to press t for target and acted as spotter. I got xbox for this and am blown away, cancel life im saving fir a cobra...sorry fir personal post but i just got this badboy and am emotional. ...crusing around twin star...beautiful david Bowie is on the cd .... Eat my wake, thargoid suckers!

13 Aug 2017, 12:17am
So question. My brother is looking to get a clipper, but he already has a multi-purpose python. I get that the game's mantra is that "it's the journey, not the destination," but neither of us really use ships outside of a practical need, so what's something my brother can use the ship for? He primarily mission runs but he is considering using the ship for PVE, specifically wing or multi-crew centered.

13 Aug 2017, 12:43am
Cartlidge1000So question. My brother is looking to get a clipper, but he already has a multi-purpose python. I get that the game's mantra is that "it's the journey, not the destination," but neither of us really use ships outside of a practical need, so what's something my brother can use the ship for? He primarily mission runs but he is considering using the ship for PVE, specifically wing or multi-crew centered.


There's not much of a practical reason to fly a Clipper when you already have a Python. It's less versitile and can't land on outposts. Unless he's shallow like I am and is all about looks, he's better off with the Python.
13 Aug 2017, 1:01am
Folks seem to have more fun in the Clipper than the Python for pure combat. So unless he's really gonna dive into that, I agree with Matt.
13 Aug 2017, 1:05am
I suspected as much. Our plan is to use it for wing/interceptor shenanigans. I personally don't know how it flies so any suggestions on fitting to that end?
13 Aug 2017, 1:06am
For pure combat, the Clipper is better. But if thats what he's after, a FAS/Gunboat/Vulture/Fer de Lance is more suited.
13 Aug 2017, 1:10am
I did suggest the vulture to him, but he just wants to fly the clipper specifically.
13 Aug 2017, 1:22am
Cartlidge1000I did suggest the vulture to him, but he just wants to fly the clipper specifically.

Well then... I wish him luck.
13 Aug 2017, 1:22am
In normal space a Clipper makes an excellent interceptor.  Big, fast, and can bring a ton of firepower to bear including a scary ram.  With Engineering, you're catching anything that isn't a dedicated speed build (Eagles, Couriers, Vipers, etc.)

I've heard the interdiction game is a little squirrelly, but I'm sure folks manage.
13 Aug 2017, 1:27am
Just don't buy a lemon Clipper from a shady dealer.

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