Elite: Game talk

01 Aug 2017, 8:05pm
01 Aug 2017, 8:18pm
NFC PhistoBack grinding stimulation?

I regret nothing.

you forgot the image to fit with it.


01 Aug 2017, 8:42pm
The benevolant
NFC PhistoBack grinding stimulation?

I regret nothing.

you forgot the image to fit with it.


I approve of this post!
01 Aug 2017, 9:09pm
HappyComrieGo to church, folks...


only if it's the Church Of Satan

Last edit: 02 Aug 2017, 11:01am
01 Aug 2017, 9:12pm
The benevolant
HappyComrieGo to church, folks...


only if it's the Curch Of Satan

You misspelled Santa again.
01 Aug 2017, 9:25pm
The benevolant
HappyComrieGo to church, folks...


only if it's the Curch Of Satan

Curch is for those who believe only in Gd..
01 Aug 2017, 9:28pm
can we get a clean up on all the shit posts here?

It's becoming an eyesore, and difficult to weed out legitimate questions and concerns.
01 Aug 2017, 9:34pm
Stryker AuneArtie,
can we get a clean up on all the shit posts here?

It's becoming an eyesore, and difficult to weed out legitimate questions and concerns.

Shit, Kind of a good point, actually...
02 Aug 2017, 7:11am
Perhaps consider splitting the content?

There could be boards for:

- Game Questions
- Cliquey Ego Stroking
- Sarcastic Responses to Newbies

It might make some of the many quiet users return if they know where to go for the right content.
02 Aug 2017, 12:30pm
I still haven't figured out what this site is for and how it can be useful..

Any good long video tutorial on how this site is supposed to be used anywhere>?
02 Aug 2017, 1:06pm
SurinamI still haven't figured out what this site is for and how it can be useful..

Any good long video tutorial on how this site is supposed to be used anywhere>?

First it can serve as your commander diary with informations about achievements, notes, progress etc. Then are here information about engineers, systems, stations and factions which are linked together and allows find trading routes, ships, equipment and can be huge help for these involved into ED bgs (background simulation) .
02 Aug 2017, 1:07pm
SurinamI still haven't figured out what this site is for and how it can be useful..

Any good long video tutorial on how this site is supposed to be used anywhere>?

I'm not aware of a video tutorial. Anyone else?

Regarding the usefulness of the site, from my experience most folks use it for information. Is there something specific you're looking for, or need?
02 Aug 2017, 2:47pm
... Why would Inara have/need a video tutorial?
02 Aug 2017, 5:43pm
Ozmundo VasqualezPerhaps consider splitting the content?

There could be boards for:

- Game Questions
- Cliquey Ego Stroking
- Sarcastic Responses to Newbies

It might make some of the many quiet users return if they know where to go for the right content.

We have this. This forum is for the first. Introductions are for the last, and all the RP stuff is there for everything else.
02 Aug 2017, 5:58pm
SurinamI still haven't figured out what this site is for and how it can be useful..

Any good long video tutorial on how this site is supposed to be used anywhere>?

"Inara for Dummies"?

I personally use it thus:
1. Fora for discussion and a sense of playing a multi-player game -- without appreciating the humans behind the scenes, there's only the people you "friend" in-game, and this place helps coordinate and organize, and enrich, your interactions.
2. World-reference - market data and planning trade routes (I use other sites also), finding opportune trades and services (black markets, outfitting, profitable system states, etc) along the way to a destination, outfitting for particular modules, etc.
3. Amusement - the personalities on this site are a hoot some days. Sometimes posting a comment here is like farting right before you get off the elevator, and sometimes you check the posts, and the person who farted is no longer there, but you can tell by the faces of everyone still present what had just happened, and some are outraged or disgusted while others hope you don't think it was them that farted. It's a riot.

I DO NOT use the materials, cargo, credit tracking features. They're great, I'm sure, but this is not how I play the game so I'm not taking advantage of that. I haven't YET tried the new log tracking system for doing this - Artie making log uploads so easy might cause me to actually start tracking this stuff over time, but so far that's been too much like paying bills and balancing the checkbook to be "fun" for me.

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Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.
For the discussions about the community, other stuff related to the game like astrophysics and so on please use the General talk thread.

What does belong here:
  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
  • Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
  • Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
What does not belong here:
  • Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
  • Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.