Elite: Game talk

24 Jul 2017, 5:28pm
Marra Morgan
TCalexso im new to piracy and wanted to know if it was a bug that NPC's can go right back into FSD practically right after i interdict them? i have just enough time to scan them, then they bail. is this an issue with the game? or something im doing wrong?

Yep it's a known issue and several bug reports with vids have been posted to Frontier!

Don't worry, you're not doing it wrong!

You'll just need to be quick with that scanner in the meantime. Although, the FSD bug only occurs with ships carrying certain equipment and certain cargo... if the NPC cheats on its FSD cooldown, its a pretty good bet that they are carrying that certain shiny cargo we covet, right?

okay good i was worried i was missing some kind of module to slow down FSD cool downs. Thanks a bunch!
24 Jul 2017, 8:26pm
NFC PhistoYup. Holding grudges is ok in Elite!

What platform do you play on? I'm on XBOX. We've got a lot of good groups. PC does, too. What do you like to do in the game?

Im on xbox. I really enjoy "power down the station" missions and bounty hunting. I mainly only trade for CG and engineers or to improve rep
24 Jul 2017, 8:58pm
Got any preference as far as the powers (Alliance, Federation, or Empire)? Most of the groups I'd recommend off the top of my head I general new player friendly, have leadership I like, and are heavy into BGS work (missions and the like, which are a great way to learn the game).

I'll PM you a couple recommendations.
25 Jul 2017, 2:19am
Lavigny's Legion is always recruiting.
28 Jul 2017, 9:29am
General Question, How do I get the MAT's to update for my CMDR? it looks like it has updated once before (Not sure How / Which App setting) But is no longer updating and I have no clue as to how I did it the first time

UPDATE: Disregard, I found it.

Last edit: 28 Jul 2017, 9:39am
28 Jul 2017, 2:26pm
A quick question

Is it worth keeping the pattern obelisk data
28 Jul 2017, 2:31pm
BilisknerA quick question

Is it worth keeping the pattern obelisk data

I recommend this forum post. It's updated by players. Hopefully you can find your answer there
28 Jul 2017, 8:41pm
BilisknerA quick question

Is it worth keeping the pattern obelisk data

I myself am keeping all my alien data. I have the feeling that it'll come in handy once 2.4 drops...
29 Jul 2017, 9:16am
I want to get back in the habit of importing the netlogs, it has been more than a year since I did these kinds of updates. Has anything changed? Thanks

Last edit: 29 Jul 2017, 9:24am
29 Jul 2017, 10:48pm
is there a group or anyone that can help make a logo for ur wing?
29 Jul 2017, 11:32pm
Hello i begin and i don t understand how to find meta alloy ?
Someone can explane me
30 Jul 2017, 12:57am
30 Jul 2017, 10:22pm
Hello. Can anyone tell me how to add character biography on Inara? I cannot figure it out : (

30 Jul 2017, 10:25pm
Right down here.

30 Jul 2017, 10:29pm
Thank you very much : )

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Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.
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What does belong here:
  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
  • Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
  • Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
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  • Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
  • Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.